Funny you'd say that, because one I've seen one of the scenes posted here screencapped on PS3.PS3:
I just recently completed the game for the first time on PS3. Looks like I will do a future playthrough on this emulator when I get a gaming rig.
Funny you'd say that, because one I've seen one of the scenes posted here screencapped on PS3.PS3:
I've recently been playing around with dolphin and the pcsx2 emulators and they are both brilliant. I've been trying out my old ps2 games and the increased rendering resolution does wonders for their graphics.
I just finished playing X-men Legends and it ran perfectly well, with only some minor audio glitches. Still a fun game. Shadow of the Colossus runs at half speed but I've managed to get through half the game despite the slowdowns.
Sadly Destroy All Humans has a number of graphical glitches and crashes, but I'm going to persist in trying to get it to work.
Has anyone tried Ty the Tasmanian Tiger? I'd like to know if it works before I track down another copy.
Did you try to make an ISO file of your disc? Solved some stuttering issues for me. But maybe it was just my disc drive which is kind of dying...
How well is FFX running in PCSX2? I feel like playing it again but I don't know if I should wait for the PS3 remake or play the PS2 version in PCSX2.
Comparing both, it seems that the patch stretches things a bit too vertically. I wonder how easy that would be to match the PS3's ratio.Funny you'd say that, because one I've seen one of the scenes posted here screencapped on PS3.PS3:
I think FFX is one of the better running games on it, depending on your PC.How well is FFX running in PCSX2? I feel like playing it again but I don't know if I should wait for the PS3 remake or play the PS2 version in PCSX2.
Comparing both, it seems that the patch stretches things a bit too vertically. I wonder how easy that would be to match the PS3's ratio.
How well is FFX running in PCSX2? I feel like playing it again but I don't know if I should wait for the PS3 remake or play the PS2 version in PCSX2.
is there an easy way to patch the Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System version to englisch?
a single patch?
And FF X just crashed about 10 minutes in as well. Are these crashes just constant while playing on pcsx2? If so, I'm probably out. Don't really wanna be saving every 2 minutes to protect against non-stop crashes.
And FF X just crashed about 10 minutes in as well. Are these crashes just constant while playing on pcsx2? If so, I'm probably out. Don't really wanna be saving every 2 minutes to protect against non-stop crashes.
Nope crashes aren't supposed to happen, i'm using 1.0.0 and I haven't had it crash on a single game. Use 1.0.0, and if you already are then maybe your system just can't handle it
I don't understand why PCSX2 says I don't have DX11. My card can play dx11 games, why can't GDSX see it can? Post 3 & 5 might solve your issue
I have a desktop. That's for laptops.
I have a desktop. That's for laptops.
How can I make Nocturne not look weird and blurry? The MC's eyes look really bad in motion.
The newer revisions remove the MC shadow, pretty sure all other shadows are in tact and working fine however.It's using some kind of filter... never did figure out how to fix it myself. Are the shadows still all bugged out?
Does PCSX2 benefit a lot from an SSD? Because I've got trouble running some Ratchet and Clank games for my little brother at a consistent frame rate on an Intel Core 2 Duo with a 2GB GTX 650 Ti Boost.
Emulators are heavily CPU dependent, and that C2D is doing you no favors.Does PCSX2 benefit a lot from an SSD? Because I've got trouble running some Ratchet and Clank games for my little brother at a consistent frame rate on an Intel Core 2 Duo with a 2GB GTX 650 Ti Boost.
Quoting myself, found these shots of Nocturne on the PCXS2 forums, they look so much clearer and colourful than what I have, anyone been able to fix this kind of problem before?How can I make Nocturne not look weird and blurry? The MC's eyes look really bad in motion.
Quoting myself, found these shots of Nocturne on the PCXS2 forums, they look so much clearer and colourful than what I have, anyone been able to fix this kind of problem before?
Take a screenshot of your settings for us. The one I want to see is your Emulation/ GS Window setting and the video plugin settings. The color could just be that the user tweaked the shade boost settings.
The first ratchet and clank game ran terribly when I tried it, that was awhile ago though, so it might have been sped up a great deal since then.
I'm trying to mod the ELF for ZOE2 so I can get widescreen, but I can't find the damn ELF-file when I open the .iso with winrar.
Anyone in the same situation?
Don't know if this has been asked already but is it possible to transfer ps2 saves from pcsx2 and my ps3 and vice versa? I have the 60gb ps3 and the ps2 memory card to ps3 transfer thingy.
If you're interested in converting from PS3 to PCSX2, I have you covered. I converted over 100 saves a few days ago, and can vouch for this method. =)
You'll need to do some Google searching for the following PC-based tools (I can't vouch for how trustworthy/good some of the sites I've seen these on are):
-PSV Exporter v1.1
-PS2 Save Builder v0.8
1) On your PS3, transfer your PS2 save onto a USB stick. You should have a .PSV file that you can copy on to your PC.
2) Load up PSV Exporter. Open up your PSV file with it, then select "Extract All Files" from the File option. Select a destination directory to save to; the program will create a folder within this directory named something like "BASLUS-21334Grandia3".
3) Load up PS2 Save Builder. In the Root/ID field, type in the name of the save directory that PSV Exporter created for you exactly as it appears. In this case, we'll use "BASLUS-21334Grandia3" as our example.
Open the save directory, and select all of the files that are there. In my Grandia 3 save, these files were:
Drag and drop all of those files into PS2 Save Builder. Once you've done this, select File, Save As, and type the name of your save. It doesn't matter what you name it this time, but you should select to save as type "X-Port 2 (*.xps)".
4) Load up GUI version of mymc. It will ask you to choose a Memory Card Image to open up. This is the memory card you use in PCSX2, e.g., "Mcd001.ps2". Once open, choose File, Import, and choose your newly created .xps file. You should see the game save name and other info on your PCSX2 memory card. Exit out and you're done!
I haven't tried and don't actually know how to get PCSX2 save files back on to the PS3, but I'm presuming it can be done.
e.g., mymc has an option to export individual game saves as .max (Action Replay Max) files, so if you have one of those for your PS2, you can use that and then use the PS3 transfer tool to get them back.