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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


Oh boy, I take this new episode is gonna be interesting to watch.

Honestly, not being a tech guy and not interesed in looks rather than performance, Sony did a lousy job to inform ignorant people like me, how is the Pro going to make my gaming experience smoother, not prettier.

100 bucks is 100 bucks and I'm making my move into the Slim holiday bundles unless they turned it around with their message to the consumers.

Sony does not care if you buy the slim over the pro. They want you in their ecosystem. I would not be surprised if the slim has betrer margins.
I've been sticking up for PSILY even when I'm in strong disagreement with them. But, Colin, you're pushing it now. I have not always been an enthusiast, I can speak clearly from both sides, and Ps4 Pro is not some weird obscure unnecessary thing. Just because it's not for everyone, doesn't mean it's not valuable. It's like you guys aren't looking at the price, it's a much more powerful PS4 while still being affordable. It will improve your games on a 1080p set, more importantly in the later years of the gen, it won't look like some dinosaur technology because it will work with 4K sets as well, it will support HDR, and it will have the capabilities to make games that don't look crappy compared to PC, even when PS5 is knocking on the door. Pro is essentially extending the life of the PS4 generation, i figure you would be happy with that?

The pro is NOT a big deal, we can agree there, you don't have to upgrade, but if you do, it's not some crazy investment either. You realize most people will get $120-$200 bucks off the pro by just trading in? Who wants that you say? What's the purpose in getting an IPhone 7 when you have a 6+? That's your answer.

It's just a better PS4 man...that's not confusing to average gamers, especially when games like Horizon and GTS come out and show it off more.

The PSM was weak, but honestly, you guys should inform yourself a bit more if you were absolutely lost at the conference. I can't build my own PC or anything like that, but Mark broke down what the system is for and capable of, and why HDR and 4K is important very clearly. A huge take away I got from the conference, and especially the interviews, was developers have these higher quality assets already in the studio and making them work on current TV's and for some devs consoles, literally means downscaling their original work. So HDR & 4K delivers more of the original vision and creation from the studios. Colin, how can that not be a good thing man?

Lastly, you're giving MS way too much of a free pass. There marketing a chip with 4K on it and you are saying that sold you more on it than a Pro? Man, the ps4 audience is not THAT stupid. You are painting too broad a stoke here. MS price may not be $400. It might be delayed. It might still have a weak CPU which means it will in fact NOT be some huge leap over the Pro as both of you guys keep implying. Just wait and see what they do, it's almost like you are applauding MS for having the courage to admit defeat and do something different. But the reality is, they aren't doing what you're implying. They said no one will get left behind. They said Scorpio won't have exclusives. They are shoehorning VR in, instead of making their own investments. MS at this point is releasing what the Pro would have been next year, if you feel that is soooo much better, perhaps you need to talk to some more devs to give you some perspective on how tech works.

Really dissapointing show, well the first half I guess...love you guys I really do, but you aren't researching things enough. And last I check Pro orders have been pretty good so far. Everyone who has actually seen the next step in graphics have loved it, and even if you aren't impressed, and stick to PS4, Sony is making it clear your experience will be largely equal.

Maybe instead of asking "why" for Pro, consider the "why not"?

Sorry that's so long, but I feel strongly about it, and wanted to express myself. You don't have to reply but I hope you read it. As you said, we all have our guy reactions. And mines overall is you arent being nearly objective about pro as you should be.

Great post, so hard to disagree with any of it.
But that's the thing, regardless of his years at IGN or his contacts and everything else Colin likes to remind us of, he also reminds us that he isn't actually a games journalist and instead an entertainer and points to people like Patrick from kotaku as real journalists.

It just becomes a get out-of jail free card for incorrect opinions 'its not my fault, I'm not a professional. I'm an entertainer' which is laughable considering I have lost count of how manay times Colin has gone off at people disagreeing with him by stating how informed and knowledgeable he is.

Perhaps he does so because he didn't go to school for Journalism or reporting (like Greg, who went to a premier school for journalism). He was a US History major. Had he not gone the video game industry route, he could've had a PhD and been a professor teaching American History. But he followed his passion instead.
Oh boy, I take this new episode is gonna be interesting to watch.

Honestly, not being a tech guy and not interesed in looks rather than performance, Sony did a lousy job to inform ignorant people like me, how is the Pro going to make my gaming experience smoother, not prettier.

100 bucks is 100 bucks and I'm making my move into the Slim holiday bundles unless they turned it around with their message to the consumers.
Yeah, that's a good point, and it's an interesting one. Cerny went so low key, it seems Iike it might have been done on purpose lol. To be fair though, I don't think Sony cares if you get a Pro or a Slim really.

According go DF, if everyone could currently replace there current TVs with the $8K ones Sony had at the meeting, the Pro would be a no brainer. But Sony doesn't want to make it seem like 45 million PS4 owners need to upgrade either.

I dunno how they should have handled it, I think a good suggestion from PSILY was to not stream the conference, and let journalist just come out with impressions, and then release all the interviews and presentations in chunks all the way up to the release.


Yeah, that's a point...and it's an interesting one. Cerny went so low key, it seems Iike it might have been done on purpose lol.

According go DF, if everyone could currently replace there current TVs with the $8K ones Sony had at the meeting, the Pro would be a no brainer. But Sony doesn't want to make it seem like 45 million PS4 owners need to upgrade either.

I dunno how they should have handled it, I think a good suggestion from PSILY was to not stream the conference, and let journalist just come out with impressions, and then release all the interviews and presentations in chunks all the way up to the release.

That probably would have been better but there would have been a backlash at not streaming it.
Perhaps he does so because he didn't go to school for Journalism or reporting (like Greg, who went to a premier school for journalism). He was a US History major. Had he not gone the video game industry route, he could've had a PhD and been a professor teaching American History. But he followed his passion instead.
Oh I can see that for sure and you are right but in the context of what colins current job is and how he portrays himself he is a games journalist.

He follows and reports the news to viewers and gives his professional opinion on what that means, speaks to contacts to get opinions and uses those contacts to have exclusive interviews where he tackles tough subjects that no fluff piece would do etc. (giving Shu shit for name changes etc.)

He might not be a professionaly trained journalist but he is acting as a journalist in a lot of what he does, it isn't all just random conversations about some topic picked for the game over greggy show so to then use that as an excuse when you get called out on your opinions it feels like a cop out.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony

What we're shaming colin for unfortunately can be applied to plenty of other 'actual journalists'


Perhaps he does so because he didn't go to school for Journalism or reporting (like Greg, who went to a premier school for journalism). He was a US History major. Had he not gone the video game industry route, he could've had a PhD and been a professor teaching American History. But he followed his passion instead.

what does that have to do with anything in that post? He didn't go to a journalism school, so what. He presents himself as a journalist, until someone challenges him, then says well I'm not a journalist so I don't need to be held to the same standards.

What we're shaming colin for unfortunately can be applied to plenty of other 'actual journalists'
That is very true, in fact I have had to reevaluate my opinions on pretty much every game personality I follow because there have been times that they come out with an opinion that I instantly think "Wtf? How can you not know the truth?/be so wrong?".

It's funny/sad that a nobody like me who works full time, is married and actually plays games as well as reading about them can often be in a more knowledgeable position compared to people who get paid to know this stuff.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'm tired of SonyGAF.

It would be one thing if people were complaining just to complain, but people are complaining about people with a microphone who are basing their sweeping claims on information they aren't even educated on, or information that may be entirely incorrect.

Its a problem.


I kinda hate this constant "holy grail Scorpio" talk everywhere. We know nothing about that device, almost everything is pure speculation and promises. Yet still it is always compared to the Pro as if it was right around the corner and has been proven almighty.

Microsoft recognized the importance of using memorable anchor words such as "Power" and "Beast" during the Scorpio presesntation. To discover the reason why, simply re-watch some of the Xbox One promotional videos, where key Microsoft personnel could be heard saying things like:

"We purposefully did not target the highest end graphics. We targeted it more as a broad entertainment play." — Greg Williams, GM of Xbox silicon development

Quotes like "We purposefully did not target the highest end graphics" haunted Microsoft for several months after launch. It ended up being cited in the Wikipedia Xbox One article. Expect all their new press material to underscore the power advantage over the competition.

At the same time, Xbox Scorpio will have to pack more power to achieve native 4K rendering. But most of that extra power will vanish doing natively what Sony are doing through hardware trickery. And the disappointment will be monumental if Microsoft fail to deliver on their hardware promise and end up with sub 30 fps 4K.
It would be one thing if people were complaining just to complain, but people are complaining about people with a microphone who are basing their sweeping claims on information they aren't even educated on.

Its a problem.
Not only that, but people who are paid to do so and in many cases these days directly from the viewers through patreon.

When you have people who are seen as 'proffessionals' their opinions carry a lot of weight with the public. Some might respond with 'whats the big deal? it's not life or death it's just video games and it doesn't matter if its wrong ' but if that's the case then why do we even read the news if we don't need it to be true? Just because it's about games doesn't mean we shouldn't expect educated and well thought out opinions.
On the live Bombcast right now, they're all not seeming that impressed with the PS4 Pro. And on Jeff's recent episode of Jar Time (yesterday), he said Sony created an unforced error. They're basically saying the same stuff Colin did, just with a more calm tone. I wonder if opinions (for or against) will change once the system releases.
That is very true, in fact I have had to reevaluate my opinions on pretty much every game personality I follow because there have been times that they come out with an opinion that I instantly think "Wtf? How can you not know the truth?/be so wrong?".

It's funny/sad that a nobody like me who works full time, is married and actually plays games as well as reading about them can often be in a more knowledgeable position compared to people who get paid to know this stuff.

It's pretty amazing how little the gaming press knows. I don't think there is a single big media podcast I can even listen to because of all the false information shared. That said, at least Greg will google stuff sometimes. Listening to something like the Beastcast is just embarrassing in comparison.

On the live Bombcast right now, they're all not seeming that impressed with the PS4 Pro. And on Jeff's recent episode of Jar Time, he said Sony created an Unforced Error. They're basically saying the same stuff Colin did, just with a more calm tone. I wonder if opinions (for or against) will change once the system releases.

Maybe, but I get the feeling a lot of the press won't even set up their TVs properly (or own the right kind of TV) and they won't see much of a difference. They may even think it looks worse because they are doing something wrong. I just don't trust most of the media to get it right.


It gets worse and worse! After listening to them (don't now why) rambling on how better graphics are absolutely not needed, repeating themselves over and over, they came to the new releases. There is the Bioshock collection of course.

And suddenly, Goldfarb gets dreamy eyes and outright gushes about how much better the game looks now. And to this Colin says nothing about that it doesn't matter, of course. And no, he didn't talk performance, he talked about the way it looks.
On the live Bombcast right now, they're all not seeming that impressed with the PS4 Pro. And on Jeff's recent episode of Jar Time (yesterday), he said Sony created an unforced error. They're basically saying the same stuff Colin did, just with a more calm tone. I wonder if opinions (for or against) will change once the system releases.

Not gonna say those guys are "anti-console" or anything, but they're at least "console-skeptic". I doubt there'd be anything that would impress them, much less blow them away, in regards to console hardware.


I wonder if any of them have a 4k TV, watching the youtube ps pro capture footage of some games on my 4k really did impress me a lot more than anything on the stream (for obvious reasons of course).


I never thought I would say this because I've always considered Colin to be pretty well informed but he comes across as so ignorant regarding the PSPro. It's really amazing to listen to.
Here's an easy example of why more processing power is needed for devs.

Battlefield 3 came out on the PS3 and the max amount of players it could support in multiplayer was 24 players.
For PC it was 60 players.

Now when Battlefield 4 came out, the PS4 and Xbox One could support 60 players. Does that add to gameplay? Of course it does. Ask anyone who played the conquest maps on PS3 and they were so empty. Like does that add to the gameplay? Of course it does.

In this scenario, Colin's argument is illogical.


Here's an easy example of why more processing power is needed for devs.

Battlefield 3 came out on the PS3 and the max amount of players it could support in multiplayer was 24 players.
For PC it was 60 players.

Now when Battlefield 4 came out, the PS4 and Xbox One could support 60 players. Does that add to gameplay? Of course it does. Ask anyone who played the conquest maps on PS3 and they were so empty. Like does that add to the gameplay? Of course it does.

In this scenario, Colin's argument is illogical.

Except they won't be allowed to implement stuff like that according to the leaked guidelines, right? Because it would change the game too much on the PS4 Pro and that would be unfair to the PS4 owners
Except they won't be allowed to implement stuff like that according to the leaked guidelines, right? Because it would change the game too much on the PS4 Pro and that would be unfair to the PS4 owners

Well, unless there will be ps4 pro only servers, it definitely won't be possible to have players on the ps4 pro only.
I never thought I would say this because I've always considered Colin to be pretty well informed but he comes across as so ignorant regarding the PSPro. It's really amazing to listen to.

He's often ignorant about a lot of things. I figured this out after watching his Mass Effect 3 video back when.


I'm really curious as to how many units of the PS4Pro will be sold by the end of the year. Like how much would be considered a success and a failure. Also wondering if it will be sold at a loss, profit, or breaking even on every unit.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
It gets worse and worse! After listening to them (don't now why) rambling on how better graphics are absolutely not needed, repeating themselves over and over, they came to the new releases. There is the Bioshock collection of course.

And suddenly, Goldfarb gets dreamy eyes and outright gushes about how much better the game looks now. And to this Colin says nothing about that it doesn't matter, of course. And no, he didn't talk performance, he talked about the way it looks.

Yep, apparently remasters are all the rage, but a console giving remaster like improvements in the same generation is somehow a bad thing?

The jump from 1080p to the resolution needed for checkerboard rendering(slightly over 1440p) is actually much higher than going from 720p to 1080p


I'm really curious as to how many units of the PS4Pro will be sold by the end of the year. Like how much would be considered a success and a failure. Also wondering if it will be sold at a loss, profit, or breaking even on every unit.

Considering it's not a flagship product it is not a loss leader that is for sure.


These current/former IGN guys are astoundingly ignorant about videogame technology.
Current IGN employees are way worse. It was so terrible to listen to. I mean ign posted a comparison chart between xbox one s and ps4 pro without listing hardware specs such as ram and GPU differences just to make it sound that they are the same thing.


Junior Member
I've been sticking up for PSILY even when I'm in strong disagreement with them. But, Colin, you're pushing it now. I have not always been an enthusiast, I can speak clearly from both sides, and Ps4 Pro is not some weird obscure unnecessary thing. Just because it's not for everyone, doesn't mean it's not valuable. It's like you guys aren't looking at the price, it's a much more powerful PS4 while still being affordable. It will improve your games on a 1080p set, more importantly in the later years of the gen, it won't look like some dinosaur technology because it will work with 4K sets as well, it will support HDR, and it will have the capabilities to make games that don't look crappy compared to PC, even when PS5 is knocking on the door. Pro is essentially extending the life of the PS4 generation, i figure you would be happy with that?

The pro is NOT a big deal, we can agree there, you don't have to upgrade, but if you do, it's not some crazy investment either. You realize most people will get $120-$200 bucks off the pro by just trading in? Who wants that you say? What's the purpose in getting an IPhone 7 when you have a 6+? That's your answer.

It's just a better PS4 man...that's not confusing to average gamers, especially when games like Horizon and GTS come out and show it off more.

The PSM was weak, but honestly, you guys should inform yourself a bit more if you were absolutely lost at the conference. I can't build my own PC or anything like that, but Mark broke down what the system is for and capable of, and why HDR and 4K is important very clearly. A huge take away I got from the conference, and especially the interviews, was developers have these higher quality assets already in the studio and making them work on current TV's and for some devs consoles, literally means downscaling their original work. So HDR & 4K delivers more of the original vision and creation from the studios. Colin, how can that not be a good thing man?

Lastly, you're giving MS way too much of a free pass. There marketing a chip with 4K on it and you are saying that sold you more on it than a Pro? Man, the ps4 audience is not THAT stupid. You are painting too broad a stoke here. MS price may not be $400. It might be delayed. It might still have a weak CPU which means it will in fact NOT be some huge leap over the Pro as both of you guys keep implying. Just wait and see what they do, it's almost like you are applauding MS for having the courage to admit defeat and do something different. But the reality is, they aren't doing what you're implying. They said no one will get left behind. They said Scorpio won't have exclusives. They are shoehorning VR in, instead of making their own investments. MS at this point is releasing what the Pro would have been next year, if you feel that is soooo much better, perhaps you need to talk to some more devs to give you some perspective on how tech works.

Really dissapointing show, well the first half I guess...love you guys I really do, but you aren't researching things enough. And last I check Pro orders have been pretty good so far. Everyone who has actually seen the next step in graphics have loved it, and even if you aren't impressed, and stick to PS4, Sony is making it clear your experience will be largely equal.

Maybe instead of asking "why" for Pro, consider the "why not"?

Sorry that's so long, but I feel strongly about it, and wanted to express myself. You don't have to reply but I hope you read it. As you said, we all have our guy reactions. And mines overall is you arent being nearly objective about pro as you should be.

Everything I agree with.

A longtime fan of Beyond and PSILY, and the quality has just nosedived and seems wilfully ignorant in a clickbaity kind of way.

I hope Greg is reading these comments because I am out completely just out from Kindafunny until the quality rises - don't fucking proclaim to be the biggest PlayStation podcast if you can't do basic research that even a typical Gaf member can fully grasp.

It pains me to say it but the entire podcast is a heap of shit and I feel they know exactly what they're doing.
Sony listens to the show. They should really have Shu or Rohde reach out and offer to go on the podcast to clear up this whole power question. I'm a huge KF fan, but they really need put the correct information out there. It's quite the jump above the Xbox One S. I honestly can't believe they keep comparing the two as if there are only marginal differences.

To be fair, Sony absolutely botched the reveal though. They could have done a much better job at showcasing the power jump above the PS4 and thus, the One S. The devs in the days that followed did a better job than they did.
yeah, but to a degree that was us hyping the event. Cerny did state it will be hard to convey just how good these games look here. It was quite and non hype, but even I understood everything Cerny said. And the following interviews with him ND, GG, and Insomniac really fleshed it out.


yeah, but to a degree that was us hyping the event. Cerny did state it will be hard to convey just how good these games look here. It was quite and non hype, but even I understood everything Cerny said. And the following interviews with him ND, GG, and Insomniac really fleshed it out.

I can not wait to hear him talk about the checkerboard technique in future interviews
It gets worse and worse! After listening to them (don't now why) rambling on how better graphics are absolutely not needed, repeating themselves over and over, they came to the new releases. There is the Bioshock collection of course.

And suddenly, Goldfarb gets dreamy eyes and outright gushes about how much better the game looks now. And to this Colin says nothing about that it doesn't matter, of course. And no, he didn't talk performance, he talked about the way it looks.

Yeah........ This whole week was hard to listen to. I give them a little of a pass for last weeks since they recorded it right after the event.

But come on, you've now had almost a week to think on this and to come out with the same arguments that are conflicting is tough to swallow as a fan.
I can not wait to hear him talk about the checkerboard technique in future interviews
Yea going back and watching it now that I'm not expecting mini E3 2.0. It was actually a nice little presentation with some hiccups. I wouldn't call it bad, just boring, especially considering the mindset going in.


Yea going back and watching it now that I'm not expecting mini E3 2.0. It was actually a nice little presentation with some hiccups. I wouldn't call it bad, just boring, especially considering the mindset going in.

Well Sony did not put any effort into hyping up the event compared to e3 or even PSX last year
I haven't listened to the podcast yet, but I'm intrigued after last week. My issue last time out was not that the crew dismissed the PS4 Pro, but more that they did so on the grounds of false assumptions and wildly inaccurate information.

I had hoped that, even if their stance hadn't changed, they'd at least do their due diligence and research what they got right/wrong. It's absolutely true that Sony needed to communicate the console better, but even if Kinda Funny don't consider themselves journalists, the least they could do as industry pundits is ensure that they have a grasp on basic facts in order to help make informed opinions.

I'll give it a listen later, but it baffled me how much they misunderstood last week. It blows my mind that we'd get a repeat of that seven whole days later.

I wonder what Shu's been thinking listening to these episodes? XD


It gets worse and worse! After listening to them (don't now why) rambling on how better graphics are absolutely not needed, repeating themselves over and over, they came to the new releases. There is the Bioshock collection of course.

And suddenly, Goldfarb gets dreamy eyes and outright gushes about how much better the game looks now. And to this Colin says nothing about that it doesn't matter, of course. And no, he didn't talk performance, he talked about the way it looks.

Bioshock is an amazing game which will be remembered forever. Is there anything remotely comparable on PS4? On a platform which is already kinda outdated because of PS4 Pro?

That's the difference. Previous generation provided us a lot of great and innovative games. This generation? All I remember is MMO-ish games (Destiny, Division) and that's pretty much it. Hell, first new God of War and Sony Bend's new game will be released when this generation will be almost finished. And they are already moving to a more powerful console with 4K and other stuff which won't make bad or mediocre games good.

Remaster of Bioshock just makes an already good game look better, that's it.



Yeah, i actually agree with Colin on this TBH.

Edit: Just want to get out there i have a PS4 Pro pre-ordered and im 100% in and understand what sony is trying to do. Just that I agree with Colin on this specific point regarding mass effect (i actually agree with him on a lot of other things as well to be totally fair, but some of the stuff hes been saying about PS4 Pro seems to be missing the point a bit)


On the live Bombcast right now, they're all not seeming that impressed with the PS4 Pro. And on Jeff's recent episode of Jar Time (yesterday), he said Sony created an unforced error. They're basically saying the same stuff Colin did, just with a more calm tone. I wonder if opinions (for or against) will change once the system releases.

Jeff's the same guy who wasn't sure if the people wanted new consoles at all a few years ago. He can't separate his personal preferences from the reality of the marketplace, which is that this "unforced error" is going to sell in huge numbers at $399. Just like the PS4 did three years ago.


Everything I agree with.

A longtime fan of Beyond and PSILY, and the quality has just nosedived and seems wilfully ignorant in a clickbaity kind of way.

I hope Greg is reading these comments because I am out completely just out from Kindafunny until the quality rises - don't fucking proclaim to be the biggest PlayStation podcast if you can't do basic research that even a typical Gaf member can fully grasp.

It pains me to say it but the entire podcast is a heap of shit and I feel they know exactly what they're doing.


Greg reading your post. What they're doing obviously works, they're making fucktons of money through Patreon, Twitch and sponsors. They've built a dedicated community of fans who are really into the brand.

Sucks you're not enjoying them but I sure as shit hope they aren't reading your comments and changing things because I'm loving pretty much everything they put out.


Jeff's the same guy who wasn't sure if the people wanted new consoles at all a few years ago. He can't separate his personal preferences from the reality of the marketplace, which is that this "unforced error" is going to sell in huge numbers at $399. Just like the PS4 did three years ago.

Weren't the Giant Bomb East guys who went to the Sony event really impressed? Vinny was saying he wanted to go buy a 4k TV.


Felium Defensor
I've been sticking up for PSILY even when I'm in strong disagreement with them. But, Colin, you're pushing it now. I have not always been an enthusiast, I can speak clearly from both sides, and Ps4 Pro is not some weird obscure unnecessary thing. Just because it's not for everyone, doesn't mean it's not valuable. It's like you guys aren't looking at the price, it's a much more powerful PS4 while still being affordable. It will improve your games on a 1080p set, more importantly in the later years of the gen, it won't look like some dinosaur technology because it will work with 4K sets as well, it will support HDR, and it will have the capabilities to make games that don't look crappy compared to PC, even when PS5 is knocking on the door. Pro is essentially extending the life of the PS4 generation, i figure you would be happy with that?

The pro is NOT a big deal, we can agree there, you don't have to upgrade, but if you do, it's not some crazy investment either. You realize most people will get $120-$200 bucks off the pro by just trading in? Who wants that you say? What's the purpose in getting an IPhone 7 when you have a 6+? That's your answer.

It's just a better PS4 man...that's not confusing to average gamers, especially when games like Horizon and GTS come out and show it off more.

The PSM was weak, but honestly, you guys should inform yourself a bit more if you were absolutely lost at the conference. I can't build my own PC or anything like that, but Mark broke down what the system is for and capable of, and why HDR and 4K is important very clearly. A huge take away I got from the conference, and especially the interviews, was developers have these higher quality assets already in the studio and making them work on current TV's and for some devs consoles, literally means downscaling their original work. So HDR & 4K delivers more of the original vision and creation from the studios. Colin, how can that not be a good thing man?

Lastly, you're giving MS way too much of a free pass. There marketing a chip with 4K on it and you are saying that sold you more on it than a Pro? Man, the ps4 audience is not THAT stupid. You are painting too broad a stoke here. MS price may not be $400. It might be delayed. It might still have a weak CPU which means it will in fact NOT be some huge leap over the Pro as both of you guys keep implying. Just wait and see what they do, it's almost like you are applauding MS for having the courage to admit defeat and do something different. But the reality is, they aren't doing what you're implying. They said no one will get left behind. They said Scorpio won't have exclusives. They are shoehorning VR in, instead of making their own investments. MS at this point is releasing what the Pro would have been next year, if you feel that is soooo much better, perhaps you need to talk to some more devs to give you some perspective on how tech works.

Really dissapointing show, well the first half I guess...love you guys I really do, but you aren't researching things enough. And last I check Pro orders have been pretty good so far. Everyone who has actually seen the next step in graphics have loved it, and even if you aren't impressed, and stick to PS4, Sony is making it clear your experience will be largely equal.

Maybe instead of asking "why" for Pro, consider the "why not"?

Sorry that's so long, but I feel strongly about it, and wanted to express myself. You don't have to reply but I hope you read it. As you said, we all have our guy reactions. And mines overall is you arent being nearly objective about pro as you should be.
This was on point, well said!

Greg reading your post. What they're doing obviously works, they're making fucktons of money through Patreon, Twitch and sponsors. They've built a dedicated community of fans who are really into the brand.
Im sure you are right, unless things change on their bottom line nothing is going to change.

However, these days I kind of think this image is quite fitting with the channel and some of their opinions and changes they have made to try and expand their business.

Chasing that youtube fame and expansion instead of focusing on keeping their content and knowledge up to scratch.
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