This was my only guess. But, it was from my brother in law who has had it since we were young. Maybe his parents bought it for him from a pawn shop? Have to search eBay and see if I see any others like it.
wouldn't it be better to wait till the new Strider hype dies down & prices level off? i imagine NES Ducktales spiked last year too
I mentioned the same exact thing a while back. Prices are crazy. If you do manage to get the game, do mention your impressions of the game.
Are the PSX Underground discs worth anything? I still have some.
I got some fresh buys from ye olde Ebay to show off, as well as one I happened to find in the closet.
Got some more coming in the next week or so.
Lol looks like I'm not the only one to have found the Strider 2 price hike it seems.
Also noticed Casltevania Chronicles bumped up a bit to average of $ is with this artificial inflation, I just bought it complete for less than half maybe two months ago.
Some nice pickups there! I haven't played Colony Wars but I've heard very good things about it... plus Psygnosis in that era was on a roll...
Arc 2 is fantastic, and cj_iwakura you really need to crack open your copy! One of my favorites from the PS1 era. It's got its share of flaws (like, a super high miss-rate and some obnoxious difficulty spikes) but damn is it not one of the most epic and satisfying RPG experiences ever. Though I recommend playing Arc 1 first, since 2 is much more of a 'continuation' than a separate game. Arc 1 is a short (12 hour long) game, and it's not bad, but it's not a patch on its sequel.
You can probably skip 3, I didn't particularly care for it, and got bored after 10 or so hours. Didn't like the characters, the graphics (sprites on ugly polygons instead of the strictly 2D first 2 games), or the game progression (lots of extra-wordy dialogue and go to fight some boring battles with a much smaller party than 1 or 2).
anyone played:
--Countdown Vampires
and have an opinion on them?
galerians is on the way. youtube vids put me off of a Countdown Vampires impulse buy though.
It was for $30 before? I recently bought it for $45....
Strider 2 was so hard to find during it's release for me. I was limited to taking the bus to get around back then, so my options weren't that great. But between Toys R Us, Funcoland and EB, none of them had it. Did it have a limited print run? It's no wonder prices are jacked if that's the case.
i remember i had it preordered at EB, and i think i called them about the disc mislabeling at some point? but yeah, i didn't see it much after that, come to think of it...might've had a low print run
Never played the original Galerians. Countdown Vampires was bad, though. It was one of those things I thought was cool at the time, because I'd just discovered Vampire Hunter D and was like "Japanese vampires are cool." And they are cool. But that doesn't make a thoroughly busted game any good.
That said, the intro movie is the most incredible thing I've ever seen.
Edit: here it is. It is as spectacular as I remember.
"What the heck is gonna to happen?!"
some youtube comments on another vid say he doesn't ever put a coat back on, just goes topless the whole game
anyone played:
--Countdown Vampires
and have an opinion on them?
galerians is on the way. youtube vids put me off of a Countdown Vampires impulse buy though.
FFXI must look pretty rough on a PS1!Got another dump of pick ups!
Some I got from Ebay, others I found at a game store (called Save Point) in Westminster, MD. Pretty decent price on everything. I still have not paid over 45 dollars for a single game in these new collection pics yet. They had a copy of Suikoden 2 for $100-ish dollars while I was there but I didn't want to drop the green while I was already picking up Kings Field, Gauntlet, Vandal Hearts and Yu-Gi-Oh! (19 dollars, 9 dollars, 21.99 and 12.99 respectively). I have never played that particular Yu-Gi-Oh but I used to have a ton of fun with the GBA game AND it might not come out in the picture but the entire front and back cover are FOIL!!! I saw two copies there, one foil and one not and I was sold. That shit looks straight up like the old Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon cards. The copies of FFVII and IX at the bottom I got from a store in Williamsport, MD (called Time Warp). They are their own specially made boxes and I got both for below 30 dollars total. The next two pics illustrate a fun typo that made me double-take when I was there looking at the shelves.
Only thing I'm bummed about is Time Warp had a copy of Donkey Kong Country (SNES) competition catridge from the Blockbuster competition that came and went within an hour before I could drive over there! I live a little over an hour away.
My dog insisted on getting in the picture with my games.
Edit: I think I might go ahead and get that Suikoden 2 if they still have it. I'm regretting not grabbing it when I did.
Can't say I remember much about Evil Zone, I owned it back in the day but traded it in at one point. Have heard a lot of hype about it over the years though. Never beat Soul's time. Juggernaut is just plain strange. Hybrid looks interesting. It's an FPS Doom clone that I believe was only released in the UK. You can choose from four different characters, each with their own abilities.
The heck is Juggernaut?
EDIT: Even though I need a new case and both discs have scratches, they work!
As my friend and I are kneeling on the ground sorting through it some asshole reseller keeps bumping into us trying to look inside and offers the vendor $35 for the entire box as we are still literally holding what we plan to buy in our hands. The vendor told him "You can have whatever is left when they're done," which was very cool of him, and he stuck to the dollar a game offer he initially made which was even cooler.
As we're walking away the reseller runs up behind us and asks us to sell him the games. I said "We haven't even played them yet!" He says "I'm not talking to you" and turns to my friend, who is holding the games *I* just bought. Of course he laughs and says no, but holy shit what an asshole D=
I've seen some older tips about polishing discs with a small bit of brasso can also help buff out scratches. I've got a copy of Skullmonkeys that has some scratches on the back, and some music tracks sound slightly i'm trying to figure out the best way to go about fixing it.
I've also seen some info here and there that skip doctors dont work on playstation discs? Not sure how thats possible.
Can test it on some really cheap throwaway disk if you want. You don't have any enthusiast shops around you that have a disk resurfacing machine though?
I've seen some older tips about polishing discs with a small bit of brasso can also help buff out scratches. I've got a copy of Skullmonkeys that has some scratches on the back, and some music tracks sound slightly i'm trying to figure out the best way to go about fixing it.
I've also seen some info here and there that skip doctors dont work on playstation discs? Not sure how thats possible.
I had a scratched disc where the music sometimes skipped, and skip doctoring it did nothing to fix it. Obviously, I can't say it never works, but it didn't work for me. I've had hella success with ps2 games, though.
Can test it on some really cheap throwaway disk if you want. You don't have any enthusiast shops around you that have a disk resurfacing machine though?
Yes. Please go to a professional disc resurfacer. You might end up with a game that looks brand new.
Disc doctors grind the bottom of the discs and it looks like shit, if it works at all.
I had a scratched disc where the music sometimes skipped, and skip doctoring it did nothing to fix it. Obviously, I can't say it never works, but it didn't work for me. I've had hella success with ps2 games, though.
Last time I had this problem was with Legend of Heroes: Dragon Slayer on Turbo CD. Took it to a local small game store (3D Games) and they had one of these:
and worked perfectly afterwards. Only problem now is that I think they've moved.
Yeah, but I totally didn't get aroused.
his tribal tattoos show that he is strong rebel but also believe in great justice for demon evil
I need a CRT and the millions that used to be around here are gone! people just said "fuck it we're not taking those anymore"![]()
searching craigslist seems tough since no one puts "CRT" in the title, and "TV" just brings up all those unwanted Olevia and Dynex LCDs from 2006
I need a CRT and the millions that used to be around here are gone! people just said "fuck it we're not taking those anymore"![]()
searching craigslist seems tough since no one puts "CRT" in the title, and "TV" just brings up all those unwanted Olevia and Dynex LCDs from 2006
Try "Trinitron" since it is the end models of that that seem to be really good if you aren't dedicated enough to go PVM/BVM. Get a boat load of results when going for that. Just make sure to check for inputs.
I'd love one but all the ones in my area are 32"+
I need something in the high teens/low 20s. A broadcast monitor would be nice, but wouldn't I have to mod everything for RGB output? they don't seem to have normal connections.
I'd love one but all the ones in my area are 32"+
I need something in the high teens/low 20s. A broadcast monitor would be nice, but wouldn't I have to mod everything for RGB output? they don't seem to have normal connections.
Master System, Genesis, SNES, Neo Geo, Saturn, and PS1 support RGB without modding anything. You will need something to convert the RGB connector to BNC plugs for those PVMs and BVMs