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PS4 Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


Had my first crash! Scary! But I recovered. Here's what happened.

  1. Was messing around with Remote Play and Resogun (my wifi signal sucks for some reason, I think it's my apartment. Not sure)
  2. Was moving between Vita and Controller several times. Had also been messing with turning on and off wifi, etc. All this while Resogun was suspended.
  3. Decided to give up and go back to Resogun. When I pressed PS on the DS4 to return to the game it was at the game's pause menu but my DS4 controller couldn't do anything.
  4. I pressed the PS button and was able to move between frozen game and Home Screen a few times.
  5. Then, suddenly, my DS4 stopped responding at the home screen. Voice commands from the camera still worked but when I plugged it in wired and then it gave me a solid RED light on the controller!
  6. I pressed and held the PS button down until the controller turned off. When I pressed again to turn it on it was just white!
  7. I had no choice but to press the power button on the PS4. It starts to shut down and takes like 30 seconds (spinning circle) but it doesn't finish.
  8. I press and hold the power button until it turns off completely. Now comes the scary part.
  9. The system starts flashing the blue light like we've seen in those brick videos and makes that scary three beeps (dun dun dun!) I start to freak out but then suddenly it comes up with a screen saying it's trying to recover with a progress bar.
  10. The progress bar fills out and then the unit resets again.
  11. It boots and comes to a screen telling me I was a bad boy for turning off the PS4 without shutting it down. The DS4 is still white so I unplug it and then plug it back in and it connects.
  12. Things appear to be back to normal.

Hopefully you guys can find this useful.


I have a question. My activity feed and profile on my ps4 show my real name. I set it to only show my avatar and psn name in the privacy settings. Is everyone else going to see my real name or just me on my own system? Anyone else run across this yet?
UPS. Just arrived. PS4 is BROKEN. So pissed.

Doesn't do shit when I power it up. Just a black screen. The system powers up and everything, but nothing happens.


So here is the stand I ordered from best buy by rocketfish. doubt it could look anymore official sony. nice

I have the same thing. Looks great, and even has some vents down by the base of it for added air dissipation. Solid as a rock ^-^


Felium Defensor
So I had a bit of trouble when I swapped the original HDD with my spare SSD drive. Don't do step 3 like the official website tells you to do, instead I had to pick option 7 from the safeboot menu with the USB stick plugged in and the new SSD installed of course. Now it seems to be installing/updating new OS properly. Monitoring progress...
for me it looked like I wasn't logged in as a + member cause they still show you tons of ads for the service but actually if you highlight the "Playstation Plus" line and then hit R1 you wil get to Resogun and Contrast. It's a terrible page design.

that is strange. but thanks.

I know the servers are being hammered, so maybe this is temporary. or yeah, someone twitter Shu ASAP.


Well, looks like I'll waiting for greatness to arrive until tomorrow. For some reason Amazon decided to use Fedex for me instead of UPS. So much for release date delivery.
UPS. Just arrived. PS4 is BROKEN. So pissed.

Doesn't do shit when I power it up. Just a black screen. The system powers up and everything, but nothing happens.

Did you check the HDMI port? That seems really similar to the problem Kotaku had. There was a small piece of metal in the port that needed to be pushed down.


I'm guessing I should do a cold boot to check that everything is working AND THEN upgrade the HDD. It would be suck so bad to have to rip my new HDD out after realizing my unit wasn't working.
How do I make it download one item at a time? It's splitting my download speeds between 4 games. Couldn't find the pause

Edit: Anyone else having issues with downloading Flower?
My PS4 arrived from Amazon a little while ago, but before I opened it I noticed the clear seal on the box been broken and then taped over with blue tape with PS4 logos. Has this happened to anyone else?

Everything seems to be in order and my PS4 is up and running, but before I broke the second seal I took a close-up photo, just in case.
This thread is now killing my impulse buy high...lol. Somebody post some good shit they're doing pronto as I'm stuck at work until 6:00.
Is there really no way to sort your library at all? Everything is just in the random order I downloaded them in with the first thing always being at the top (which is dumb) forever?

Also Trine 2 is in there just because I played the demo, even though I've now deleted it. That's pretty weird/dumb.
Anyone know if Wal mart will take a game back with no receipt? I don't wanna even try BF4 since people are saying it's so buggy.

Not sure what I will get to replace it. Maybe Assassins Creed.
Interesting, thanks for the feedback...That's what my gut tells me when watching gameplay previews...Still might buy one, knowing myself, if I see one when out shopping with the wife and kids tomorrow, I'll probably grab it...But thank you for the feedback; makes me feel better if I can fight the urge and hold off.

My whole thing is buy it if it has games you want to play. My conflict is that I had not planned on buying both consoles this year but knew for sure I wanted an Xbox one for it's lineup of exclusives. With that said, those could see poor reviews, who knows, Nd in the end you have two consoles whose best games are third party. At that point, for me, it's a question if well do I want these shiny new toys to play HD multi plat games. For me, that's a no.

With that, it's a great console, great corporate culture backing but in the end, once reality sinks back in, it's always about the games.



Hey guys, I screwed up when first downloading my Netflix App. They gave me the choice to "scale" the app or some shit. And I accidentally clicked past it. What did that do? And where can I change it?


PS4 keeps freezing up, wont allow me to shut it down using the PS button, cant select anything when i do all it says is enter and back, then nothing happens. Oh and BF4 wont even start lol wow.
So, let me be clear about what some here are saying...

The download and installs are seperate like the PS3? Is the process still beyond slow as well?


And that was easy. I picked up my PlayStation 4 at Walmart at around 11 AM, in & out in 10 minutes. Then, I went down the street to Target to pick up Killzone, Knack, and Assassin's Creed IV, however, I ended up going back a second time because they didn't get their shipment of PlayStation 4 games until noon.

sith ewok

So, is the network back up yet? When I was on early this morning, I couldn't access anything - store, multiplayer (Killzone), leaderboards.. Even going to the friends tab was giving me a network error code...


So, let me be clear about what some here are saying...

The download and installs are seperate like the PS3? Is still beyond slow as well?

Not my experience. Downloads appear in the interface with progress meters. Once they finish, they're ready to go immediately. In fact, several times I downloaded a game it also downloaded an update automatically and installed it without my knowing.

PSN download speeds (using the Eithernet cable connected to my router) are crazy fast. Like, I'm really surprised they are this fast.

I think Warframe took me 45~ minutes or so and that's like a 4GB initial install. When I look at it now in the Storage Management Screen it says it occupies 9GB. So either it set that space aside for the game or it downloaded the other 5GB when I was doing other stuff. I haven't actually started Warframe though because I'm kinda scared too. Heh. Seems everyone with problems had problems when starting Warframe.


Yeah, I was anxious when going through the order importing to the UK, but worked out well:
Its not all awesome until I get it, but I do feel for those in UK/EU waiting another 2 weeks, I guess I got lucky,


You will have to pay VAT as well as duty on this I believe but at least you get it nice and quick..


Sounds awesome, now we just need very visible reticle choices in hi vz color options to see what we are aiming at. I imaginge gyro aiming could have a 'snap' option that will snap to the nearest target when you get close enuff.

The whole point of it with Uncharted Golden Abyss was that you could use the sticks to get near enough, and then just twitch to get the headshot. It was amazing. I don't know how much aim assist was in U:GA though.
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