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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

This is important. Scalia was controversial for a few key reasons. Trying to make him seem heroic in the opening moments of a video game themed podcast was, again, questionable.

Colin also went out of his way to say he disagreed with Scalia's stance on marriage equality and abortion. I don't think he tried to make him out to be a hero, just tribute to a man he saw as a defender of the Constitution. You may disagree with his politics but his brief segment on Scalia didn't seem abrasive to me at all.
I don't typically get involved with political arguments, but as for Colin's comments, I don't have a problem with them. He was just echoing a Kotaku article (http://kotaku.com/antonin-scalias-landmark-defense-of-violent-video-games-1758990360). Yes, Scalia was very controversial (and even Colin said he did not agree with a lot of his beliefs, especially when it comes to social issues), but he did play a role in the video game battle in California. I think the reason Colin brought it up was the fact the he is one of the few in the video games industry that could talk with confidence and knowledge about the subject. As for his condemnation about people celebrating his death, I can see both side of the subject. Personally (and I don't even know how this could be accomplished), I think the government should add term limits to the Justices. Maybe it shouldn't be a lifetime appointment.


That's just factually incorrect. Colin went out of his way to talk about the response to Scalia's death and call out people he perceives as cowards. It wasn't just a brief mention of that one case, sorry.

Scalia's ties to video games are the thinnest imaginable. The vote brought up in the opening of the podcast was a 7:2 one, not exactly a "12 Angry Men" level situation, and seemed to be done just for venting purposes on the podcast.

You can label me an over reactor if that helps reduce any criticism I had with the segment. I'm not exactly pushing for a boycott as much as I'm pointing out how weird it was to listen to. There's a reason Colin himself gave pause and mentioned he knew some people wouldn't have been happy about him breaching the subject. There's no need to label any criticism of the talking point as hyperbolic if you're trying to be an adult here.

This is important. Scalia was controversial for a few key reasons. Trying to make him seem heroic in the opening moments of a video game themed podcast was, again, questionable.

People cheering for the death of someone for not sharing their opinions is inctrdibly problematic and needs to be addressed if younger generations can mature to assume the mantle of politics. Colin did so tastefully, not by painting him as heroic, but illustrating the dimensions his legacy in a relevant way.

It's unfair to say Scalia's ties to gaming are the thinnest imaginable. He didn't just vote on the matter - he wrote the majority opinion, the precedent and principles that become the law of the land. Even if his clerks handled most of it, we discussed above why Scalia was best equipped to oversee its authorship.

There are only so many landmark Supreme Court decisions in gaming. How can we not honor their architects upon their passing?


Yeah that's my question. I would love if these podcasts got a new thread each episode. A lot more people here would probably get into them if that were the case.

Those threads run much deeper than just a love for a podcast, they stem for our general love for Giant Bomb in general. There's no real other gaming site/publication/whatever that has a similar fan base on Gaf as Giant Bomb.

Why is it that each episode of the giant bombcast gets its own thread but episodes for this don't?

Yeah that's my question. I would love if these podcasts got a new thread each episode. A lot more people here would probably get into them if that were the case.



Neo Member
People cheering for the death of someone for not sharing their opinions is inctrdibly problematic and needs to be addressed.

Amen, this is spot on. Diversity makes us stronger and no one should be discouraged from expressing an opinion. You can disagree with an argument but never disparage the act of expressing an opinion.
Where can I download this podcast?

If you want the audio podcasts, it seems your question has been answered in the posts above this. However, if you are interested in the video versions, each week I edit them into the original post. Personally, I think all of Kinda Funny podcasts should be watched instead of listened to if possible.


Something oddly refreshing when a big gaming podcast like this enjoys collecting trophies. So tired of other podcasts where they complain about how pointless it is. TROPHY WHORES UNITE
Something oddly refreshing when a big gaming podcast like this enjoys collecting trophies. So tired of other podcasts where they complain about how pointless it is. TROPHY WHORES UNITE

I'm always down for trophy talk. I even miss the days when Colin and Greg were hyper-obsessive with getting anything and everything. Greg said he would go vegan for a month and I believe said he would pay five bucks for a gold (might've been just one buck) back on Beyond. It was a bit sad, but in an entertaining way.
Something oddly refreshing when a big gaming podcast like this enjoys collecting trophies. So tired of other podcasts where they complain about how pointless it is. TROPHY WHORES UNITE

Too bad you weren't around when they were doing the Great Trophy War when they were at IGN. They went so deep that they platinumed a Hannah Montana game to stay ahead. And when Shuhei Yoshida asked them what an easy plat was, they sent him that game.... and he platinumed it!
Too bad you weren't around when they were doing the Great Trophy War when they were at IGN. They went so deep that they platinumed a Hannah Montana game to stay ahead. And when Shuhei Yoshida asked them what an easy plat was, they sent him that game.... and he platinumed it!

I'm ashamed to say I bought Aabs Animals on Vita because Greg made a video showing how to get like 5 gold trophies in 5 minutes for doing nothing

I held off on buying it on PS3 though!


There are only so many landmark Supreme Court decisions in gaming. How can we not honor their architects upon their passing?

Because the guy was a repugnant ass hat? Because he actively used his power to curtail the rights of some of my fellow citizens, because he was a nothing but an obstacle to real progress in our country.

And because ALL of those things are more important than video games.


Too bad you weren't around when they were doing the Great Trophy War when they were at IGN. They went so deep that they platinumed a Hannah Montana game to stay ahead. And when Shuhei Yoshida asked them what an easy plat was, they sent him that game.... and he platinumed it!

dammit Shu!


Senior Analyst, Fanboy Drivel Research Partners LLC
Because the guy was a repugnant ass hat? Because he actively used his power to curtail the rights of some of my fellow citizens, because he was a nothing but an obstacle to real progress in our country.

I just listened to New Yorker magazine's Politics and More podcast, and it was mentioned there that even though Scalia was a supporter of literal interpretation of the constitution, he did have a political agenda, which was clearly visible in the decision on Bush vs Gore. So he was instrumental in Bush becoming president and has a partial responsibility in all the nasty consequences.

But I wasn't the least bit bothered with him being mentioned in the podcast. Hell, the short discussion was relevant to gaming regardless of mine or anybody else's opinion of Scalia as a person.


I'm ashamed to say I bought Aabs Animals on Vita because Greg made a video showing how to get like 5 gold trophies in 5 minutes for doing nothing

I held off on buying it on PS3 though!

Lol, I got that "game" (only in quotes because I don't think the game has any interaction at all) as well for PS3. I specifically wanted 5 trophies so I could have a certain platinum trophy be at a certain place in my record. I think it was my 2000th trophy. But I'm weird with numbers like that sometimes.


Good grief...some of you all seem to be looking for any reason to shit on this podcast. A mention of Scalia automatically makes this a political agenda-move on Colin's end? wtf...


Gold Member
To touch on what Colin said about digital versus physical, he is definitely right about how in gaming, we tend to act like we are impervious to the change all other forms of entertainment have seen.

I used to be so adamant to not want digital. Then Steam came around, and over the past 10+ years, it conditioned me to accept it. The convenience was very much appealing. The games install so fast off the disc in mere seconds which is also nice. Steam has a nice back-up option, but I do not see that ever coming to consoles due to piracy and having to include a writeable drive. I am wanting to now lean towards digital in consoles, because it is nice to hot swap into another game on the fly. Only issue I have is the sales/deals and for now storage.

Example, I just did in-store pickup for when I got out of work for Shadow Warrior on the PS4. They had in on clearance for $8.99 ($7.19 with GCU, lol). I also have Amazon sending me Alien Isolation for $15. So when I see that, it is hard to pass up physical still, and I also like to own physical versions of their core First Party Franchises or instant classics as a 'collector's' thing. I do not sell games anymore, just as Colin said. I have not sold games in almost 20 years.

They (the online stores, PSN/XBLive) are definitely getting better every year with sales, and storage is a slight concern (have yet to upgrade HDD, because I may wait and get the new UC4 PS4 and do it then). Fingers crossed for PS4 to adopt USB HDD gaming.
Too bad you weren't around when they were doing the Great Trophy War when they were at IGN. They went so deep that they platinumed a Hannah Montana game to stay ahead. And when Shuhei Yoshida asked them what an easy plat was, they sent him that game.... and he platinumed it!

Man if you look at Shu's trophy list it's like mini performance art. He's only got 2 Platinums, Hannah Montanna and Bloodborne lol.
I'm a fan of digital, but I didn't like how Colin and Greg went about arguing for it on the podcast. Just delete your games? This presents two very big problems: one, having to redownload a game if you want to play something you haven't in a while and waiting for the 15 min. - couple hours of DL time is 100x more inconvenient than getting up to switch disks ever was. Two, bandwith caps. My three roommates and I are on a 450 GB cap that I on some months struggle to keep us under because they love to binge shitty shows on Netflix. So I wince every time I so much as have to download something as small as 10 GB I wince, let alone redownloading huge games all the time.

I like digital, but C&G's arguments for it were excessive and made it seem like they didn't know what they were talking about, or at the very least were not thinking about all sides of the argument.


Gold Member
I'm a fan of digital, but I didn't like how Colin and Greg went about arguing for it on the podcast. Just delete your games? This presents two very big problems: one, having to redownload a game if you want to play something you haven't in a while and waiting for the 15-couple hours of DL time is 100x more inconvenient than getting up to switch disks ever was. Two, bandwith caps. My three roommates and I are on a 450 GB cap that I on some months struggle to keep us under because they love to binge shitty shows on Netflix. So I wince every time I so much as have to download something as small as 10 GB, let alone redownloading huge games all the time.

I like digital, but C&G's arguments for it were excessive and made it seem like they didn't know what they were talking about, or at the very least were not thinking about all sides of the argument.

I can agree completely with this.

I wish there was a way to back up to a disc like Steam. Or if they never allow USB HDD play, the ability to back up games individually to external storage with an option to 're-install'.

I was also confused to his comment on the saves no longer being there on the console when they upload to the cloud. Anyone else have to replay that comment 2-3 times?
I like digital, but C&G's arguments for it were excessive and made it seem like they didn't know what they were talking about, or at the very least were not thinking about all sides of the argument.

It just seems like there's A LOT of these comments lately. It's too bad to see because in the IGN days they were so knowledgable.


Anyone else think that C&G's view on the value proposition of games (ie. what would you expect from a $20, $40, $60 game) or their view on the debate of physical vs. digital could be skewed because they are used to receiving 'codes' from developers and therefore not having to pay for all the games they play?

I know they likely still pay for a fair amount of their games, as I notice them playing some pretty obscure stuff sometimes, but it's plausible their opinion on the value of being able to trade in physical copies of games or what they expect out of a $60 game could change if they were paying for 100% of their games?

Just food for thought,
I'm a fan of digital, but I didn't like how Colin and Greg went about arguing for it on the podcast. Just delete your games? This presents two very big problems: one, having to redownload a game if you want to play something you haven't in a while and waiting for the 15 min. - couple hours of DL time is 100x more inconvenient than getting up to switch disks ever was. Two, bandwith caps. My three roommates and I are on a 450 GB cap that I on some months struggle to keep us under because they love to binge shitty shows on Netflix. So I wince every time I so much as have to download something as small as 10 GB I wince, let alone redownloading huge games all the time.

I like digital, but C&G's arguments for it were excessive and made it seem like they didn't know what they were talking about, or at the very least were not thinking about all sides of the argument.

I seriously hope the next PS4 update allows for external drive support for game installs. If it did, I would use an external drive for the disc installs and the internal for the digital games.
Anyone else think that C&G's view on the value proposition of games (ie. what would you expect from a $20, $40, $60 game) or their view on the debate of physical vs. digital could be skewed because they are used to receiving 'codes' from developers and therefore not having to pay for all the games they play?

I know they likely still pay for a fair amount of their games, as I notice them playing some pretty obscure stuff sometimes, but it's plausible their opinion on the value of being able to trade in physical copies of games or what they expect out of a $60 game could change if they were paying for 100% of their games?

Just food for thought,

I've always gotten the impression that they're generally pretty mindful of what the majority of people go through in terms of budgeting, evaluating based on content, and selling games. Maybe I'm not the best person to judge since I'm a heavy believer in that the value of games come from the quality of their design and next to nothing from amount of content/playtime, but it just seems to me they do their best to put themselves in people's shoes. They grew up like us after all. They didn't pop out of their mothers with download codes for The Order.

I can agree completely with this.

I wish there was a way to back up to a disc like Steam. Or if they never allow USB HDD play, the ability to back up games individually to external storage with an option to 're-install'.

I was also confused to his comment on the saves no longer being there on the console when they upload to the cloud. Anyone else have to replay that comment 2-3 times?

Yeah, #ColinWasWrong. He was saying locally stored save date gets deleted along with a game, but that is incorrect. If a game is deleted on PS4, save data is retained, both on the system and in the cloud. Essentially, he presumed it works like the Vita, but that's not the case.
I seriously hope the next PS4 update allows for external drive support for game installs. If it did, I would use an external drive for the disc installs and the internal for the digital games.

I have a 2TB HDD in my ps4 and being able to install games on an external drive has been the feature I personally want the most from a future ps4 update.
I have a 2TB HDD in my ps4 and being able to install games on an external drive has been the feature I personally want the most from a future ps4 update.

Yeah, if they did that, it would have a total storage advantage over XB1. Right now, XB1 has external drive support (PS4 can only use one as a backup utility), whereas PS4 give users the ability to easily upgrade the internal drive (doing so on XB1 requires the warranty seal to be broken, thus voiding the console's warranty). Having both full external and internal drive support on PS4 would be amazing.


Gold Member
Yeah, #ColinWasWrong. He was saying locally stored save date gets deleted along with a game, but that is incorrect. If a game is deleted on PS4, save data is retained, both on the system and in the cloud. Essentially, he presumed it works like the Vita, but that's not the case.

Ah yes, that is what it was. Thankfully it is not like the Vita.

I have a 2TB HDD in my ps4 and being able to install games on an external drive has been the feature I personally want the most from a future ps4 update.

My numero uno update I want as well.
I've always gotten the impression that they're generally pretty mindful of what the majority of people go through in terms of budgeting, evaluating based on content, and selling games. Maybe I'm not the best person to judge since I'm a heavy believer in that the value of games come from the quality of their design and next to nothing from amount of content/playtime, but it just seems to me they do their best to put themselves in people's shoes. They grew up like us after all. They didn't pop out of their mothers with download codes for The Order.

Yeah, #ColinWasWrong. He was saying locally stored save date gets deleted along with a game, but that is incorrect. If a game is deleted on PS4, save data is retained, both on the system and in the cloud. Essentially, he presumed it works like the Vita, but that's not the case.

I wish we were given an option to do the same with patches. Sometimes, to make quick space, I'll delete a disc install. I would much rather delete a disk than a downloaded game, as disc installs are quite fast. However, whenever you delete any game (disc or digital) and then get it back, you have to download patches again as well. So, I wish they gave us an option to delete a game, but not the patches we downloaded in case you plan on reinstalling/downloaded that game.
Just watched the latest episode and I have to agree with some people on Colin about Scalia. His ties with gaming doesn't change the fact that he was a hateful man that considered others as inferior, so excuse me if I say that I'm not sympathetic of the man's death. You can respect a position or title without respecting the man in it.

I'm personally getting tired of Colin's political discussion (not particularly this one own its own but all of them) where no one disagrees or challenges him; it's kind of funny that I saw comments saying "Please Colin have your own show where you talk politics" but I rather hear him actually explain party affiliation since he mentions how he is opposed to some key Republican pushes (gay rights, abortion, etc.) but then I wonder what about him makes him a Republican or Conservative? You want small government but your party suggests things that are very invasive especially when it goes against Christianity (excluding eating shellfish, multiblend fabric, etc.).

I said my peace, that part really bugged me and felt forced. I'm tired of criticism for him getting thrown out by saying "he is a contrarian" that just sounds like a clever way of saying douche.
Anyone else think that C&G's view on the value proposition of games (ie. what would you expect from a $20, $40, $60 game) or their view on the debate of physical vs. digital could be skewed because they are used to receiving 'codes' from developers and therefore not having to pay for all the games they play?

I know they likely still pay for a fair amount of their games, as I notice them playing some pretty obscure stuff sometimes, but it's plausible their opinion on the value of being able to trade in physical copies of games or what they expect out of a $60 game could change if they were paying for 100% of their games?

Just food for thought,

I don't know. I would still buy games just to collect them, really. Especially special editions or anything like that. Any game that I can't get my hands on for some reason, I tend to look for a strategy guide.
I like digital, but C&G's arguments for it were excessive and made it seem like they didn't know what they were talking about, or at the very least were not thinking about all sides of the argument.

I think what we are seeing here is a bias based on the internet connection they have available to them. They have said a few times that they are aware that not everyone has the blazingly fast/no caps connection that they have, but I think they don't understand how RARE that is.

I personally don't have any caps, and don't really know of any here in the States. But the best speed I can manage in my rural town within a reasonable budget is just not fast enough to go all digital. And even then it's still faster than some people I'm friends with. There are quite a number of areas in my state (Vermont) that are still on dial-up as their only internet connection available.

So I think they acknowledge that the infrastructure is not there yet, but I don't think they have a realistic idea as to how far behind it actually is and how long it would take to get it to the point that going all digital so you can just "delete and download whenevs". Much, much, MUCH longer than just 10 years, I can guarantee you that.
I'm personally getting tired of Colin's political discussion (not particularly this one own its own but all of them) where no one disagrees or challenges him; it's kind of funny that I saw comments saying "Please Colin have your own show where you talk politics" but I rather hear him actually explain party affiliation since he mentions how he is opposed to some key Republican pushes (gay rights, abortion, etc.) but then I wonder what about him makes him a Republican or Conservative? You want small government but your party suggests things that are very invasive especially when it goes against Christianity (excluding eating shellfish, multiblend fabric, etc.).

It's a bit dated (from just before the 2012 election), but here's a video of Colin explaining why he is a Republican, even though he disagrees with the Republican party platform on most social issues:



It's a bit dated (from just before the 2012 election), but here's a video of Colin explaining why he is a Republican, even though he disagrees with the Republican party platform on most social issues:


Pretty interesting, thanks. Curious what he thinks of Trump and Cruz.

Anyway last week's episode was good. Glad they've moved past the passive aggressiveness of the wings bs too.
Pretty interesting, thanks. Curious what he thinks of Trump and Cruz.

Anyway last week's episode was good. Glad they've moved past the passive aggressiveness of the wings bs too.

He's gone on record as saying he hates them both. Called them blowhards, if I recall.
If people are annoyed with stuff Colin says, it's because he's purposefully acting as a shit disturber to a degree. His "as a successful adult who gets free game codes I just don't get why anyone would want physical games, accept your future, kiddies!" schtick is annoying. Especially after how hard console gamers fought to keep physical at the start of this generation.

Digital has literally two advantages. You don't have to go to a store, and you don't have to stand up to swap discs. In exchange for these minor conveniences, you are foolishly giving up hundreds of dollars a year if you're just deleting them off your hard drive when you're done. This is not being a successful adult, this is being a guy who's going to hate himself when he has kids or when retirement rolls around.
Who does he support right now/who DID he support?

Dunno. I think he likeed some of what Rubio was saying. Not sure. He posted some lengthy review of one of the debates a while back in which he went through each candidate on his Facebook page. All I know is he absolutely shredded Trump and Cruz to pieces in that post.

Edit- https://www.facebook.com/appealtoheaven/posts/10102425611651619

I think the thing about him ripping Trump and Cruz was actually a Twitter post, as well as his support (If I'm recalling correctly) for Rubio. Everything is blending together.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Oh heck no!

I been an advocate of the PS Vita since Day 1! I bought the PS Vita 1000 model on launch and the PS Vita 2000 on launch.My PS Vita Collection easily eclipses my PS3 and PS4 Collection combined and I still have more PS Vita games to look forward to than on PS4.

There are games I want to play but I refuse to buy simply because I'm waiting on a PS Vita version I was promised (Axiom Verge, Tales from the Borderlands etc.) and if there's a multiplatform game that has a PS Vita version available I will always buy the PS Vita version even while knowing that I'm buying the inferior version of the game.

So no Colin and Greg I'm not a contributer to the PS Vita's downfall.
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