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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


I honestly don't see that happening realistically both consoles were weak at launch. I've never seen a gen where consoles were so out of Date at launch. I'm very happy Sony improved the Specs with the Pro. Another 3 years with ps4 specs would have been painful.

Scorpio is essentially the start of the Next Generation for Microsoft. At 6 Teraflops they won't need to make a new console anytime soon. Pro is more of a stop-gap until PS5 imo.

The PS4 was a much better system in 2013 than the PS3 in 2006.


The PS4 was a much better system in 2013 than the PS3 in 2006.

No not really. Not even close. PS4 was $400 system sold with profit. PS3 was $600 system sold with loss. PS4 was outdated compared to PCs before it was released, Ps3 wasn't.
I'm all for people having a opinion and expressing That opinion. I draw the line when people misinform because of their opinion. The pro is more than twice the power of The S. From a gaming standpoint they are not comparable.

I have a low tolerance for misinformation I'll no longer listen to the podcast.

While your stance may seem harsh, I kind of agree. For 2 episodes now they have said things along the lines of "the Xbox One S and PS4 Pro are comparable." The original PS4 is more powerful than any Xbox One to date. Anyone who can read words and numbers can comprehend that. Why don't they? They seem to struggle with buzzwords like "4K" and "HDR" and their actual meaning. This is alarming coming from people who make a living talking about this stuff. If the PS4 Pro offers a 2X improvement over the PS4, it's an even bigger improvement over the Xbox One S.

How Colin can blast Sony for making an updated console that offers cosmetic upgrades while praising The Bioshock Collection is beyond me. He seems as if he is against remasters one minute but for them the next. "We've been playing the same games for 3 gens now" but "I'm excited to play The Bioshock Collection" is almost comical. It's nice to hear some passion coming from the industry though. It makes for a better drive to and from work.


Them constantly say the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One S are neck and neck kinda explains everything else that comes out of their mouth. I don't understand how you can say that after watching the conference or even reading specs.


Them constantly say the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One S are neck and neck kinda explains everything else that comes out of their mouth. I don't understand how you can say that after watching the conference or even reading specs.

They don't understand specs, and they've been up front about that.

Doesn't change how crazy some of the stuff they've said about this is.
Had to stop watching at about 45 minutes, because Colin is too difficult to listen to when he rants. The worst part is that he has this annoying tendency to bully whomever he is with into agreeing with him. That's why I laughed when Andrea Rene and Tim were like "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about Colin".

Seriously though, it's now getting very annoying to listen to ill-informed journalists roast something they clearly don't understand, and are not open minded enough to research. I don't claim to be a PS4 Pro expert, but I can see the fucking value in a $399 console that provides over 2x the power of the original. It's not like this thing is priced beyond what people can afford. It's a fairly cheap upgrade (especially since you can sell your old PS4), and a no-brainer for someone jumping into PS4 for the first time.

Very rarely will a new console introduce an entirely new gameplay genre. Happened on N64... maybe SNES to a minor degree. XBox introduced better online play. Most of the time though, design changes bit by bit from console to console.

And that doesn't even apply to PS4 Pro because it's not even a new console. Introducing new gameplay is not the point. In fact, the point of the iteration is very specifically for there to NOT be new gameplay elements that PS4 can't do. Collin is completely off his rocker. I don't really care if he has an opinion I don't agree with, that's actually why I usually like him. In this case he is being purposefully misinformed. That's the only possible explanation. Or he's trolling.

The problem is that this isn't a hardware problem, it's an industry problem. Games are too complicated and too expensive to make now, so the AAA space is doubling down on safe bets. You're seeing innovation in the indie space, but it's becoming much harder to take those bets on big budget games.

I know it was announced a long time ago, but I'll tell you one upcoming title that looks a little out of the ordinary: The Last Guardian. And we all know what the PS I Love You hosts think of that game...

I've followed Greg and Colin since the moment they started, I'm guessing longer than you have. I cried at their Beyond farewell video and I've written to them a few times.

I'm very proud of their achievements with Kinda Funny and I support them on Patreon. But that doesn't prevent me from criticising them, and I hope they ARE taking the comments in this thread to heart -- apart from the personal attacks, of course.

I want them to continue to thrive and hold themselves to high standards. Misinformation and stubbornness isn't going to help them do that. I could (just about) forgive last week's PSILY as it was an immediate reaction to a lacklustre conference, but Colin has no excuse to double down on misinformation that is easily proven false by coverage from the likes of Digital Foundry.

In cases like this they should have the humility to defer to experts. This is a really bad look for them and I can't wait for the Pro launch to come and go so they can move on from a topic that honestly embarrasses them.

Just finished listening to this and I'm frankly astonished that this one somehow managed to spread more misinformation then last week. I was willing to cut them (well, just Colin this week) significant slack because last week were their immediate reactions and Sony by basically every account did a poor job communicating the strengths of the PS4Pro, but this week Colin just double-downed on on falsehoods and nonsensical rants that have nothing to do with the PS4Pro. Like, just the minimum of research was needed to be done to clear up basically all of his hangups with the Pro.

Let me clear, I don't care if Colin wants the Pro or not, but his vitriol makes no sense. It's analogous to someone being angry at the existence of the Platinum headphones Sony just announced when they already have the Gold headphones. Does the existence of the Platinum's make your Gold's perform worse? Are there game exclusive modes for the Platinum? No. If you're happy, stay happy. No reason to spend money on something that is OPTIONAL. But now you have the option to if better performance is something you desire.

It also was extremely hypocritical of Goldfarb and Colin to keep espousing their wacky belief that more power is somehow something that is unnecessary (?) for games and then immediately fawn over the enhancements to Bioshock. Like what the hell, it's a better looking/performing version of the game. It's basically the exact same thing the Pro is going to be.

Also, this narrow "console war" attitude they have about Sony beating Microsoft is so short-sighted. Sony isn't just "competing" with Microsoft, they are competing with phones, tablets, PC's and basically every other thing the money in your wallet could go to instead of to the PS4 ecosystem. A three year old system will start to show its age, and now there's an OPTION for those that want console games that perform better. The OG/Slim/Pro are competing with eachother, instead they're providing choice while keeping everyone in a unified ecosystem.

The thing they are failing to point out is that the existence of the Pro directly resulted in that the cost of entry to own a PS4 is now less, either by the $50 reduction to the Slim or the massively reduced cost to owning a used by PS4 now. That's great news. Also great news that there's now an OPTION to own a better performing version of the system that is compatible with the entirety of the PS4 family for $100 more. Options are good and stop worrying about the wacky scenario where a mother is buying a PS4 for a kid and is so overwhelmed by having two options. Almost every store has returns these days, it's not a tragedy.

Overall, I'm just bummed. The podcast I've listened to for years going back to Beyond for accurate and insightful Playstation coverage has been hijacked by the video games Skip Bayless with his "anonymous sources" and "people on twitter agree with me" nonsense. I know he says he's not a journalist anymore, but he once was one, and him abandoning all the ethics that go along with that in order to be "entertaining" somehow make it worse that he flipped to the other side. I think I'm going to take a couple weeks off from the pod and probably check back in a few weeks to see what direction these guys are going in.

Also, you just know these guys are going to be playing Horizon and every other major upcoming release on the Pro's

We're just asking you to take our viewpoints in consideration Colin as to how your managing the podcast, and hopefully manage your opinions with more citations when you move into topics you aren't knowledgeable about.

If your going to double down on information, let us help you maybe gain a bit more perspective on the matter you might be more open to instead of ranting for hours on end without absis. Fans don't want to hear that, and i don't think the fans of the podcast deserve that from you guys either.

Its frustrating listening to a podcast for all intents and purposes we expect to be fairly on top of things as to Sony's strategy and basic technical matters, yet have to listen to straw men arguments about how Pro brings no benefits for people interested in the device, yet somehow makes everything in the gaming industry worse according to you, with no real actual basis for said arguments considering it barely changes anything outside of having two console SKU's instead of one.

Having to hear the same false comparisons to Xbox One S in terms of value, as if they were competing in the same space, as if you didn't know the significant technical advantages Pro brings.

And gaming wise in general ,having to hear the same nonsense about FFXV and about how old you were when it was announced despite all of us obviously having the exact same experience as you with Versus 13...making dumb claims about how SE should just close up their Japanese division because their western division is the only one that matters even though that is obviously wrong and makes no sense.

Yeah, you should expect us to be a little bit peeved about how your behavior affects the fanbase when your ranting and raving absolutely does not line up with objective or informative analysis we want from you.

This criticism is only to help you guys run a better show,i don't think a lot of people want to hear angry misinformation and redirection over the internet like its a youtube comment section

Just wanted to give a shout to these posts for nailing it. I haven't finished the episode yet but I will agree with Colin that the better move would probably have been PS5 in a couple years. But ultimately I don't care that much about the Pro and am happy with the fact I don't feel the urge to buy one.

My question to Colin: if PS4pro profits funded Vita 2 would you be on board? ;)


I feel you Colin. If Sony failed to communicate to you why you should want this system then that's on them, the onus shouldn't be on you to be doing all sorts of extra research to figure out what's what. They're the seller here and they need to be out selling this product and addressing these concerns and questions in an easy to understand way. Their press conference failed at that clearly
The power doesn't matter because it isn't being used in things Colin cares about. Me either. Why is the Xbox One S any different than the Pro for someone like us? Games are going to play and they are going to look basically the same on 1080 TV and we are not really going to notice framerates improvements or faster loading. You have to consider that the vast majority of ps4 owners simply don't care about minute differences in frame rates and graphics. They are make or break items. Game play is.

I like the idea of the VR improving with a Pro, but will all games, and how much if they are tethered to the original console?


Both Pro and Scorpio are still tethered to PS4 and Xbox one, so you really won't see a generational jump because all games has to run on those systems with full features. You won't see a situation like Shadow of Mordor where they striped out the nemesis system from the ps3 version. Therefore, you won't see innovations like that in pro and scorpio.

Yep, that's another reason why I'm opposed to these iterative refreshes. The PS4 pro isn't such a good deal for customers if developers are mandated to keep parity with the PS4 by Sony. For example, Sony already confirmed that PS4 pro multiplayer games will be 30 FPS to not give an unfair advantage to PS4 users which is ridiculous. PC gamers play multiplayer games all the time with players on different hardware providing different frame rates.

That's why I'm for keeping the generation lifecycle the way it has always been. Each new console release represents a generational leap (not an iterative upgrade) in technology where the differences can be clearly seen between the old and new. And, those consoles aren't anchored by older hardware within the same family. Developers are free to fully take advantage of the hardware to make the games the best they can be. I fully agree with Colin when he says Sony would have been better off skipping the Pro and releasing the PS5 in 2018. The PS4 lifecycle wouldn't be as long as I would like, but at least we don't get half measures like the PS4 Pro.


No not really. Not even close. PS4 was $400 system sold with profit. PS3 was $600 system sold with loss. PS4 was outdated compared to PCs before it was released, Ps3 wasn't.

The PS3 was expensive because it was a poorly engineered waste of money (Rambus, Cell, BD). They could have achieved much better performance with a much cheaper system, as was seen on a different console at the time. It was just as "outdated" compared to PCs as the PS4, in fact it was actually much more common to see it struggle to run PC ports, while the PS4 has a much higher percentage of 60 fps, native resolution games.


They don't understand specs, and they've been up front about that.

Doesn't change how crazy some of the stuff they've said about this is.

I agree. I think this might've been an event they should've gone to and get a closer look especially since they don't understand specs.


Man this latest episode is frustrating, strongly disagree with Colin and think he's missing the point. Especially annoying where I'm listening now where Goldfarb thinks we might see "exclusive features" such as 4 player split screen on PS4 Pro vs 2 on OG PS4 even though they've said that will not happen. He also suggested PS4 Pro exclusives which would be a terrible idea/financial suicide for any game that did that.


I agree. I think this might've been an event they should've gone to and get a closer look especially since they don't understand specs.

What does seeing 4k games do to help understand how this will make 1080p gaming better?

Pretty sure they understand the specs, just not seeing the benefit to the majority of gamers, those with 1080 TVs, who do not base gaming purchases or enjoyment on small framerate differences or minor graphical additions that we may or may not see in supported Pro games.

The issue stems from Sony not having a clear program and information for 1080p gamers.


The PS3 was expensive because it was a poorly engineered waste of money (Rambus, Cell, BD). They could have achieved much better performance with a much cheaper system, as was seen on a different console at the time. It was just as "outdated" compared to PCs as the PS4, in fact it was actually much more common to see it struggle to run PC ports, while the PS4 has a much higher percentage of 60 fps, native resolution games.

You are conflating hardware power with ease of development. PS4 is easier to develop for and that why we see better software. But if you think that PS4 was much more hardware powerful compared to PCs of it's time compared to PS3 then you are severely mistaken.
PS3 was more powerful it just was that developer couldn't make games on it easily and once they did we see results like the last of us and uncharted 3 which is on the same hardware from 2006 which is crazy to compare to pc games from 2006.


Dreams in Digital
Say what you will about Microsoft, you gotta hand it to their marketing team. Managing to hoodwink the masses into thinking the Xbone S is anywhere even close to the PS4 Pro in terms of power, getting them to think that "preseason" exclusives don't matter haha.

As a veteran of the VG industry, I had thought Colin "#Colinwasright" Moriaty would be able to see through the bullshit. Guess I was wrong.

Perfect post. This is the thing that disappoints me the most with Colin's stance. I feel as if he's painted himself into a corner has hasn't got the bottle to reconsider. The Pro isn't for him, clearly, but that doesn't make it a 'mistake'. If they're not careful they'll become the problem and not just the commentators.

I'm not worried about the Pro OR the Slim, I'm worried about ignorance because it can sometimes become infectious.


Oh man... this episode was brutal.

They'd rather have the PSVR breakout box built into the PS4 Pro than have it increase frame rate or visual fidelity? I don't even think they know that PSVR will have improved performance with PS4 Pro...

The PS4 is not for Colin... that's fine... but he needs to realize that it is ok for him to completely ignore the Pro because Sony built the Slim for people like him. We now have a choice and no gamer loses regardless of the choice we make. We all continue to get the same awesome PS4 games to play!


It seems to me the only problem with the Slim and the Pro is the media. They seem to be having a brain fart at the moment.

While I completely agree with your statement, I feel that was partly Sony's fault for failing to differentiate the two systems. I feel Sony didn't want to go to the power argument for two possible reasons:

1. They didn't want to alienate or scare the original PS4 userbase by saying that there is a system that is 2x more powerful than theirs.
2. They didn't want to use the power argument because they know about scorpio and how that might back fire on them since it's more powerful

I mean Sony didn't mention TF, Polygons number, or how improved character model could look like. All they did was talking about 4k and HDR which is unfortunately is confusing the media and even some fans.

Sony could've easily done slide differences or the type or videos that remaster and digital foundry do to show graphical differences. The only game that did that was paragon and it's a third party game.


It seems to me the only problem with the Slim and the Pro is the media. They seem to be having a brain fart at the moment.

I think if the media is somehow misinterpreting a product on a large scale that's a strong indication that the seller is doing a piss-poor job explaining their product.

Maybe Andrew House (or whoever) should go on the show to clear up these misconceptions, that would be a start and something I'm sure Colin wouldn't be opposed to. The onus is on Sony to explain their product - if people are having such problems understanding why it needs to exist then they should be the ones actively working here to clarify.


Dreams in Digital
While I completely agree with your statement, I feel that was partly Sony's fault for failing to differentiate the two systems. I feel Sony didn't want to go to the power argument for two possible reasons:

1. They didn't want to alienate or scare the original PS4 userbase by saying that there is a system that is 2x more powerful than theirs.
2. They didn't want to use the power argument because they know about scorpio and how that might back fire on them since it's more powerful

I mean Sony didn't mention TF, Polygons number, or how improved character model could look like. All they did was talking about 4k and HDR which is unfortunately is confusing the media and even some fans.

But the people the Pro is aimed at (right now) are the people who DO understand. It's not a mass market product, the Slim is for that.


What does seeing 4k games do to help understand how this will make 1080p gaming better?

Pretty sure they understand the specs, just not seeing the benefit to the majority of gamers, those with 1080 TVs, who do not base gaming purchases or enjoyment on small framerate differences or minor graphical additions that we may or may not see in supported Pro games.

The issue stems from Sony not having a clear program and information for 1080p gamers.

Because they would've been able to inform those who do have 4K TVs of their impressions of seeing the difference first hand and not chalk it up as "the Xbox One S and the Pro are on the same level". Also Sony mentioned many times and even showed and example with Shadow of Mordor on how people with 1080p TVs will still get benefits with the Pro. Crystal Dyanmics had an interview talking about them having multiple modes and two of them being the 1080p modes with benefits. They talked about how Paragon and For Honor would have benefits with textures and super sampling as well. What conference was everyone watching?


no uhd drive aside (that was gonna bite them regardless)

Sony should have just not live-streamed this event. Shitty compressed streams aren't the way to wow people if you are trying to push visuals or do comparisons. Keep what seemed like a business meeting for investors a business meeting instead of underwhelming people who thought were going to get a crazy E3, PSX type thing.

The only word of mouth coming out would have been from those who attended the event and got to demo the pro on 4k/hdr capable tvs. Which seemed positive. At least in comparison to random joe internet reaction. They could have controlled the message wayyyy better.

As much as we like to think that gaming media know their stuff...alot of them don't when it comes to tech specs. I mean I think everyone remembers this thread:

IGN: The naked eye cannot perceive the difference between 1080 and 720 before 50in


But the people the Pro is aimed at (right now) are the people who DO understand. It's not a mass market product, the Slim is for that.

They could've announced it better still. It seems to confuse even some of the hardcore. The Neogaf poll after the reveal was something very low( I think it was 45% would stick to original Ps4) to people who would buy it.

I'm sure once comparison videos start to pop out once it's released people would realize the power difference.


Dreams in Digital
If you're confused or can't afford a Pro, buy a Slim
If you're not confused or just the idea of 'better' is enough, buy a Pro.

For me, that's it. I find the whole conversation redundant.


They could've announced it better still. It seems to confuse even some of the hardcore. The Neogaf poll after the reveal was something very low( I think it was 45% would stick to original Ps4) to people who would buy it.

I'm sure once comparison videos start to pop out once it's released people would realize the power difference.
45% sticking to OG PS4 is not a problem for Sony. Those people are still in the ecosystem for them. It's the once who buy $700-$800 systems at this point in console life cycle that they are trying to get into their ecosystem. At $400, that machine is actually very good for what it is able to accomplish. For the people who don't buy systems until they are around $250-$300(with bundles) they have Slim.

It's all about getting people into the ecosystem and at the same time retaining people who are already in.

You can say that it's not going to work in your opinion, but so far I think they will be more than fine.
I feel you Colin. If Sony failed to communicate to you why you should want this system then that's on them, the onus shouldn't be on you to be doing all sorts of extra research to figure out what's what. They're the seller here and they need to be out selling this product and addressing these concerns and questions in an easy to understand way. Their press conference failed at that clearly

Extra research? Give me a break. We're not talking about major in-depth research here. Sony stated what the benefits were and acting ignorant and comparing a system to one that is already beat by the previous version performance-wise is silly. If you just go by the one specification regarding the GPU, the difference is apparent.

I guess you're happy with your games journalists being clueless on the products they cover. I could care less if Joe Blow gamer doesn't know, yes, it's Sony's job to explain, but these guys should know better.

Actually this can happen. PS4 Pro is not allowed to have exclusive modes, but there is no prohibition against having better versions of a mode like 4 player split-screen vs 2 player on the OG PS4

As a professional Colin has a responsibility to educate himself before getting on camera misleading thousands of people not once, but now two weeks in a row. Ignorance is no excuse for someone in his position unless he just doesn't take his career very seriously.

Well said.
Man this latest episode is frustrating, strongly disagree with Colin and think he's missing the point. Especially annoying where I'm listening now where Goldfarb thinks we might see "exclusive features" such as 4 player split screen on PS4 Pro vs 2 on OG PS4 even though they've said that will not happen. He also suggested PS4 Pro exclusives which would be a terrible idea/financial suicide for any game that did that.

Actually this can happen. PS4 Pro is not allowed to have exclusive modes, but there is no prohibition against having better versions of a mode like 4 player split-screen vs 2 player on the OG PS4

I feel you Colin. If Sony failed to communicate to you why you should want this system then that's on them, the onus shouldn't be on you to be doing all sorts of extra research to figure out what's what. They're the seller here and they need to be out selling this product and addressing these concerns and questions in an easy to understand way. Their press conference failed at that clearly

As a professional Colin has a responsibility to educate himself before getting on camera misleading thousands of people not once, but now two weeks in a row. Ignorance is no excuse for someone in his position unless he just doesn't take his career very seriously.


45% sticking to OG PS4 is not a problem for Sony. Those people are still in the ecosystem for them. It's the once who buy $700-$800 systems at this point in console life cycle that they are trying to get into their ecosystem. At $400, that machine is actually very good for what it is able to accomplish. For the people who don't buy systems until they are around $250-$300(with bundles) they have Slim.

It's all about getting people into the ecosystem and at the same time retaining people who are already in.

You can say that it's not going to work in your opinion, but so far I think they will be more than fine.

I didn't say it wouldn't work. I actually think that it would sell. I'm saying that Sony messaging was bad that it confused some of the hardcore who are part of the target audience.


Actually this can happen. PS4 Pro is not allowed to have exclusive modes, but there is no prohibition against having better versions of a mode like 4 player split-screen vs 2 player on the OG.
That is the definition of having a gameplay feature OG PS4 doesn't have. This is not allowed.


I didn't say it wouldn't work. I actually think that it would sell. I'm saying that Sony messaging was bad that it confused some of the hardcore who are part of the target audience.
What are "hardcore" confused about? That Pro doesn't offer substantially benefit to people with 1080p TV sets? And therefore they don't feel like upgrading. Or that only people with any appetite for upgrade already have 4K HDR TVs? If the idea is to not fracture your userbase and keep as many people in ecosystem as possible then this just seems like an intended effect rather than confusion.

Seems to me that "confused" people wanted a reason to upgrade but Sony deliberately didn't give them, and now they are confused about their apathy for upgrading.
Split-screen is the feature. Having a better version of it is not prohibited.
One is literally four player couch co-op the other is not. It's a game mode that would be completely missing. Tell you what, if this happens then I owe you a Coke.


What are "hardcore" confused about? That Pro doesn't offer substantially benefit to people with 1080p TV sets? And therefore they don't feel like upgrading. Or that only people with any appetite for upgrade already have 4K HDR TVs? If the idea is to not fracture your userbase and keep as many people in ecosystem as possible then this just seems like an intended effect rather than confusion.

Seems to me that "confused" people wanted a reason to upgrade but Sony deliberately didn't give them, and now they are confused about their apathy for upgrading.

I think the confusion is about the power difference between the ps4 pro and xbox one s where I saw many people don't understand how much more powerful the pro is compared to the S. All they think about is 4k and HDR and they think it is comparable.


I think the confusion is about the power difference between the ps4 pro and xbox one s where I saw many people don't understand how much more powerful the pro is compared to the S. All they think about is 4k and HDR and they think it is comparable.
I don't see any confusion there. All I see is FUD.
I honestly don't see that happening realistically both consoles were weak at launch. I've never seen a gen where consoles were so out of Date at launch. I'm very happy Sony improved the Specs with the Pro. Another 3 years with ps4 specs would have been painful.

Scorpio is essentially the start of the Next Generation for Microsoft. At 6 Teraflops they won't need to make a new console anytime soon. Pro is more of a stop-gap until PS5 imo.

6TF is a huge leap from the current Xbox One, but not so much from the PS4 Pro. So I guess it is new gen for them, but it won't make PS4 Pro games look like last gen in comparison. There is a smaller gap between 4.2TF and 6TF than the "stop-gap" jump from PS4 to PS4 Pro.


Probably a good thing I haven't watched this last episode yet, I'd rather not have a headache today. I'll wait for the next one.


Extra research? Give me a break. We're not talking about major in-depth research here. Sony stated what the benefits were and acting ignorant and comparing a system to one that is already beat by the previous version performance-wise is silly. If you just go by the one specification regarding the GPU, the difference is apparent.

I guess you're happy with your games journalists being clueless on the products they cover. I could care less if Joe Blow gamer doesn't know, yes, it's Sony's job to explain, but these guys should know better.

Well said.
*couldn't care less.

Colin was reacting to Sony's press conference, the onus isn't on him to sit and fill in the gaps in what the presentation did not convey clearly by doing extra research. These companies should be presenting their information in a more straightforward way, and expecting content-creators to do this for them is not right. We wouldn't be having this problem if the message coming out of the press conference was clear. If Colin is "misleading" people it's Sony's fault for not making their message clear in the first place to a. reach him and b. reach the majority the PSILU audience.
*couldn't care less.

Colin was reacting to Sony's press conference, the onus isn't on him to sit and fill in the gaps in what the presentation did not convey clearly by doing extra research. These companies should be presenting their information in a more straightforward way, and expecting content-creators to do this for them is not right. We wouldn't be having this problem if the message coming out of the press conference was clear. If Colin is "misleading" people it's Sony's fault for not making their message clear in the first place to a. reach him and b. reach the majority the PSILU audience.

He was reacting last week. What was he doing the six days before he got on his soapbox again? Certainly doesn't appear that he did any research. And don't say it isn't part of his job because they do research on PlayStation news every single week for their show. He is taking his "I'm not a journalist" stance a bit too far for my liking. We watch and listen to them for news and informed opinions.
*couldn't care less.

Colin was reacting to Sony's press conference, the onus isn't on him to sit and fill in the gaps in what the presentation did not convey clearly by doing extra research. These companies should be presenting their information in a more straightforward way, and expecting content-creators to do this for them is not right. We wouldn't be having this problem if the message coming out of the press conference was clear. If Colin is "misleading" people it's Sony's fault for not making their message clear in the first place to a. reach him and b. reach the majority the PSILU audience.

Such class...

When his job is to report things in this industry, then it's exactly on him to know what he's talking about if he's going to go on a rant about a subject. I didn't mind the first week, but it's his second week of discussing it. It's fine if you expect little of those who report on such matters, many of us feel differently though. I'd hope someone in his position would know the basics of products specifications. You're really trying to act like this is government secured information.

He was reacting last week. What was he doing the six days before he got on his soapbox again? Certainly doesn't appear that he did any research. And don't say it isn't part of his job because they do research on PlayStation news every single week for their show. He is taking his "I'm not a journalist" stance a bit too far for my liking. We watch and listen to them for news and informed opinions.

Apparently, we don't. They're there to misinform us and make silly comparisons to products already beaten spec-wise by earlier hardware. It's not their responsibility to provide their audience with accurate information that can be found in a google search as that would be too much "extra research".

Purest 78

I feel you Colin. If Sony failed to communicate to you why you should want this system then that's on them, the onus shouldn't be on you to be doing all sorts of extra research to figure out what's what. They're the seller here and they need to be out selling this product and addressing these concerns and questions in an easy to understand way. Their press conference failed at that clearly

Sony said clear as day The gpu is twice as powerful. Pro is a more powerful ps4 Why is this so confusing? Someone in the gaming industry can't figure that out? If he likes the idea or Not. Saying The S and Pro are comparable is outright misleading.


Them constantly say the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One S are neck and neck kinda explains everything else that comes out of their mouth. I don't understand how you can say that after watching the conference or even reading specs.

They have no understanding of the specs which is baffling for someone who claims to be an authority in PlayStation.


Regarding the Playstation Pro. Watch the hypocrisy at work with the inevitable reaction/unboxing video after KF recieve a free demo unit from Sony.


As a new-ish listener, I was kinda shocked by how negative Colin was. Is he always like this?

I can't recall coming across a cable news type personality on a gaming podcast. Was jarring.
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