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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


huh. i think the only thing that can top this is if steve bannon reaches out to him next
I think he would be flattered if Steve Bannon wanted to speak with him. I remember post election him saying things on the Gameovergreggy Show that were basically like, "People say he's a white supremacist but where's the proof. Sure places like NYTimes and Washington Post have reported examples of his racist behavior and statements and interviews with people who know he's a disturbing man, but I don't know who is credible anymore."

He's been falling down the rabbit hole for awhile and it's finally starting to more impact Kinda Funny and their programming in a more noticeable way.

D i Z

There is something absolutely perfect about Colin's destiny being becoming the male Tomi Lahren.

Conservatives want their talking points back. They just want to tone down the absolute crazy, but keep the core message and practice. They want the villainy without the labels.
Conservatives want their talking points back. They just want to tone down the absolute crazy, but keep the core message and practice. They want the villainy without the labels.

"Up next on the Moriarty Files, where's my White History Month? Oh that's right, I don't need one because I don't see color. Whose the real racist now?"
That thread was meant to show why Colin told Servo to "grow a pair of balls". In the same tweet he says that in, he also says that Servo was "tweeting and ignoring this". I cannot easily find those tweets because they are subtweets by Servo.

Also how did he "aggressively" challenge him to a debate? The challenge was respectful IMO, regardless of what you think about what he said after Servo refused to answer him.
It's aggressive because nothing Bob said in anyway prompted a debate. Colin aggressively went after him, immediately proposing that Bob put up 2k of his own money, in a debate that Colin had just made up and then went straight to calling him a coward when Bob didn't reply to an invitation that was completely unwarranted


It's aggressive because nothing Bob said in anyway prompted a debate. Colin aggressively went after him, immediately proposing that Bob put up 2k of his own money, in a debate that Colin had just made up and then went straight to calling him a coward when Bob didn't reply to an invitation that was completely unwarranted

sounds like a FCG money match lol

D i Z

I wonder what it looks like when the KF crew and their fans realize that all of the off-color and sometimes awful shit they have entertained has been working towards a higher level of output.


I agree with most of this, but Colin's intent has increasing become more and more obvious, which is why I think so many are hitting (or already hit) a breaking point. He quite obviously intentionally stirs up controversy (post-election tweets, this debacle on international women's day) with the intent to rile feathers, a desire to lose Patreon supporters, or to foster alt-right support within the KF camp.

Well that happened a lot faster than I thought it would.
Finally someone for Colin to debate with on the important issues...

huh. i think the only thing that can top this is if steve bannon reaches out to him next
Bannon: " Hey Donny! I think we found our new Czar of The Cyber!"
(To be fair Glenn Beck apparently loathes Donald Trump now and apparently came around on Obama. It's bizzaro. I guess that whole 1,000 years of darkness not happening changed his view of Obama)


It's aggressive because nothing Bob said in anyway prompted a debate. Colin aggressively went after him, immediately proposing that Bob put up 2k of his own money, in a debate that Colin had just made up and then went straight to calling him a coward when Bob didn't reply to an invitation that was completely unwarranted

Personally I think the tone of his offer was respectful, and Servo has been subtweeting about how much he hates him for a long time, so I really don't think there was anything wrong with asking the guy to debate. Imagine if you knew someone was talking shit behind your back repeatedly and one time you just go, "Hey, if you think I'm such a jerk, can we talk about why? And if a third party decides that you're right, I'll donate some money to charity."

The guy really could've said no thanks. Is that really unreasonable?

Ploid 3.0

I can't stop laughing at the turn of events. "It's just a joke people."

"Glen, you know they were just jokes and I don't really feel that way right?"


If Glenn Beck is agreeing with you it might be time to reevaluate what your belief system is.

No shock that Colin is falling all over himself to hero worship him.


Imagine if you knew someone was talking shit behind your back repeatedly and one time you just go, "Hey, if you think I'm such a jerk, can we talk about why? And if a third party decides that you're right, I'll donate some money to charity."

I wouldn't do that because that would be incredibly dumb.

And lord knows I love a debate.

My posting history on GAF is over a decade of a person loving a debate.

But "if you loathe me so much let's have a debate" is such an incredibly dumb non-sequitur that any reasonable person would accept it not being responded to. Of course, that's not how bullies react to someone not wanting to have anything to do with them; bullies escalate the situation and hide behind sycophants, calling folks who are now dealing with hundreds of harassing messages "chicken;" bullies respond by lashing out at anyone who tries to calm down the situation or tries to say they're acting out of line. No, what you did was point to Colin acting like a bully, by referencing a dispute that led to someone still being harassed to this day.
Personally I think the tone of his offer was respectful, and Servo has been subtweeting about how much he hates him for a long time, so I really don't think there was anything wrong with asking the guy to debate. Imagine if you knew someone was talking shit behind your back repeatedly and one time you just go, "Hey, if you think I'm such a jerk, can we talk about why? And if a third party decides that you're right, I'll donate some money to charity."

The guy really could've said no thanks. Is that really unreasonable?
It's like when a guy messages a girl politely and then when she doesn't reply he starts calling her a bitch. The initial contact could be polite but if that quickly spirals into abuse there is a chance that that's what was under the surface all along

Colin could have just left the invitation open and not resorted to saying he has no balls and is a coward. Is *that* really unreasonable?

If Colin can't handle criticism maybe he should rethink his position as a public figure
The only time I (this is Bob) can remember tweeting about Colin before the DEBATE ME fiasco was in 2013-ish when he made a rape joke on Twitter. But it's entirely possible that I tweeted about him at some point in the interim because he's a cartoonishly ignorant public figure who constantly spews intentionally inflammatory things.

And the reason I and most other members of the game press don't @ him directly is because HIS FANBASE HAS SOME OF THE WORST PEOPLE EVER IN IT.

So that's not what that poster meant? I'm honestly asking because if it was what I thought then that's beyond ridiculous. I understand Colin's tweet upset and offended people but you can't compare that to countless lives lost.

It's the context of making those jokes on those days


How the heck did you get a comparison between people dying to colin's jokes from my post Buggery? I mean those aren't even similar things. I even provided a second example with MLK day to emphasize inappropriate jokes especially on certain days.

D i Z

The only time I (this is Bob) can remember tweeting about Colin before the DEBATE ME fiasco was in 2013-ish when he made a rape joke on Twitter. But it's entirely possible that I tweeted about him at some point in the interim because he's a cartoonishly ignorant public figure who constantly spews intentionally inflammatory things.

And the reason I and most other members of the game press don't @ him directly is because HIS FANBASE HAS SOME OF THE WORST PEOPLE EVER IN IT.

Whatup Bob. That base is about to broaden exponentially. I hope you guys are ready for this.


The future where Colin is a Breitbart Editor/Contributor seems inevitable now. He's already defended Steve Bannon on the show before. Just drop the pretense already Colin.


Dang he's going to leave to form some kinda neo nazi gamer podcast now isn't he? He straight up retweeted that endorsement and someone talking about "triggered liberals".

Anyone still buying the "it's a joke he didn't mean it" bullshit?


That means a lot to a "nobody" like me who Greg Miller thinks is still trying to break into the game industry :)

As I said before that's their usual defensive response, they always treat others like nobodies cause only people with thousands of followers are allowed to speak and have a voice.


Which holds about as much weight as, "I have a black friend so I can't be racist."

There are people on this forum condemning others for who they voted for in this election. It can't go both ways. If it matters who you voted for in the 2016 election, it matters for 2008.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
There are people on this forum condemning others for who they voted for in this election. It can't go both ways. If it matters who you voted for in the 2016 election, it matters for 2008.

Voting for a lunatic racist bigot who literally doesn't know anything as opposed to a relatively normal smarmy politican means a bit more than that


There are people on this forum condemning others for who they voted for in this election. It can't go both ways. If it matters who you voted for in the 2016 election, it matters for 2008.
So what? I'm not one of them.

Plus what you're saying is basically what I said. Voting for Trump in 2016 doesn't mean you're a racist and voting for Obama in 2008 doesn't mean Colin is some kind of super open-minded political savant.
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