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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

Colin's anger toward FF7R doesn't even make any sense.

He completely ignored the very real point that the email Greg read brought up: most of the open-world games of today have to limit their scope in some capacity, such as with Witcher 3 when CDPR reused a lot of assets throughout the world. FF7's world is built to an extent that a lot of assets can't be recycled. A shitton of structures, textures, and environments need to be created from scratch and then used exactly once.

This is bull****. The scope of the game is whatever they want it to be, they're the ones making it! What is stopping them from making it in such a way that they re-use textures and assets? They could scale development to make it one game, and they are choosing not to. No one is forcing them to do anything. And yes, FFXV sounds like a lesser game when it can be on one disc but FF7 HAS to be on three because it's SO big.

Not to mention that we are grossly over-exaggerating how big FF7 is compared to other JRPGs, but I digress.


This is bull****. The scope of the game is whatever they want it to be, they're the ones making it! What is stopping them from making it in such a way that they re-use textures and assets? They could scale development to make it one game, and they are choosing not to. No one is forcing them to do anything. And yes, FFXV sounds like a lesser game when it can be on one disc but FF7 HAS to be on three because it's SO big.

Not to mention that we are grossly over-exaggerating how big FF7 is compared to other JRPGs, but I digress.

I don't want to chastise Colin because he's clearly going through some stuff but it's obvious why an FFVII remake couldn't reuse assets to the extent of today's full scale 3D RPGs. Most of those games confine themselves to one or two regions with subtle variety, whereas FFVII was an entire planet, with the deserts and arctic playing just as key a role to the story as the plains and forests. That's to say nothing about Midgar's sprawling hub, or even just the Shinra HQ building itself, which were substantial parts of the story and contained diverse environments within them. Of course they could dramatically alter the scope of the remake but at that point they'd be better off making a new game rather than the remake fans actually want.

FFVII utilized its technology and unique level design to make an enormous world which wouldn't have been possible with the tile set templates of 2D games up to that point. Expecting them to recreate it with fully rendered 3D assets is pure madness. The episodic structure makes sense and we should prepare ourselves for even bigger, yet totally understandable compromises.
This is bull****. The scope of the game is whatever they want it to be, they're the ones making it! What is stopping them from making it in such a way that they re-use textures and assets? They could scale development to make it one game, and they are choosing not to. No one is forcing them to do anything. And yes, FFXV sounds like a lesser game when it can be on one disc but FF7 HAS to be on three because it's SO big.

Not to mention that we are grossly over-exaggerating how big FF7 is compared to other JRPGs, but I digress.

They've already answered that. They want to cut as little corners as possible.


I really can't play games to get lost for a little bit and jump out. I have such bad OCD that wouldn't let me do that. Also I think that would be a waste of money.
FFVII was an entire planet, with the deserts and arctic playing just as key a role to the story as the plains and forests. That's to say nothing about Midgar's sprawling hub, or even just the Shinra HQ building itself, which were substantial parts of the story and contained diverse environments within them. Of course they could dramatically alter the scope of the remake but at that point they'd be better off making a new game rather than the remake fans actually want.

I really don't see how this is unique from 90% of JRPGs. Both from that era and this one.

They've already answered that. They want to cut as little corners as possible.

Of course they would say that. They don't want to spend the money to remake the whole game; they want to make money back as they go. It's basically Ground Zeroes again, they want to sell it sooner, and for more money.
Of course they would say that. They don't want to spend the money to remake the whole game; they want to make money back as they go. It's basically Ground Zeroes again, they want to sell it sooner, and for more money.

Well would you want them to reuse assets in a way that the original FFVII didn't so they could make it into one game? (aka cutting corners) I prefer the other option personally.

Ideally I would want them to take the time to put it all into one game without cutting corners. They are a huge company, but they aren't infinite, and they have a lot of projects in the works. If they had more of their employees available, I'd hope it'd be feasible to get it all remade into one thing. As it stands, they don't. That's one of the main reasons I was surprised this was announced when it was. I know a lot of people weren't expecting it to happen just because they had assumed they were too busy with literally everything else, (KH3, FFXV, Bravely Second, World of FF, Dragon Quest Builders, Dragon Quest Heroes 2, Dragon Quest XI, Star Ocean)

That's probably why they are getting a lot of outside help. Like with Cyberconnect for example. I think that's a very good thing considering their circumstances. I'm also happy with Cyberconnect working on it, because if the Naruto games are anything to go by, they are excellent with animations and visual effects. SE is still directing all of the important design decisions (well I assume about I don't see why it would be any other way).


Loving the GOTY content these guys are putting out. I have to say though, their constant bitching about certain games, like Axiom Verge, not being on Vita is really obnoxious. They aren't saying it in jest, they are for some reason truly baffled as to why some of these games (games often made my minuscule teams with minimal resources) aren't showing up on a console with a very limited player base. When you consider that a game like Axiom Verge would probably need to be cross buy anyway for PS4 owners, you have to wonder if it's really worth it for them.

I love that they champion the Vita as much as they do, but when it gets to the point of blaming a game's lack of Vita presence as their reason for not playing it, it gets a bit silly.
Loving the GOTY content these guys are putting out. I have to say though, their constant bitching about certain games, like Axiom Verge, not being on Vita is really obnoxious. They aren't saying it in jest, they are for some reason truly baffled as to why some of these games (games often made my minuscule teams with minimal resources) aren't showing up on a console with a very limited player base. When you consider that a game like Axiom Verge would probably need to be cross buy anyway for PS4 owners, you have to wonder if it's really worth it for them.

I love that they champion the Vita as much as they do, but when it gets to the point of blaming a game's lack of Vita presence as their reason for not playing it, it gets a bit silly.

I think it's more the fact that the devs announced the game saying it would be on both consoles and even though it is already out on the PS4, the Vita version is nowhere to be seen. What they say is true, you may as well not announce the Vita version at all, why get people that own the console excited with a promise that you may not be able to fulfill?
I think it's more the fact that the devs announced the game saying it would be on both consoles and even though it is already out on the PS4, the Vita version is nowhere to be seen. What they say is true, you may as well not announce the Vita version at all, why get people that own the console excited with a promise that you may not be able to fulfill?

This all the way. They have a right to be vocal about this issue, because Axiom Verge was announced for PS4 AND Vita, cross-buy, way back when. I bought it knowing I'd be able to play it on Vita, but it's been ~9 months, I've beaten it on PS4, and have no intention to play the Vita version. Exactly what's stated above, don't announce the game for Vita (ESPECIALLY cross-buy) if they can't release remotely close to each other.


I think it's more the fact that the devs announced the game saying it would be on both consoles and even though it is already out on the PS4, the Vita version is nowhere to be seen. What they say is true, you may as well not announce the Vita version at all, why get people that own the console excited with a promise that you may not be able to fulfill?

This all the way. They have a right to be vocal about this issue, because Axiom Verge was announced for PS4 AND Vita, cross-buy, way back when. I bought it knowing I'd be able to play it on Vita, but it's been ~9 months, I've beaten it on PS4, and have no intention to play the Vita version. Exactly what's stated above, don't announce the game for Vita (ESPECIALLY cross-buy) if they can't release remotely close to each other.

Yeah, I suppose that's fair. I'm sure there are business reasons behind the scenes that we don't know about though (meaning devs agree to do a Vita cross buy version to get promo space, but know full well they won't be able to make it upon release.

Still, it's fair to be annoyed when you were expecting them.


Loving the GOTY content these guys are putting out. I have to say though, their constant bitching about certain games, like Axiom Verge, not being on Vita is really obnoxious. They aren't saying it in jest, they are for some reason truly baffled as to why some of these games (games often made my minuscule teams with minimal resources) aren't showing up on a console with a very limited player base. When you consider that a game like Axiom Verge would probably need to be cross buy anyway for PS4 owners, you have to wonder if it's really worth it for them.

I love that they champion the Vita as much as they do, but when it gets to the point of blaming a game's lack of Vita presence as their reason for not playing it, it gets a bit silly.

Uhhhh, Axiom Verge *is* cross-buy and the vita version was delayed only shortly before release. We're 9-10 months past that date with little to no word there than cryptic "we need tech from Sony" talk. Their frustration is pretty justified.

Edit: Nevermind this was already addressed.


I think a big part of why Axiom Verge is taking so long to come to Vita is that it is made by only one person (Tom Happ)... So if there was one big issue porting it to Vita he has had to handle it completely by himself which would make it a lot harder and take much longer.


So I remember around E3 or so, one time that No Man's Sky was demoed, Colin speculated that some people at Sony must be lending a hand in development to the team, what's everyone think of this? Is it plausible that Sony's helping out in more ways than we're aware of (a la Shenmue 3).

Also, what's everyone think of Greg's VR bet on No Man's Sky? Does it launch with it?

Just trying to gauge Gaf's thoughts on these theories, apologies if I transcribed them inaccurately.
So I remember around E3 or so, one time that No Man's Sky was demoed, Colin speculated that some people at Sony must be lending a hand in development to the team, what's everyone think of this? Is it plausible that Sony's helping out in more ways than we're aware of (a la Shenmue 3).

Also, what's everyone think of Greg's VR bet on No Man's Sky? Does it launch with it?

Just trying to gauge Gaf's thoughts on these theories, apologies if I transcribed them inaccurately.

They would be wise to have it as a launch title for VR.
A lot of people are hyped for the game alone but combine this with VR and it becomes an instant reason to buy PS VR


So I remember around E3 or so, one time that No Man's Sky was demoed, Colin speculated that some people at Sony must be lending a hand in development to the team, what's everyone think of this? Is it plausible that Sony's helping out in more ways than we're aware of (a la Shenmue 3).

Also, what's everyone think of Greg's VR bet on No Man's Sky? Does it launch with it?

Just trying to gauge Gaf's thoughts on these theories, apologies if I transcribed them inaccurately.
Sony could be giving some funding for development but their mainly helping to promote it IMO. They have pushed it at so many of their conferences and events which probably means they have locked down permanent console exclusivity.

Greg is probably right about NMS and PSVR. It's possible Sony have been pushing the game so much for so long because they saw early on that it would be perfect for PSVR and a good fit to launch with it.


I would say it won't come to VR for two reasons. First, VR require high framerate and the game looks very taxing to run on high framerate. Second, with the current control scheme VR will only work when the player is flying a ship. Planet traversal with the current scheme will induce nausea in players. Greg and others predicting nms coming to VR are setting themselves for a huge disappointment.


If No Man's Sky is going to be a VR game, they are running out of opportunities to announce it. Seems like the sort of thing you want to get the word out about to get people excited for VR.


Colin thinks Horizon: Zero Dawn will come out in 2016. Greg isn't too sure about it. I'm on Team Colin.
I agree with Colin in a sense that I too used to have this unhealthy habit of making myself play games, just so I could say that I was educated on them, that I was a core gamer. Nowadays I can go weeks without playing, and it feels great. I too encourage those who find gaming a "chore" to try putting them down for a bit, and not feel sad or upset about it. I did it, and my love for games is still here.


Colin thinks Horizon: Zero Dawn will come out in 2016. Greg isn't too sure about it. I'm on Team Colin.

Haven't listened to this episode yet, still working through the Bombcast.

I'm more inclined to think a delay is coming, they technically haven't showed anything new since E3 iirc (Paris thing was show behind close doors as most of you probably know).

Too early to judge, but I think they'll announce a delay around spring and then show something new at E3.


Colin is a very nostalgic person, he is sounding like one of those old people saying everything in their time was better than now lol. Joking aside, I disagree with him regarding 2015 not being a good year. I thought this year was excellent and much better than 2014. I think the games that came out just doesn't interest Colin

I agree with Colin in a sense that I too used to have this unhealthy habit of making myself play games, just so I could say that I was educated on them, that I was a core gamer. Nowadays I can go weeks without playing, and it feels great. I too encourage those who find gaming a "chore" to try putting them down for a bit, and not feel sad or upset about it. I did it, and my love for games is still here.

I did it this year and took a couple of months off from games and it did wonders when I came back playing. Now I'm taking another few weeks off after playing a lot this holiday period.


Neo Member
Colin should change his name from Colin Moriarty to Colin "I will not be a slave to games" Moriarty. Thug life beckons. xD

But in all seriousness, good to see Colin back after the holidays all energised. You could see him having loads of fun in the latest episode.
I did it this year and took a couple of months off from games and it did wonders when I came back playing. Now I'm taking another few weeks off after playing a lot this holiday period.

Gaming really is the only hobby of mine in which I did this. Buying everything, having to play everything, thinking back I sorta wish I hadn't spent as much money as I did, 9/10 I never even beat those games that I bought. As I get older I rather enjoy being in the company of people, being more active, and enjoying my other hobbies, which in return makes me a happier person. Colin is right, and maybe the reason why he feels so energized these days is precisely because of that.
Colin should change his name from Colin Moriarty to Colin "I will not be a slave to games" Moriarty. Thug life beckons. xD

But in all seriousness, good to see Colin back after the holidays all energised. You could see him having loads of fun in the latest episode.

Well, he had just broken up with his long-term girlfriend, someone he's known since high-school. He said on the stream yesterday that his new found energy could be a future GameOverGreggy Show topic.
Well, he had just broken up with his long-term girlfriend, someone he's known since high-school. He said on the stream yesterday that his new found energy could be a future GameOverGreggy Show topic.

Ah that explains why he was down for a few of the episodes. Poor guy, he seemed to be a lot better after the holidays


Well, he had just broken up with his long-term girlfriend, someone he's known since high-school. He said on the stream yesterday that his new found energy could be a future GameOverGreggy Show topic.

Ahh shit didn't know this.

I agree he looked way more chipper in this episode which is great to see.
I disagreed with their latest episode I think this is the best years of gaming and I think it's expected that every new gen will be the best gen. I think there is too much nostalgic when talking about games, I don't see how Mario 3 is the golden standard for a game. It runs well (Collin's argument) because it isn't a complex game.
Well, he had just broken up with his long-term girlfriend, someone he's known since high-school. He said on the stream yesterday that his new found energy could be a future GameOverGreggy Show topic.

Whilst I'm glad that he has come back rejuvenated I'm surprised he's feeling rejuvenated. After such a long-term relationship it takes some people nearly a year to get past it. I know that I've struggled these past months after breaking up with my girlfriend of two years.


Colin is a very nostalgic person, he is sounding like one of those old people saying everything in their time was better than now lol.

The big issue with his point is that it's not really fair to consider 2015 against every video game created prior to 2015.

"Super Mario 3 is better than anything created in 2015" - well, yes and no - it does have its merits and has stood the test of time but let's not wholly discount what's going on right now. Witcher 3 is an all-timer action RPG - in ten years it'll still going to be looked upon fondly that much is certain. I won't predict 30+ years down the line like Mario 3. But comparing 2015 to hand picked all-time greats from the past 30+ years isn't really fair. That's like saying music in 2015 isn't as good as in the past. Well, no shit? You can hand pick gems from every year - there's a ton of garbage that goes along with those gems too, just like anything else.
Well, he had just broken up with his long-term girlfriend, someone he's known since high-school. He said on the stream yesterday that his new found energy could be a future GameOverGreggy Show topic.
I didnt know Colin broke up with his girlfriend, sad to hear that for him.

I have to say though, im not surprised too much. They were joking a little while back about Colin wanting to live in a bunker on his own and someone mentioned that he only spent the weekends with his gf and he was like "Yeah and that’s enough…trust me" or somehting along those lines.

Hope things get better for him though, although part of me suspects he will enjoy the extra time alone :)
I didnt know Colin broke up with his girlfriend, sad to hear that for him.

I have to say though, im not surprised too much. They were joking a little while back about Colin wanting to live in a bunker on his own and someone mentioned that he only spent the weekends with his gf and he was like "Yeah and that’s enough…trust me" or somehting along those lines.

Hope things get better for him though, although part of me suspects he will enjoy the extra time alone :)

When she moved out, I had a feeling it would happen eventually. Also, on a side note (I don't anticipate the same result happening here), but Kristine (Greg's girlfriend) took a job in Los Angeles. During the big stream, she tweeted how sad she was to see Greg send Porty to bed and would allow Porty to stay up past his bedtime if he was in LA with her. So, it appears that the apartment, for the time being, will just be Greg and Colin.

Having played 15 hours or so, Mad Max is the secret best game of 2015. ;)

Having not played it, I can't comment if it's good or not, but I do have to wonder if the game was treated unfairly by the gaming press. The thing is, Mad Max is an open world game that released on September 1st, 2015. Another bigger, much more hyped open world game released on September 1st, 2015: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I have to wonder if some of the hate Mad Max got was due to burnout on reviewers due to MGSV coverage. An open world game was probably the last thing they wanted to see. Also, I have to wonder if some were bummed that there were no ties to the movie that came out earlier in the year (which I still haven't seen). Maybe the game's good, maybe it's not. I just have a feeling that the game could be looked upon more favorably now than it was treated at release.
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