Holy shitsticks. Holy SHITSTICKS.
TL;DR = I'm blown away, but if anyone cares, my quick personal story:
I've hooked up my (2008) PC to my TV for the first time ever, a 46" Panny Plasma. I have no idea why I've waited so long to try that out, but hey, amazing. I was running Windows XP with some crazy bloated registry from the last two years that was slowing things down. Realized I could grab Windows 7 (a student license) for free from my college (had no idea till now). So, wiped it clean, experiencing 7 for the first time, enjoying a wonderful, fresh new system, and thought, what the hell, now that it's hooked up to the TV and as fast and clean as it'll ever be, let me give PS2/Wii emulation a try. Got my systems still hooked up and everything, but hey, enough people on GAF have gushed about what these games CAN look like on even a halfway decent PC.
My PC was built by a friend, nothing special. Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz, GeForce 8800GT (a beast for its time, iirc), 2GB RAM (lol).
I own FFXII and FFXII Int'l ZJS and used the English patch last year when I learned about it on GAF, and even sought out a fat PS2, MagicSWAP and a Slide Tool so that I could actually play it. And it worked, and it was cool, but shit, what I would have given to have XII ZJS English look even just as good as XII did when I was playing it upscaled on my PS3.
Fast forward to today.
I installed PCSX2 using the GAF thread advice. I didn't even have the patience to check the XII/ZJS specific guide to tweak settings, I thought, let me just fire it up and see how it looks and plays.
Fast forward to the start of my post.
Fuck, is this ever motherfucking GORGEOUS. WHAT. Holy FUCK. I mean, there's no denying the still images in this thread and the other PCSX2 thread....but to see it look so beautiful in motion....man. I just didn't think it was going to run this well, so fast, without even so much as a tweak, on my 2008-era PC.
I mean, after I played it for a bit, I realized a couple of sound issues are off (sync issues, specifically), and I'm sure once I get into the crazier and more heated battles with more intense spell effects, that some slowdown will occur, but I haven't even applied the ideal tweaks yet that are recommended.
I'm SO ELATED. Thank you GAF.
I don't actually have any of the HD Compliation PS3 releases yet (my first will be the Ico/SOTC one next month) -- do they look this great? I can't imagine they would. I mean, they're going to be gorgeous, and optimized, and all trophy'd up and what not, but wow. This is unreal.