Disagree 100% with Colin regards to digital.
Games will NOT be cheaper if there's no more disc based games for one simple reason - there's no other options so you either A) buy the game for $60 or B) don't buy the game at all. Publishers are NOT going to give any consumer a damn thing. Colin's idea that a publisher will lower the price of their games to $50 which would then make other publishers follow suit is a dream and a fantasy. All the publishers will have a behind closed doors agreement with each other to keep all the games at $60 (or increase them).
The publishers don't give the consumers anything now WITH an alternative in disc based games so no way in hell would they give us anything when we have no choice whatsoever. Disc based games will always be cheaper.
Hell, you can go on the PlayStation Store right now and see that an almost two year old game The Evil Within is $60 digitally yet in stores, it's $20. But yeah, the publishers will definitely make games cheaper with no other alternatives. LOL. Good luck with that.
Digital games would have to be $30 for me to commit and even then, my purchases would be less than what they are now. Any trade in value would be non-existent and even if they do give you credit for the license, what would it be? $5? No thanks.
Look at Madden from EA. Can anyone honestly say that the game is so far better since 2004? I can't and that's because without competition, they simply don't give a damn because they know that if you want to play the game, you have no other options and no other choices. All digital would be the same thing.
There's so many other reasons I could post that I could write a book but instead, I'll just add this little tidbit that Colin and Greg don't mention at all in the debate. They both get all the games for FREE. Hell, even Colin asked for a code for that Vita and was given one. If I was getting every single game I wanted for FREE, I would go all digital too since money would be of no concern. But I don't and since im not a collector, there's no reason for me to buy games digitally.
All digital gaming will lower the sales even more than what they are now for games because instead of buying, trading and then buying another game, you're basically stuck with the game. And no, I don't see any of them giving you refunds ala Steam. Hell, they don't give you refunds and ban you if you have your account hacked.
I do believe that gaming will be all digital eventually but in no way, shape or form will any of the publishers including Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo give you any sort of discount or sale. And at launch? $60 please. LOL.
Steam has way more sales and cheaper prices but the games don't sell anywhere near as good as they do on consoles. Not only that but the majority of games are crap and cheap as hell because of that. And they're old games. And buggy as all hell.
In summary, FUCK DIGITAL.