try galerians
I´m...kind of... on a trashy B-horror game trip right now.
I just got "D" and "Cold Blood / In Cold Blood " in the mail today.
Man, we used to get so many interesting and "out there" games back then...
i'm looking for one of those ps1 shells but not in that barf colour, looking for the clear crystal ones, couple for a ps1 and 1 for the ps one, i think last time i tried looking i could only find them on dodgy looking sites or places that wouldn't ship outside of america
Does anywhere online sell 3rd party shells like this?
...and you opened the case to find a Bubsy 3D disc?My birthday is tomorrow and one of our regular customers totally surprised me at work today. We've talked about how much I love the PS1/PS2 a lot and I've mentioned that there was only one really pricey game left that I needed to pick up. He came by the store today and dropped this off for me. I was speechless!
...and you opened the case to find a Bubsy 3D disc?
My birthday is tomorrow and one of our regular customers totally surprised me at work today. We've talked about how much I love the PS1/PS2 a lot and I've mentioned that there was only one really pricey game left that I needed to pick up. He came by the store today and dropped this off for me. I was speechless!
Wow, you should really thank that guy. Did he have this game for a long time and did not want it anymore?
Fear Effect is life.
Looks pretty sharp!
Oh anyone looking for Lunar 1, this seems like a good price?
It's missing all the stuff that's supposed to come with it:
Hmm, honestly I am not sure. Here is the discussion thread I was reading in case you were interested. I don't know a whole lot about the negconThat is interesting. The neGcon also has 2 analogue face buttons though, I assume it can't do anything to mimic that can it?
Not to mention all the different variations that are out there.
That site is pretty cool if you are into finding all the different variations to games that were released on the PS1. I own the Magic Emperor / Xenobia, Phacia, Royce variation. Its is also how I discovered the different between a Tomb Raider III green disc vs. a blue disc version.
Not to mention all the different variations that are out there.
That site is pretty cool if you are into finding all the different variations to games that were released on the PS1. I own the Magic Emperor / Xenobia, Phacia, Royce variation. Its is also how I discovered the different between a Tomb Raider III green disc vs. a blue disc version.
try galerians
Fear Effect is life.
Gonna recommend Galarians and Fear Effect as well.
Or just put the opening of Resident Evil on loop.
I started playing Vagrant Story for the first time last night after finding it at a flea market. Don't know why but I randomly though "Oh hey that game might be like Demon Souls, it sort of looks like it and I remember it being very weapon based". Only 2 hours in but enjoying it. It looks pretty sharp on a emulator too, have the rendering upscaled like crazy.
Several years ago, I saw the whole Colony Wars trilogy at a gaming store, all for cheap. I put off buying them for too long and they were gone! Since then I've only been able to find 1 and 2. I refuse to play it until I can get the whole trilogy. Then I shall play through them all. Is Red Sun any good? Cause if it sucks I'll just forget about it and enjoy 1 and 2.
Fantastic game; my favorite, in fact. If you didn't, be sure to leave the game alone when you first start it up, as there are a couple of cut-scenes that only appear there.
I started playing Vagrant Story for the first time last night after finding it at a flea market. Don't know why but I randomly though "Oh hey that game might be like Demon Souls, it sort of looks like it and I remember it being very weapon based". Only 2 hours in but enjoying it. It looks pretty sharp on a emulator too, have the rendering upscaled like crazy.
The PS1 is my favorite system of all time (nostalgia plays a part, but I love the games).
I'm still discovering titles I missed when they originally released. Mostly I play them these days by buying digitally on PSN, but there's so many games that are missing.
I still have a few of my original discs but I'm honestly not into collecting. Has anyone played Machine Hunter? It was a top down run and gun shooter kind of like Loaded but you could take control of different machine types. Pretty fun game that probably wouldn't get mentioned on GAF normally.
Anyway, yeah I love the PS1. *throws change into PS1's hat*
That's the one where your character could possess different robots, yes? I played the demo on one of those demo disks years ago, and remember liking it enough to want to eventually purchase it, but never did.
Ive been messing with my Negcon this morning![]()
Hmm I sort of want to get one..
Hmm I sort of want to get one..
I always wanted one of these back in the day. Is it supported in Wipeout 1 & 2097/XL? It'd be great to be able to play back through those with analog control.
In the Hunt is so cool. Runs much better on PS1 than Saturn too.
That's what I've heard. I've had my eye on it for a while considering its rarity, but I didn't realize until recently that it was a SHMUP. Always figured it was some kind of Steel Diver-esque game based on the cover, haha. Really excited to try it out.
Yeah, and the art and animation is that unmistakably pre-Nazca Irem. They went on to do Metal Slug.
Ever played any of the wipEout games? Get the trilogy of games on PS1 and have great fun playing them with a NegCon. Just feels like it was the way the hovercraft were meant to be controlled!
Go for it. Its a godlike racing controller. I also recommend playing Side-by-Side Special with it. Really cool drifting game based on the arcade "Battle Gear".Amazing. Thanks for the heads-up. Now I just have to track down a NIB Negcon on eBay