Some new additions. Kingsleys Adventure seems fun as hell and the colourful graphics are awesome.
Kingsley is a very fun game. Never finished it though, because near the end, it became really hard.
I still need to find a good Ape Escape, Vanark and Omega Boost. Never played the last two, but they sound like my style of game, and Ape Escape...well I just really like the series, but cant seem to find a good copy of 1 or 2 for a decent price.
Ape Escape and Omega Boost are a blast. Try to track them down.
I did NOT know a psx thread exists. This is the console I grew up instead of the SNES, and I love this console dearly. That being said, I need to buy a good number of the games I used to own. Like my old GBA collection, almost all my PSX collection is bootleg aside from my RPG collection. Unlike the GBA, I knew I was buying bootleg PSX games most of the time, lol. Buying bootleg back in the day had its benefits, if not for bootleg, I would not have played almost all the beloved PSX games discussed in the forums here.
Every PSX game back then would cost me about $3, so buying 10+ games each visit to the game store was the norm.
I really need to buy back the best games in my collection, lol. Mostly because they are scratched like mad, and are almost unplayable. BTW mods, not glorifying piracy, just mentioning a brief part of my childhood.
That being said, which psx do you all like more? Fat or slim? I personally like the slim more than the old grey one.