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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


The fact that Colin at the very least hasn't gone to twitter to say "hey guys, cut it out with the I stand with Colin stuff" tells me everything I need to know about the guy. He's not sorry at all and he's an egomaniac who is feeding off this bullshit.

Why should he be sorry?
Yeah well there stems the problem, unrealistic expectations. They want more than what's reasonably capable of happening. Baby steps work, giant leaps do not.
But it isn't a giant leap!

Some people may think it is, either because of ignorance or prejudices but it isn't actually a big step.

Whenever news starts covering the latest 'pc culture gone mad' style controversy, the reasoning behind the call for or rule change to help prevent something negative in society is always given.

You may have biased news media spinning it into a negative to help push some agenda but if you use logic and actually listen to the reasoning and experiences of others it's clear why change is good for everyone who isn't a piece of shit who wants to see others suffer.
The fact that Colin at the very least hasn't gone to twitter to say "hey guys, cut it out with the I stand with Colin stuff" tells me everything I need to know about the guy. He's not sorry at all and he's an egomaniac who is feeding off this bullshit.

lol, is that really happening? That's as bad as people making a mountain of a molehill with it to begin with.


Are you serious? You said "he's not sorry at all" then some character assumption about him being an egomaniac.

If you had hordes of people saying I stand with jf doom over something like this and were a part of something bigger than yourself I would hope you would have the decency to tell those people to cut it out. What the hell else are we supposed to assume other than Colin is loving all the attention he is getting from this?


Are you serious? You said "he's not sorry at all" then some character assumption about him being an egomaniac.
Not acknowledging and trying to corral a large group of seemingly obsessed fans that are trolling and spamming his friends and colleagues and their business' content means one of two things:

- He doesn't care, which is selfish and shows how indifferent he is to how his actions affect others including those supposedly close to him.
- Or he enjoys getting his ego stroked.


If you had hordes of people saying I stand with jf doom over something like this and were a part of something bigger than yourself I would hope you would have the decency to tell those people to cut it out. What the hell else are we supposed to assume other than Colin is loving all the attention he is getting from this?

If they were going after a group of people who were disparaging my character calling me a sexist, racist, alt right, amongst other things I wouldn't particularity care to be honest with you. Was the joke funny...? Probably not. Has the outrage over it been completely out of hand? Absolutely.


Not acknowledging and trying to corral a large group of seemingly obsessed fans that are trolling and spamming his friends and colleagues and their business' content means one of two things:

- He doesn't care, which is selfish and shows how indifferent he is to how his actions affect others including those supposedly close to him.
- Or he enjoys getting his ego stroked.

The ones around him outside of Greg would still be producing second rate comedy bits on a video game website if it wasn't for him.
Well, if he still hasn't apologized after a bunch of people called him out for saying something tactless and only fanned the flames, I think it's safe to make that sort of assumption about his character.

Also the fact now that he has pulled out of making a public appearance because he can't even be bothered to deal with the repercussions in person says a lot.


The fact that Colin at the very least hasn't gone to twitter to say "hey guys, cut it out with the I stand with Colin stuff" tells me everything I need to know about the guy. He's not sorry at all and he's an egomaniac who is feeding off this bullshit.

So the new criticism of Colin is that he isn't coming out and publicly denouncing the people who support him, about an opinion he doesn't think is wrong?

Yea thats totally fair.
So the new criticism of Colin is that he isn't coming out and publicly denouncing the people who support him, about an opinion he doesn't think is wrong?

Yea thats totally fair.
When you have a growing amount of vocal fans calling Gregg and Tim snakes and back stabbers and how Colin should leave it might be best to nip it in the bud by saying something. Especially after Gregg made his statement.


The ones around him outside of Greg would still be producing second rate comedy bits on a video game website if it wasn't for him.
So... It's okay to harass people so long as the person I'm harassing them for at some point did something for the individuals I am now harassing?

Did you think about this post? Like, at all?


So... It's okay to harass people so long as the person I'm harassing them for at some point did something for the individuals I am now harassing?

Did you think about this post? Like, at all?

My statement is nowhere close to what you're trying to spin it to bub.


My statement is nowhere close to what you're trying to spin it to bub.

So what do you think about people not finding the joke funny = being humorless sacks of shit?

Because that's the real issue here

Are we all sacks of shit? Only those who tweeted him are sacks of shit? Are Tim & Greg, who didn't find the joke funny either, sacks of shit?

On Topic (lol, it really is),he said on the latest podcast that his next Colin was Right would be about Political Correctnes, so that will be fun...


Baby steps work, giant leaps do not.
"Baby steps" is doing things like replying to a shitty sexist joke on Twitter and saying, "hey I'm disappointed you felt the need to make a shitty sexist joke, especially today of all days."

"Giant leaps" is calling people who take those small steps sacks of shit.

D i Z

Why should he be sorry?

Maybe at least control the narrative so that his hoard isn't going after his friends (oh, they've been doing that since last year, nm) or his co-workers.

Not much here that is difficult to understand, even for a contrarian.


As someone who enjoys KindaFunny, I wish Colin would rein this shit in. I'm tired of so much of the KindaFunny discussion being about his twitter antics. Honestly, he's making the company look like shit in a way.


"Why should he take responsibility for the consequence of his actions?"

They said, regarding the self-proclaimed proud libertarian.


As someone who enjoys KindaFunny, I wish Colin would rein this shit in. I'm tired of so much of the KindaFunny discussion being about his twitter antics. Honestly, he's making the company look like shit in a way.

Worst part of it is: What's the fucking point? None of the shit he and KF has taken flak for has any value whatsoever.


As someone who enjoys KindaFunny, I wish Colin would rein this shit in. I'm tired of so much of the KindaFunny discussion being about his twitter antics. Honestly, he's making the company look like shit in a way.

I feel bad for Greg, Tim and nick, Collins not a employee but a part owner. Not much you can I'd unless you buy him out. They publicly said there not okay but other than that they are business partners so I don't think they can do much.
Never going to happen, nor should it. Of the group, Colin is the most knowledgable when it comes to video games. Tim's knowledge is piss poor.

I have never understood this notion that Colin is some kind of genius when it comes to knowing things about video games. Does playing Mega Man a lot when you were a child and occasionally repeating NPD numbers make you knowledgeable?

I see people say this a lot but what exactly is he so knowledgeable and insightful about when it comes to games? There are people like the guys on retronauts who quite literally have an encyclopedic knowledge about games. There are people who are extremely analytical about the health of the industry when things like the npd reports come out. KF generally avoids discussing too much about npd numbers. Nothing I've heard from KF or Colin has ever really struck me as anything much more than surface level commentary.
Colin is basically the Skip Bayless of video games. Constantly spews hot takes, and when he's challeneged on his opinion he just tries to scream louder. It was hilarious to see his video with Adam Boyes. Adam basically completely destroyed his whole "There's too many games on PSN! We need a curator!" argument in the first 5 minutes. Colin is about as knowledgable as you or I, he just happens to have a popular podcast.

So I guess on 9/11 if I go on twitter and post "Hey 3000 less fatcats on this planet they did us a favor amirite lol? #9/11Anniversary"

Or on Martin Luther King day tweet "Hey all lives matter though amirite lol #MLK #BLM"

I shouldn't get any negative criticism right or else I'm getting bullied by those horrible people?

Imagine if Greg, Tim or Nick tweeted a joke on 9/11 about firefighters dying in the attack. I'm sure Colin would find that perfectly fine, right lmao? Because it's just a joke and you can joke about anything and you have no right to get angry over it apparently. He certainly wouldn't get outraged at that. He's like the high school bully who picks on "weaker" kids constantly, and as soon as one of those kids strikes back he immediately runs to the principal with his tail between his legs.


I feel bad for Greg, Tim and nick, Collins not a employee but a part owner. Not much you can I'd unless you buy him out. They publicly said there not okay but other than that they are business partners so I don't think they can do much.
Colin has joked before on the Morning Show about wanting them to buy him out. It's probably not what he actually wants, but you just know that would give him a meteoric rise with a certain crowd.
Never going to happen, nor should it. Of the group, Colin is the most knowledgable when it comes to video games. Tim's knowledge is piss poor.

Colin's modern knowledge of video games is limited to consoles and can be boiled down to him memorizing Sony's first party studios and guessing on what they might be working on.


I feel bad for Greg, Tim and nick, Collins not a employee but a part owner. Not much you can I'd unless you buy him out. They publicly said there not okay but other than that they are business partners so I don't think they can do much.

Colin can burn KF to the ground and they can't do anything

D i Z

Imagine if Greg, Tim or Nick tweeted a joke on 9/11 about firefighters dying in the attack. I'm sure Colin would find that perfectly fine, right lmao? Because it's just a joke and you can joke about anything and you have no right to get angry over it apparently. He certainly wouldn't get outraged at that. He's like the high school bully who picks on "weaker" kids constantly, and as soon as one of those kids strikes back he immediately runs to the principal with his tail between his legs.

agreed but nm. not worth taking this to the next step.
He also cancelled going to PAX East, right? Sounds like a coward to me.

It's ironic because he recently called a gaming journalist that he was feuding with a "coward".


The hypocrisy of him calling out Bob as a coward for not coming to debate him but then pulling out of PAX is hilarious. Colin always preaches about how nobody would say shit to his face. How can anyone say anything to your face when you're hiding in your apartment and taking potshots at the guys you work with on Twitter? It's the definition of being a coward.
So I guess on 9/11 if I go on twitter and post "Hey 3000 less fatcats on this planet they did us a favor amirite lol? #9/11Anniversary"

Or on Martin Luther King day tweet "Hey all lives matter though amirite lol #MLK #BLM"

I shouldn't get any negative criticism right or else I'm getting bullied by those horrible people?

Wait.....am I missing something or are you comparing tweets about people dying to Colins tweet/joke about women?
The hypocrisy of him calling out Bob as a coward for not coming to debate him but then pulling out of PAX is hilarious. Colin always preaches about how nobody would say shit to his face. How can anyone say anything to your face when you're hiding in your apartment and taking potshots at the guys you work with on Twitter? It's the definition of being a coward.
Honestly. I don't know how anyone can take this guy's posturing seriously.

Wait.....am I missing something or are you comparing tweets about people dying to Colins tweet/joke about women?
You're missing something


The hypocrisy of him calling out Bob as a coward for not coming to debate him but then pulling out of PAX is hilarious. Colin always preaches about how nobody would say shit to his face. How can anyone say anything to your face when you're hiding in your apartment and taking potshots at the guys you work with on Twitter? It's the definition of being a coward.

I could name about a dozen game journos who called him out yesterday that he could have challenged to a debate but didn't for... reasons. Funny how Greg Miller also didn't use any of these people as an example of what happens when you criticize a KF guy by tacitly giving his 1 million+ followers the signal to attack. His hands are just as dirty.
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