I found an old copy of Star Trek: Invasion while looking through some old stuff, ripped it, and popped it in EPSXE, only to find that the game keeps shoving big, thick black letterbox bars at the top of the cutscenes and loading screens whenever I use OpenGL2.
But the in-game stuff renders fine and I remember why I didn't play this game much as a kid. Using an analogue stick instead of the D-pad to maneuver is a massive improvement, but man, the stick sensitivity is insanely high. Some of the mechanics, like the motion lock-on are really wonky, but the fighter on fighter combat is pretty fun. The biggest problem so far (I've only played the first three missions) is that I have no idea how if there's even a way to regenerate my shields, otherwise I die in a few seconds, especially when up against a beam spamming capital ship.
I really wish someone would put out an HD remake of this game with better controls and a more comprehensive tutorial, because it's nice to find a space fighter game that's designed for a controller.