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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

Jesus christ, just calm down and think about what your saying for a second. Its irrational.

I guess you're incapable of saying anything meaningful. You can go back to spamming the thread with platitudes now.

The point was you're looking in the wrong place for a measured response to criticism and any possibility of a changing of minds. It's not his schtick.


I don't blame Colin not coming here anymore. You have guys gave him shit over his opinion on a Videogame console like he offended you personally.

Yeah this went way over the top. Some are now attacking him based on his political views and such, and that isn't fair to the topic that's been discussed heavily for the past 6 pages or so.

No need to attack the man personally, and most comments here have been fine in actually giving evidence to Colin on what didn't sit right.
This thread is a disappointment and symbolizes the worst of Gaf. For months now folks have been hurling shit left and right at both Colin and Greg. Even before these last two episodes.

Folks who have frequented this thread since EdReedFan20 started will tell you. Use to post frequently on here and just stopped because it is no nasty and vitriolic. I've come back again and after reading 10+ pages of posts I see nothing has changed.

Colin has a right to his opinion, hell he even has a right to be wrong about stuff, yes even when he is part of a team that brings us the most celebrated PlayStation podcast. Does it look good optically when he's wrong? Nope. But it's no reason for folks on here to hurl the shit they do at him and or Greg.

These folks aren't the "best friends" Greg talks about all the time. These are folks with nothing but time on their hands who simply love to argue semantics. The passion people have is amazing to be honest shown by some of the posts on here. But to channel that passion against someone who has an opinion about a gaming console seems a bit foolish, even here on the echo chamber that Gaf can be.
hell he even has a right to be wrong about stuff


Yet his listeners don't have a right to point it out? And he doesn't have a right to correct his mistakes?

You're right, there is no point to this discussion because it's simply 80% rational human beings pointing out the obvious and 20% fans so incapable of criticising his views on one issue that they have to apologise for absolutely everything and label everyone else as abusive. Obviously he's a very talented guy, obviously most of us are to some extent fans, that's why we're here, but making numerous factual mistakes two weeks in a row and reacting to criticism the way he did is going to piss people off. He is only too happy to give out vitriol himself and make his own views deafeningly heard but apparently he can't handle strong views contrary to his own.


While I don't entirely agree with Colin's rebuttal, some people have absolutely proven his point to be right after his final post. It's like several members here took his remarks as an excuse to open up the floodgates and bring it upon themselves to act like he said they were acting as a means to dig at him, and in many cases literally became the thing they were continuously proselytizing against when saying that it wasn't ever happening in the first place.

It's video games, people.


When a press conference shows games from UbiSoft, Epic Games, Crystal Dynamics, Eidos, Monolith and Sony first parties all with specific upgrades to 1080p including supersampling, increased framerates, better lighting and more foliage and the reaction is "I don't have a 4K TV, why should I care [about PS4 Pro]", that's not an opinion, that's not paying any attention and spreading misinformation.

To then double down on that a week later (and not even know what the Xbox One S and New 3DS are) and then act precious when listeners call it out is not a good look.
I came here, hat-in-hand and willing to have a dialogue about whatever I said in the podcast that was "wrong" or otherwise infuriated people to such a, frankly, ridiculous degree. All I wanted were quotes and/or time stamps (or preferably both). Dozens and dozens of posts later, one person chose to take me up on that, while most others chose to hurl whatever nonsense they wanted at me, taking me up on mostly subjective issues or things that were said in Episode 51. This is relevant to me because I want to know WHAT was said, HOW it was said, and what the CONTEXT was.

Have a pleasant evening. I hope you are all well. And I mean that. -Colin
I applaud you for trying to decipher the well meaning posts from insults, and actually attempting to reword things to please the community. Much appreciated.

Last two posts are good enough buddy...if any of my posts you felt were insulting I apologize for the tone, just bored at work without a PS4 man...it's all just gut reactions to this stuff lol Thuway summed up nicely what most of us were conversing over. I'm not sure he used stamps, but I'd say that's the best reference if you wanted to address any points in particular.

Take a break though, it's legit impossible to have a conversation with words and texts over the internet lol. This would be much easier if we could actually have a real conversation in person. In the end though, it's really not a big deal, and is most the nature of a big forum and too many people shouting across a desk versus some anti-Colin thing going on.

See ya next week


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I don't know whats worse; the recent shitposts about Colin or the 'it's just videogames' posts.

Actually they are equally tedious.


I honestly don't see that happening realistically both consoles were weak at launch. I've never seen a gen where consoles were so out of Date at launch. I'm very happy Sony improved the Specs with the Pro. Another 3 years with ps4 specs would have been painful.

Do people actually believe that?
Well done everyone, great job.

/s incase it wasn't obvious

Apart from some people, I really don't see how this thread warranted the reaction it got from Colin. The criticism, generally, all seemed very valid, and it's kind of telling that he didn't even put in the effort to address any of it, regardless of the few people saying mean things.


Apart from some people, I really don't see how this thread warranted the reaction it got from Colin. The criticism, generally, all seemed very valid, and it's kind of telling that he didn't even put in the effort to address any of it, regardless of the few people saying mean things.

Pretty much this.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Do people actually believe that?

Duh. You think people would be fighting Colin this hard if they didn't think the Pro was "saving" them from PS4's massively outdated graphics?

I haven't listened to this week's ep yet. I know last week ya'll tore Colin down because of something that was really only a small part of the show. Most of his complaints--and their complaints in general--was that this didn't seem necessary. It was more of a "who asked for this" type of thing and he made some interesting points about how Sony just seems like they're distracting us all with this new hardware while game after game ends up suffering delays.

Ya'll clung quite hard to the whole "PS4 Pro isn't that much better than the Xbox One S" thing, which is indeed absolutely factually incorrect. But that wasn't the majority of the show, which is telling honestly.
Apart from some people, I really don't see how this thread warranted the reaction it got from Colin. The criticism, generally, all seemed very valid, and it's kind of telling that he didn't even put in the effort to address any of it, regardless of the few people saying mean things.

That really isn't the issue here I believe. This entire thread, not just these past two weeks but the entire thread has been filled by shit posts. Folks coming out and taking potshots at Colin and sometimes even Greg.

Colin is a polarizing figure for sure but he didn't become everyone's favorite punching bag over these past two weeks, he's been "it" for quite awhile now.
Duh. You think people would be fighting Colin this hard if they didn't think the Pro was "saving" them from PS4's massively outdated graphics?

I haven't listened to this week's ep yet. I know last week ya'll tore Colin down because of something that was really only a small part of the show. Most of his complaints--and their complaints in general--was that this didn't seem necessary. It was more of a "who asked for this" type of thing and he made some interesting points about how Sony just seems like they're distracting us all with this new hardware while game after game ends up suffering delays.

Ya'll clung quite hard to the whole "PS4 Pro isn't that much better than the Xbox One S" thing, which is indeed absolutely factually incorrect. But that wasn't the majority of the show, which is telling honestly.

I think calling him out for misconstruing his own opinion with that of the majority of customers, which is who Sony is actually targeting, is also a very valid criticism.

That really isn't the issue here I believe. This entire thread, not just these past two weeks but the entire thread has been filled by shit posts. Folks coming out and taking potshots at Colin and sometimes even Greg.

Colin is a polarizing figure for sure but he didn't become everyone's favorite punching bag over these past two weeks, he's be "it" for quite awhile now.

Well, I don't know about that. That may very well be true. But in that case, he shouldn't be coming in here with a seeming willingness to start a conversation over what people think he said wrong, only to then come back with that "hat in hand" comment that doesn't address a single thing. 'Cause that's kind of a bait-and-switch if you ask me.


Duh. You think people would be fighting Colin this hard if they didn't think the Pro was "saving" them from PS4's massively outdated graphics?

.. massively outdated graphics? Nah, that has to be satire. The regular PS4 is a completely fine machine. If you have a 4K TV with HDR support, then I could see a reason to upgrade to the Pro.

But honesty, if you have a PS4 and a 1080p TV, you will be fine until the next generation. I guess that goes against the voice here, but I am taking a wait and see approach on the Pro.


Apart from some people, I really don't see how this thread warranted the reaction it got from Colin. The criticism, generally, all seemed very valid, and it's kind of telling that he didn't even put in the effort to address any of it, regardless of the few people saying mean things.

That's what so disappointing. I would have loved for him to answer some of the valid, respectful criticism. He's a very smart and insightful person and people do value his thoughts and opinions even if they dont agree, including myself.

Whole thing sucks.
.. massively outdated graphics? Nah, that has to be satire. The regular PS4 is a completely fine machine. If you have a 4K TV with HDR support, then I could see a reason to upgrade to the Pro.

But honesty, if you have a PS4 and a 1080p TV, you will be fine until the next generation. I guess that goes against the voice here, but I am taking a wait and see approach on the Pro.

That doesn't "go against the voice here". That's what the majority of people out there will think. Sony isn't coming out with this machine to replace every single PS4 unit currently out there. Of course, they'd love for that to happen, but them bringing out the PS4 slim proves that that is not their plan. They're widening their target group, while also attempting to retain a significant portion of ACTIVE consumers who usually jump ship towards the end of a generation, when the power differential between PC and console is huge.

The PS4 pro probably cost fuck-all in terms of R&D. This makes it so that it doesn't really matter whether you buy a pro or a slim from this point forward. They just want you in their eco system, buying games and paying for subscriptions. And giving consumers an option at both ends of the spectrum, instead of one somewhere at the bottom, makes it so that they'll capture a larger part of the consumer base.


Well, I was thinking of listening to this episode and responding...but I dont think thats necessary. A good chunk of people have given well written responses that were tossed aside, a few people criticizing Colin in general, and also a few people who seem to have gotten entirely defensive on Colins behalf shitting on peoples responses with a general and lazy "fanboy" criticism.

Not sure anything else can be added at this point...


I came here, hat-in-hand and willing to have a dialogue about whatever I said in the podcast that was "wrong" or otherwise infuriated people to such a, frankly, ridiculous degree. All I wanted were quotes and/or time stamps (or preferably both). Dozens and dozens of posts later, one person chose to take me up on that, while most others chose to hurl whatever nonsense they wanted at me, taking me up on mostly subjective issues or things that were said in Episode 51. This is relevant to me because I want to know WHAT was said, HOW it was said, and what the CONTEXT was. I'm super disappointed that tons of shit is being hurled at me, but it seems people just want to be mean and rude and not actually engage, and I'm half-convinced some of you never even listened to Episode 52. But I digress.

The vitriol, anger, and outright meanness has completely turned me off to coming here again. I still have no idea what most of you are even this upset about, and I've read all of your posts. That's just me being honest with you. I took the time to listen to the podcast carefully, and I cannot fathom what would make some of you 10% as angry as you seem. It's disconcerting, and it's strange. I don't begrudge you your right to be mad or upset with me. Folks say mean and terrible shit to me every day, and have for years. But I simply don't get it here, and I won't be engaging any further.

Many of you support PSILY and our other shows, and I truly appreciate that. I hope that for those of you who I think I'm the anti-PS4 Pro Demon Hack Who Doesn't Know Anything, you'll come back around and enjoy the show again. If not, that's fine, too. But for many of you, I'd also ask that you take stock in how you talk to and about people you don't actually know, and how entirely off-kilter the last ~5 pages of this thread has been. And over what? Someone's opinions on a video game console?

Y'all can bicker among yourselves about how terrible I am and how stupid I am and how I don't know what I'm talking about. I tried to constructively engage, but I was left disappointed. I'm moving on.

Have a pleasant evening. I hope you are all well. And I mean that. -Colin


Nobody is being mean to you?

Most people are trying to understand why the PS4P and it's reason for existence is seemingly so hard to grasp for you guys. You guys were saying some misleading/uninformed things in this podcast regarding Xbox and PS. You're hearing about it. Its constructive criticism. You guys have one of the most visible gaming podcasts around. I dont think that qualifies as being "mean" but....



While I don't entirely agree with Colin's rebuttal, some people have absolutely proven his point to be right after his final post. It's like several members here took his remarks as an excuse to open up the floodgates and bring it upon themselves to act like he said they were acting as a means to dig at him, and in many cases literally became the thing they were continuously proselytizing against when saying that it wasn't ever happening in the first place.

It's video games, people.

There were no floodgates. There are a few that resorted to name calling after his final post, but they can be counted on one hand. The rest of the thread is still relatively civil.


I came here, hat-in-hand and willing to have a dialogue about whatever I said in the podcast that was "wrong" or otherwise infuriated people to such a, frankly, ridiculous degree. All I wanted were quotes and/or time stamps (or preferably both). Dozens and dozens of posts later, one person chose to take me up on that, while most others chose to hurl whatever nonsense they wanted at me, taking me up on mostly subjective issues or things that were said in Episode 51. This is relevant to me because I want to know WHAT was said, HOW it was said, and what the CONTEXT was. I'm super disappointed that tons of shit is being hurled at me, but it seems people just want to be mean and rude and not actually engage, and I'm half-convinced some of you never even listened to Episode 52. But I digress.

The vitriol, anger, and outright meanness has completely turned me off to coming here again. I still have no idea what most of you are even this upset about, and I've read all of your posts. That's just me being honest with you. I took the time to listen to the podcast carefully, and I cannot fathom what would make some of you 10% as angry as you seem. It's disconcerting, and it's strange. I don't begrudge you your right to be mad or upset with me. Folks say mean and terrible shit to me every day, and have for years. But I simply don't get it here, and I won't be engaging any further.

Many of you support PSILY and our other shows, and I truly appreciate that. I hope that for those of you who I think I'm the anti-PS4 Pro Demon Hack Who Doesn't Know Anything, you'll come back around and enjoy the show again. If not, that's fine, too. But for many of you, I'd also ask that you take stock in how you talk to and about people you don't actually know, and how entirely off-kilter the last ~5 pages of this thread has been. And over what? Someone's opinions on a video game console?

Y'all can bicker among yourselves about how terrible I am and how stupid I am and how I don't know what I'm talking about. I tried to constructively engage, but I was left disappointed. I'm moving on.

Have a pleasant evening. I hope you are all well. And I mean that. -Colin
Come on Colin. You are better than this.
People have been calling him ignorant for the past week

Hmm? I invite you to ctrl+f that word, and you'll see that it's used rather sparingly. In fact, it's used maybe once or twice over the course of the last 10 pages to refer specifically to him and the rest of the crew. And once was to call him out over the whole "ps4 pro is comparable to xbox S" thing, which is actually pretty ignorant.

And regardless, I'm not a native English speaker, but is ignorant really an insult? I always thought that it could be used in a valid manner.


extra source of jiggaflops
Not really but it's dependant on the context and some of these guys have been using it in a pretty agressive and derogatory way
I would think ignorant is the mild form of the criticism. Basically saying they don't know and are ignorant of the facts.

Now if someone says they do know the facts then say nonfactual statements the claim would be that they are deliberately disingenuous.


I would think ignorant is the mild form of the criticism. Basically saying they don't know and are ignorant of the facts.

Now if someone says they do know the facts then say nonfactual statements the claim would be that they are deliberately disingenuous.

i'm not going to debate on the word, all i'm saying is I understand Colin right now. I've been reading this thread for the past few days and felt kinda bad for him, people were pretty much debating how stupid he was for a long stretch there, even if that wasn't their intention that's how I read it and that's how I would've read it if I was in his shoes


I think they need to invite someone like Leadbetter to the show.


It's obvious the technical side of things is not their strong point and they've mentioned this themselves. Why not have as a guest someone when new hardware releases or something who can break down what we might see or expect.

One of the things I love about the podcast is when Colin talks about the history of games because he's knowledgeable in that field. If they can have someone, once in a while who could break down the technical side in laymen's terms when the need arises then that would be great for the show

When a press conference shows games from UbiSoft, Epic Games, Crystal Dynamics, Eidos, Monolith and Sony first parties all with specific upgrades to 1080p including supersampling, increased framerates, better lighting and more foliage and the reaction is "I don't have a 4K TV, why should I care [about PS4 Pro]", that's not an opinion, that's not paying any attention and spreading misinformation.

To then double down on that a week later (and not even know what the Xbox One S and New 3DS are) and then act precious when listeners call it out is not a good look.

This and yet some are saying Sony didn't explain it.

I wrote that 10 pages ago. Easiest prophecy ever.

This thread seem to have gotten worse after Colin generalized most comments. The discussion has switched from "This is what you said and why it is wrong" to "You are wrong and these are your negative traits."

The latter is still a valid criticism for a [gaming] journalist(?) or entertainer. This is a thread about a podcast, it would be silly to shame people for criticizing a host about how their mannerism on the podcast and when addressing criticism.

But we are all (including myself) now focused on an entirely different topic and issue: how Colin used a broad brush to discredit a lot of users in this thread. And it is disgusting that it seems like he never truly wanted to engage with anyone. I would understand if he said, "Hey there are a lot of comments and feedback and I'm getting overwhelmed with deciphering through them all." But to label the majority of posts as vitriol is a deflection.

Also using the argument "It's just a video game/console" is so odd when your livelihood is to discuss video games, and you do so passionately.

Mass criticism at once is hard to handle, but you can voice this concern and challenge and ask if one person could consolidate issues with the podcast and have the thread agree on it (this thread was civil when listing issues). I'm assuming this is the reason why you deflected. I feel for you dude (in this regard), I have my issues with some of your mannerism and attitudes, but I understand having 100+ posts addressing issues concerning to you doesn't make anyone want to wake up from bed. But if you decide to engage with GAF and this thread at least respect the people that went out of their way to provide valid criticism in hopes of improving a podcast they enjoy.


Personally agree with him.

Think the pro is pointless move. If you want one, more power too you.

If they released another next year would you be pleased about that too?

PS4 just produced the best looking game ever 3 years into its stride. Its completely unnecessary.


People are upset Colin isn't pissing himself in excitement for iterative consoles

How did you write this out and then think to yourself, "Yeah, this is a good post! Time to click Submit!"

Characterizing the party you disagree with will only ever characterize yourself.


If they released another next year would you be pleased about that too?

PS4 just produced the best looking game ever 3 years into its stride. Its completely unnecessary.

Why does the Pro cause these irrational arguments? Where does this "if they release another next year" even come from? That's not an issue. This is an upgrade three years after launch that we can all either take it or leave it.
Personally agree with him.

Think the pro is pointless move. If you want one, more power too you.

If they released another next year would you be pleased about that too?

PS4 just produced the best looking game ever 3 years into its stride. Its completely unnecessary.

Got a better argument up your sleeve to invalidate the decision of Sony other than "I think it's pointless"? Do you understand that the primary reason that Sony is bringing this to market in fact isn't "for dem graphics", but because of boring things like "we want to sell more consoles, and looking at how other people are doing it, we believe this to be an avenue worth investigating"? Or should they just churn out 6-8 year long console generations until they're irrelevant, and keel over and die?
Apart from some people, I really don't see how this thread warranted the reaction it got from Colin. The criticism, generally, all seemed very valid, and it's kind of telling that he didn't even put in the effort to address any of it, regardless of the few people saying mean things.

All the early replies directly quoted him were very grounded and civil. I am still waiting for him addressing those posts.

I don't see any thread active participants need to apologize for the 10% of the shit posts as if GAF is worse than other internet platforms.


Got a better argument up your sleeve to invalidate the decision of Sony other than "I think it's pointless"? Do you understand that the primary reason that Sony is bringing this to market in fact isn't "for dem graphics", but because of boring things like "we want to sell more consoles, and looking at how other people are doing it, we believe this to be an avenue worth investigating"? Or should they just churn out 6-8 year long console generations until they're irrelevant, and keel over and die?

oooh we are feisty today. Love it

I explained my arguement in the following sentences.

Sony is exactly bringing this console to market for 'dem graphics' as you so elequently put. That is literally all it does. PS4 games, with 'dem grapihcs'

The PS4 is still killing it, the slim will dominate this holiday. I believe that the Pro is a pointless move. They could have sold through this year on the slim, and still undercut Scorpio by a few months with a much better machine. They are making the wrong decision in my opinion.
Sorry, i'm Dutch. Is 'ignorant' as swear word? Is it offensive? Serious question.

It isn't. If I'm speaking on a topic that I don't know about, then I'm obviously ignorant on the subject. It doesn't mean one is stupid overall, it can offend some of those with thinner skin though.


Here you are:
  • 00:08:25 - Please try the other way around for a change! Find me a game that is anything like The Witcher 3 on PS2! You keep saying "we had open world role playing games", but what specifically are you talking about? I found nothing remotely similar on PS2 - PS3, sure, fine.
  • 00:12:50 - We don't really know anything substantial about the Scorpio. There are 2 numbers that don't really make it leaps and bounds better than PS4 Pro, everything else is vague promises by Microsoft and hopeful speculation based on it. With the given 43% increased computational power, I can't really see Scorpio render 2 times the pixels without any tricks.

    And most of all: Microsoft themselves said they will do exactly the same as Sony does, keeping the Scorpio and One as one family with full compatibility up and down. So there goes your argument that this will do anything substantial for gameplay. How could it do that without leaving the One behind? You are speculating it will, but that again is not what's on the table right now. Scorpio always gets the benefit of doubt from you in a direction that it will do everything right.
  • 00:25:00 - HDMI, component, composite or whatever? Do you have people coming to your home connecting the PS4 to your TV that you don't seem to know what it uses?
  • 00:26:00 - Goldfarb said that the only thing that would make the Pro relevant for VR would be if "a twenty hour experience requires extra processing power", and you agreed. That is so utterly wrong on multiple levels!
    1. It directly contradicts the promise that PS4 regular and Pro will be one family and you can play everything on both.
    2. What does the length of the experience have to do with how demanding it is for the hardware?
    3. Why is it suddenly not possible to scale back and have the same gameplay experience? You are contradicting yourself here!
    4. The Pro will enhance all VR titles with at least applying supersampling, which is extremely beneficial for VR.
    5. You still don't seem to get what the breakout box does. For starters, if it was integrated into the Pro, you'd have much shorter cables. But what you said about a cheaper unit and "the processing box" was inconclusive, because you didn't finish any sentence in that short part, so it is hard to judge what you really think, but it didn't sound like you know it does audio calculations and signal routing / straightening out for tv, nothing more.
  • 00:27:30 - The Pro being closer to the One S than Scorpio is just embarrassing to listen to. It strengthens my feeling that you both don't really get how the Pro renders 4K images (in a way) and think it is basically the same as what the One S does. Please educate yourselves, it does far better!
  • 00:35:30 - Simply no, it would not be better if Sony split the user base and allowed Pro only games. They don't even allow Pro only features, and that is the exact thing keeping this one generation and not a super early successor.
  • 00:42:00 - Funny how you can at length complain how Sony fucks up first party games releases, then later on happily nod when Goldfarb says Sony didn't make a single mistake this generation (until the Pro).
  • 01:21:10 - Even more funny how after a very lengthy discussion of how unimportant graphics are compared to gameplay, Goldfarb gets dreamy-eyed about how much better Bioshock Remastered looks. He didn't talk at all about the performance (which is clearly better, huzzah), he explicitly talked visuals. And again, not the slightest bit of downplaying the importance of that from your side, Colin. Putting down money for improved visuals on a game you already own suddenly is a good thing again - how selective of you!
If I screwed up a sentence or two, please excuse, this length of text is hard to compose on a mobile, I don't have a computer available here right now. I will correct it if I see it.

Edit: ah, looks like I was too slow and he won't be reading it. Well, too bad. I did it first thing in the morning of my time.
Thank you Planet for putting in the effort. I did not quote you directly Colin because others did far better job than I could. You should realize that our time is also valuable like yours. Not all of us can go and time stamp specific parts. But most of everyone who directly quoted you were civil and explained their thoughts clearly.
oooh we are feisty today. Love it

I explained my arguement in the following sentences.

Sony is exactly bringing this console to market for 'dem graphics' as you so elequently put. That is literally all it does. PS4 games, with 'dem grapihcs'

The PS4 is still killing it, the slim will dominate this holiday. I believe that the Pro is a pointless move. They could have sold through this year on the slim, and still undercut Scorpio by a few months with a much better machine. They are making the wrong decision in my opinion.

Sorry about the snark.

The OG Xbox and PS2 invalidates your argument. A year on the market ahead of your competitor can be as big if not bigger than having a more powerful machine a year later. Not to mention that it has been mentioned quite a few times already that that 1 year only gives the Scorpio a lead in terms of power as big percentage wise as the difference between a current xbox one and a PS4. I think they're making the right decision here, and I think that's also pretty evident.

Also, the Pro does far more than that for sony. That's what I meant by saying that that isn't the reason sony brought it to market. It also gives people another reason to adopt 4K, which is something I forgot to add.


Here you are:
  • 00:08:25 - Please try the other way around for a change! Find me a game that is anything like The Witcher 3 on PS2! You keep saying "we had open world role playing games", but what specifically are you talking about? I found nothing remotely similar on PS2 - PS3, sure, fine.
  • 00:12:50 - We don't really know anything substantial about the Scorpio. There are 2 numbers that don't really make it leaps and bounds better than PS4 Pro, everything else is vague promises by Microsoft and hopeful speculation based on it. With the given 43% increased computational power, I can't really see Scorpio render 2 times the pixels without any tricks.

    And most of all: Microsoft themselves said they will do exactly the same as Sony does, keeping the Scorpio and One as one family with full compatibility up and down. So there goes your argument that this will do anything substantial for gameplay. How could it do that without leaving the One behind? You are speculating it will, but that again is not what's on the table right now. Scorpio always gets the benefit of doubt from you in a direction that it will do everything right.
  • 00:25:00 - HDMI, component, composite or whatever? Do you have people coming to your home connecting the PS4 to your TV that you don't seem to know what it uses?
  • 00:26:00 - Goldfarb said that the only thing that would make the Pro relevant for VR would be if "a twenty hour experience requires extra processing power", and you agreed. That is so utterly wrong on multiple levels!
    1. It directly contradicts the promise that PS4 regular and Pro will be one family and you can play everything on both.
    2. What does the length of the experience have to do with how demanding it is for the hardware?
    3. Why is it suddenly not possible to scale back and have the same gameplay experience? You are contradicting yourself here!
    4. The Pro will enhance all VR titles with at least applying supersampling, which is extremely beneficial for VR.
    5. You still don't seem to get what the breakout box does. For starters, if it was integrated into the Pro, you'd have much shorter cables. But what you said about a cheaper unit and "the processing box" was inconclusive, because you didn't finish any sentence in that short part, so it is hard to judge what you really think, but it didn't sound like you know it does audio calculations and signal routing / straightening out for tv, nothing more.
  • 00:27:30 - The Pro being closer to the One S than Scorpio is just embarrassing to listen to. It strengthens my feeling that you both don't really get how the Pro renders 4K images (in a way) and think it is basically the same as what the One S does. Please educate yourselves, it does far better!
  • 00:35:30 - Simply no, it would not be better if Sony split the user base and allowed Pro only games. They don't even allow Pro only features, and that is the exact thing keeping this one generation and not a super early successor.
  • 00:42:00 - Funny how you can at length complain how Sony fucks up first party games releases, then later on happily nod when Goldfarb says Sony didn't make a single mistake this generation (until the Pro).
  • 01:21:10 - Even more funny how after a very lengthy discussion of how unimportant graphics are compared to gameplay, Goldfarb gets dreamy-eyed about how much better Bioshock Remastered looks. He didn't talk at all about the performance (which is clearly better, huzzah), he explicitly talked visuals. And again, not the slightest bit of downplaying the importance of that from your side, Colin. Putting down money for improved visuals on a game you already own suddenly is a good thing again - how selective of you!
If I screwed up a sentence or two, please excuse, this length of text is hard to compose on a mobile, I don't have a computer available here right now. I will correct it if I see it.

Edit: ah, looks like I was too slow and he won't be reading it. Well, too bad. I did it first thing in the morning of my time.

It's like fact checking a Trump speech.
You people are fucking nuts. You don't have to defend Sony for the misstep that is the PS4 Pro. Hell, maybe it'll be very successful but I doubt it, especially since 4K still won't be mainstream even by 2019.

I disagree with Colin a lot, a lot , but he isn't wrong here. Sure he may not have got 100% of the facts right in the episode, but it's not like it's scripted. Hell, he isn't even a journalist anymore as he himself admits, he is a pundit.

Its amazing the selective memory that some people have, but we went through seven years of last gen without something like the Pro. Sure, people bitched and PC elitists were having field days in the last 2-3 years of the gen, but whatever data Sony got that said gamers move on from console to PC late in a generation obviously wasn't significant or permanent effect based on the incredible sales of both the PS4 and Xbone.

I don't know, I feel that both Sony and Microsoft would be better off with fully backwards compatible 9th gen console in a few years rather than wasting resources on what they are doing now. We've never had anything similar to the Pro being successful (and no, the GBC is not like the Pro, it was a new system with exclusive games).

Enthusiast circles aren't indicative of the greater market. Just because a potential majority of Gaffers may have 4K by 2018 doesn't mean the same will apply to the market. At best it's 2025 before 4K has 50% saturation.
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