Had my first crash! Scary! But I recovered. Here's what happened.
Hopefully you guys can find this useful.
- Was messing around with Remote Play and Resogun (my wifi signal sucks for some reason, I think it's my apartment. Not sure)
- Was moving between Vita and Controller several times. Had also been messing with turning on and off wifi, etc. All this while Resogun was suspended.
- Decided to give up and go back to Resogun. When I pressed PS on the DS4 to return to the game it was at the game's pause menu but my DS4 controller couldn't do anything.
- I pressed the PS button and was able to move between frozen game and Home Screen a few times.
- Then, suddenly, my DS4 stopped responding at the home screen. Voice commands from the camera still worked but when I plugged it in wired and then it gave me a solid RED light on the controller!
- I pressed and held the PS button down until the controller turned off. When I pressed again to turn it on it was just white!
- I had no choice but to press the power button on the PS4. It starts to shut down and takes like 30 seconds (spinning circle) but it doesn't finish.
- I press and hold the power button until it turns off completely. Now comes the scary part.
- The system starts flashing the blue light like we've seen in those brick videos and makes that scary three beeps (dun dun dun!) I start to freak out but then suddenly it comes up with a screen saying it's trying to recover with a progress bar.
- The progress bar fills out and then the unit resets again.
- It boots and comes to a screen telling me I was a bad boy for turning off the PS4 without shutting it down. The DS4 is still white so I unplug it and then plug it back in and it connects.
- Things appear to be back to normal.
Hopefully you guys can find this useful.