I started a LTTHG thread about this game but it didn't go over very well so I thought I'd post it here too.
The HG is for hidden gem, and that describes one of the games that's been sitting in my backlog for quite awhile: The Divide: Enemies Within, and I must say I'm glad I finally popped it in. Developed for the PC and PS1 by Canadian developer Radical Entertainment back in 1996, this is basically an early 3D homage to Super Metroid. Surprisingly that is what appears to be the thing that reviewers hated about it at the time of its release, but now almost 20 years later it serves the game very well.
Sure, the graphics aren't all that hot (as you should expect of such an early 3D game), but otherwise this an extremely solid sci-fi exploration game with enough going on to make it very satisfying to play. You play the pilot of a mech who was stranded on an alien world, frozen for an unknown period of time, only to awake to find your partner is missing and your mech damaged. You'll have to find parts such as energy tanks, armor, and so on scattered throughout the environment just like you do in Metroid. Thankfully the game uses a very simple camera set-up, so even though you do quite a bit of platforming and shooting it's never too difficult to line things up.
And speaking of Metroid, The Divide also features a pretty good ambient soundtrack that is highly reminiscent of the atmospheric soundscape of its inspiration. It also has a map layout that intertwines, with new areas gradually becoming accessible as you regain your mech's equipment. Granted, it's not quite how I would imagine an N64 version of Metroid to look and play, but it uses the Metroidvania formula very successfully considering we didn't see many of these sorts of games during that generation.
I'm only a couple hours in, but the game has certainly grabbed my interest despite its technical limitations. I had a slight hiccup near the start where I didn't realize certain blocks could be destroyed with bombs, but otherwise it has been designed well enough that I haven't had too much trouble progressing. The best part is, despite being what I would consider a hidden gem, it has actually remained hidden all this time (no LPs on YouTube despite it being a short game, and there isn't even a FAQ on GameFAQs) so picking up a copy is still very cheap! So if you're fan of Metroid or that style of game, you should definitely seek it out for your PS1 collection.
Here's a great article about it on Hardcore Gaming 101 with an interview with one of its developers.
Video showing the game's opening tutorial level and first area (YouTube)
If the graphics don't immediately turn you off and you give the game a chance, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Playing it now it almost feels like something an indie developer would make today to capitalize on basic 3d graphics and nostalgia for Metroid-like games.
I think I'm on the last boss now and while some of the platforming has been a bit annoying (though no unintentionally so), I have enjoyed it. I'm only about 4 hours in with quite a bit of inefficient backtracking to try and collect all the upgrades.