lol call me crazy but I think the PS1 klonoa looks 100x better then the Wii remake
something about that aesthetic
something about that aesthetic
Component is actually inferior to RGB cables for PS1 games.Having a PS2 for PSX games is superior since you can use component cables for the games.
Component is actually inferior to RGB cables for PS1 games.
Component is actually inferior to RGB cables for PS1 games.
having run them side by side i can confirm this
Seriously? Explanation please! I have a RGB and a Component cable for my PS2. Should I be switching for either playing PS1 or PS2 games?
Color separation is better with RGB. Component has advantages like 480p and 1080i for the few PS2 games that support those resolutions, but if you're playing low res PS1 stuff, RGB will give you the best quality image.
having run them side by side i can confirm this
Color separation is better with RGB. Component has advantages like 480p and 1080i for the few PS2 games that support those resolutions, but if you're playing low res PS1 stuff, RGB will give you the best quality image.
Waitaminute, what?Component is actually inferior to RGB cables for PS1 games.
I'm pretty sure all PS2s have the PS1 CPU built in, it acted as the I/O processor. The fat PS2 was compatible with more PS1 titles, though.there are some good ones on the non-compatible list. Tomba being one of them.
but I think the fat PS2 has hardware emulation, doesn't it? so it shouldn't be a problem on one of those.
The big problem with using a PS2 or PS3 to play PS1 games is you don't get this. I need to get that as my ringtone at some point.
that and PS3 has 40ms input lag no matter if you're playing from disc or PSN. Add that to the input lag from your display and it's an all around bad deal if you're playing games that rely on precise inputs.
How did the longbox for Raiden Project look? Was it a clear case like the Sega longboxes, or was it one of those black plastic kind?
That being said, whats a good price for a complete version?
yeah, don't even try to play Parappa or Incredible Crisis on a PS3 haha
incredible crisis is ridiculously hard no matter what! or i just suck at it
Anyone here ever play the game UBIK for PS1?
I loved the Philip K Dick book, and I understand this is related. Is it any good?
man, i was going through old PSM magazines the other day...i'm this close to grabbing the one with the Resident Evil lid sticker & putting that thing back on the modded system baphomet sold me. looking back, the PS2 had a fantastic library but PSX felt so much more experimental, and between that feel & many games being $40-50 alla sudden, i had some really great times in college with it.
there's a lotta guys (Gamesack, etc) that constantly harp on 32-bit gen/early polygon stuff aging poorly/being unplayable...i don't doubt the upscaler's helping a great deal here but i largely don't feel that way. tank controls, lack of dual analogs for many earlier titles etc are a much bigger factor.
I kinda need to know what Cyberorg is. Cool that Brave Charge actually came with a figure.
How much do you think it would run to modchip a PSone these days?
I'd always really wanted to buy Gungage as a kid, back when I first got into importing (5th grade... shit, I'm old.) Never did. Anyway, I'm guessing the game is kinda butt today, but the soundtrack was really something special. I think I put a few tracks from the game in that PS1 music playlist I put up last year.
I agree with you on that point. A lot of the 32-bit stuff that's unplayable today wasn't particularly good back in the day, either. You could still just feel the gimmickry back then, even if the graphics were "great" by those standards.
Also, don't tussle with those lid stickers. I used a PSM one on my OG PS1, and wanted to take it off a few months later.
Yeah, even the characters look like something you'd see in a western comic book. Surprised that never made it outside of Japan.
Just found Legend of Legaia on a used goods store for 3 euros. It's in good condition and has a manual. Is the game any good?
Woah that's a good find! It is one of the harder to find PAL PS1 RPGs. The game is great too!
Not all PS2 models had the PS1 CPU built in (ditched for a different processor), so they had to switch to full PS1 software emulation.I'm pretty sure all PS2s have the PS1 CPU built in, it acted as the I/O processor. The fat PS2 was compatible with more PS1 titles, though.
Legend of Legaia was pretty bad. Massive disappointment coming from the Wild ARMs devs.
Anyone have any recommendations as to what psone classics I should get next? (I'm a NA psn user). I have Castlevania SOTN and played a little of it, but haven't really put any serious time into it. I was thinking of maybe getting FF VII next.
Anyone have any recommendations as to what psone classics I should get next? (I'm a NA psn user). I have Castlevania SOTN and played a little of it, but haven't really put any serious time into it. I was thinking of maybe getting FF VII next.
Yes, get FF VII. You seem to have a good amount of appreciation for the games the PS1 could produce during its time and within its limitations.
Final Fantasy is a stunning showcase of great story-telling, awesome art direction (that despite being "japanese" won't scare away westerners), great visuals (for that time) with its detailed in-game battles & spectacular-looking spells/summons, absolutely beautiful pre-renders backgrounds, mindblowing (for that time) CGI sequences and amazing soundtrack. The characters are very likable, pacing is great, the story genunily interesting (featuring a hell of an antagonist), the battle system traditional, deap and very enjoyable (due to the materia-system). The game ouzes athmosphere, so you should take your time and not forget to throw in a grinding season/exploring season once in a while, to level up your party and find certain secrets.
Vagrant Story. Do it.
Awesome! Sounds like it's definitely a classic for a reason! I actually listened to some of the soundtrack and it was so great, its a big factor as to why I want to play this one (is it just me or did the psone era have amazing soundtracks in general? Every one I've payed so far, which is admittedly not that many, has had a crazy good soundtrack. I'm glad you say the battle system is traditional, as FFX has my favorite FF battle system and that was pretty traditional.
Yeah I'm very curious about this one! From what I've seen the graphics are AMAZING and it seems very FFXII-ish, which is awesome because FFXII is pretty great.
Legend of Legaia was pretty bad. Massive disappointment coming from the Wild ARMs devs.
Is Silent Hill that good? Never played it, nor was interested in it back in the ps1/2 days. I only own SH3, played a bit at the start, then quit.
I have RE2 coming on the way, can't wait.
Yeah FFXII shares the same director (Yasumi Matsuno)/character designer so aesthetically I can attest its one of the best looking games in the library, looking pretty good even today.
EDIT: Whats with 4 disc cases having the first disc flop out, no matter how delicately you move the cases around?
Oh wow that makes sense! At $6 there's no reason for me not to download this at some point anyway