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PS4 Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


Unconfirmed Member
My biggest fear is a poor attachment rate with the PS4. Yes, games have started selling well on the PS3 (depending on the series), but for a console with 80mil+ units, you'd expect a fairly popular game to sell more than 1 or 2 million...


Guys I have an emergency. I'm at University and I can't login. Usually you need to sign into the university with your password before you can use the internet but the PS4 won't let you get to the internet browser without signing into PSN. How would I get around this?
The system was delivered around 1pm, but I'm at work until at least 9 tonight, and I have to come in this weekend for overtime. I'm having my wife grab it from the downstairs office, but I told her I'd hook it up when I got home. I already have the firmware update downloaded onto a USB stick.

I feel you man. Work til 630 with the ps4 waiting at home. Crying for me to play it. What games did you get?


I don't think Sony mandates PlayGo for 3rd party games.

Thank you. I looked everywhere online and couldn't find anything on that. Well, I canceled Killzone to try and speed up BF4, so when it's done hopefully KZ will give me the option.

I am very angry that I got suckered by the hype and went digital for my launch games.


So is it my hallucination or the SIXAXIS is improved? I was playing Flower and the control seems way more responsive.

Also, DAT GRAFIX, holy shit.

I believe it actually is. I'm assuming they put some move tech in there. I actually really can't wait to try out flower.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Eh? Disabled the inputs on your TV? How did that manifest itself? That is supremely weird.

I know, I was actually rather impressed, because I didn't even know that was possible. It did exactly what it says: every single HDMI input on my TV refused to receive a signal.

Specifically, I've got three HDMI inputs on my TV in general use: the first connects to my receiver, which is what my PS3, 360, and now PS4 are hooked up to, the second connects to my desktop PC, and the third connects to the HDMI out on my laptop. Upon the PS4 booting for the first time all 3 stopped displaying anything. Nothing on the receiver input, nothing on the desktop input, and nothing on the laptop input. Both the laptop and desktop were outputting at the time, but nothing would show up on their inputs.

Power cycling the receiver and TV fixed it though, and I am now one of the multitude Please Wait-ing for the PSN to process my login.


I had some HDMI oddities, seemed similar to the other ones that have been reported. Did the initial boot-up et cetera with no issues, but upon updating to 1.50 the system stopped outputting entirely and also somehow disabled all HDMI inputs on my TV.

Restarted the TV and the receiver and everything's golden now. Seemed like some bizarre handshaking issue or something that occurred once 1.50 tried outputting for the first time.

Sure it just wasn't your TV just not recognizing the PS4's output and therefore, not displaying the HDMI port as available?


Guys, stop hammering the PSN, I'm trying to play Knack's Quest on my phone for the next two weeks pretending it's the real thing. And it won't connect.


I just... so wish UPS would deliver it.

Been looking for it all day, been on delivery since 6am!

I hope this firmware gets installed smoothly, PSN was so crazy last night!
I know, I was actually rather impressed, because I didn't even know that was possible. It did exactly what it says: every single HDMI input on my TV refused to receive a signal.

Specifically, I've got three HDMI inputs on my TV in general use: the first connects to my receiver, which what my PS3, 360, and now PS4 are hooked up to, the second connects to my desktop PC, and the third connects to the HDMI out on my laptop. Upon the PS4 booting for the first time all 3 stopped displaying anything. Nothing on the receiver input, nothing on the desktop input, and nothing on the laptop input. Both the laptop and desktop were outputting at the time, but nothing would show up on their inputs.

Power cycling the receiver and TV fixed it though, and I am now one of the multitude Please Wait-ing for the PSN to process my login.

What is power cycling? Maybe it can help my PS4 connect to the HDMI..


Just got mine delivered. Stuck, as many are, trying to sign into PSN.

Don't want to start any games until I can get logged in once.

Currently watching Simpsons while trying to log in. Great launch day, although I kind of expected this.


stopped my stream for now, Knack is pretty fun but I need a break

gonna rest a bit and will pick back up in a few hours after dinner

ustream definitely seems to provide better quality right now


I know, I was actually rather impressed, because I didn't even know that was possible. It did exactly what it says: every single HDMI input on my TV refused to receive a signal.

Specifically, I've got three HDMI inputs on my TV in general use: the first connects to my receiver, which is what my PS3, 360, and now PS4 are hooked up to, the second connects to my desktop PC, and the third connects to the HDMI out on my laptop. Upon the PS4 booting for the first time all 3 stopped displaying anything. Nothing on the receiver input, nothing on the desktop input, and nothing on the laptop input. Both the laptop and desktop were outputting at the time, but nothing would show up on their inputs.

Power cycling the receiver and TV fixed it though, and I am now one of the multitude Please Wait-ing for the PSN to process my login.

I'm stuck in blue LED land though, so I don't think this post applies to me. Even when HDMI wasn't working, did it change to different colors (white is the good one?).


i don't understand what's going on with psn. i've been signed in since midnight without issues. it does occasionally say maintenance is going on, but i'm always still signed in. weird. i hope they fix all of this soon. it sounds like a pain for everyone else. i have 24 friends online.
Off the phone with Sony. 3-5 days for a coffin to arrive. No estimate on how long the fix will take. They're sorry, but would like to offer me an extended warranty plan (and by "offer" I mean they would really like me to pay for one).


Unconfirmed Member
Well I'm just glad no one was around to see me putting my PS4 back into the box to return to Amazon. I must have had such an angry bitter look on my face while doing it. =x So damn jealous of all you guys with working units!


I'm getting connection errors but it's not too bad. The important thing right now for me at least is that when it is downloading games like Warframe, it's not dropping and the speed is consistent.


Ugh, I shouldn't have hooked up my PS4 to my monitor IPS monitor first. I played it on my monitor for a while and decided to check out how it looks on my 40" LCD. Wow. in comparison my TV looks like garbage. People aren't kidding around with how the quality of a good IPS monitor compares with your average HDTV.

I feel like I have to stick to my monitor. No comfy couch gaming for me now :(


Off the phone with Sony. 3-5 days for a coffin to arrive. No estimate on how long the fix will take. They're sorry, but would like to offer me an extended warranty plan (and by "offer" I mean they would really like me to pay for one).

This is why I am going the route of returning to Amazon and found one at Costco locally even if it has an extra controller I don't want. Ridiculous. Sony is going to get some bad PR.
Off the phone with Sony. 3-5 days for a coffin to arrive. No estimate on how long the fix will take. They're sorry, but would like to offer me an extended warranty plan (and by "offer" I mean they would really like me to pay for one).

I've been waiting for an hour and 30 mins to get connected to someone...I just want to get that fucking box shipped and be done with this....I'm not even hype for it anymore.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Wait, people in this thread have actually gotten on the store and are downloading games? Mine hangs at "please wait" forever. I've tried to log in over the past 2 hours, nothing.

Should I just let it sit there forever at please wait, or keep trying to log in? Sucks that I have to type my name and password every time.


Guys I have an emergency. I'm at University and I can't login. Usually you need to sign into the university with your password before you can use the internet but the PS4 won't let you get to the internet browser without signing into PSN. How would I get around this?

Download the firmware update on an usb stick with your PC/Mac and then update the console. Download link should be available on Sony's support website


Ya ok. Pretty much was going to be the questions I would ask. Sorry:( We just had 2 of our coworkers and both don't work. So I asked them to plug the system into HDMI's that were running Xbox 360's. Still didn't work. I started to think it was a handshake issue, I deal with them constantly when installing systems but this seems to be just different and doesn't error on the tv like other handshakes do.

Yea, i'm used to HDMI being stupid (which is why I tried a capture card, it'll give me at least a read if it's getting something. But it's just getting no signal at all.

Next step after I call sony is to pull out my volt meter and start testing the pins :p

I'm curious to see if anythings making it down the cable.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I'm stuck in blue LED land though, so I don't think this post applies to me. Even when HDMI wasn't working, did it change to different colors (white is the good one?).

There was nothing odd about the LEDs, though I wasn't paying super close attention. PS4 LED was white, Dualshock 4 LED was blue the entire time, I'm pretty sure.

The initial boot-up and firmware update process went without a hitch; it was only upon the restart after the system completed installation of 1.50 that the HDMI hiccup occurred.


My Killzone download stopped and I can't seem to get it going again. I also have "ready to install" notifications for some reason, but when I click it, it just hangs at "Installing application..." with no progress bar or anything.

UPDATE: Got the download going again through the notifications tab.


Wait, people in this thread have actually gotten on the store and are downloading games? Mine hangs at "please wait" forever. I've tried to log in over the past 2 hours, nothing.

Should I just let it sit there forever at please wait, or keep trying to log in? Sucks that I have to type my name and password every time.

Keep trying, dont wait
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