Spent five hours with my new toy.
I'm underwhelmed.
The controller is nice, the game installs are unobtrusive, and the UI runs fast. But the overall experience seems like it could have used some more time in the oven.
I'm pretty easy to please as far as game visuals, but the graphics here seem a modest upgrade over last-gen. Sure, the frame rates are faster, but there's still texture pop and shimmer, and Killzone exhibited some of the worst aliasing I've ever seen. The big flyby leading up to your first real mission showcases a set of steps that strobe so bad with aliasing that I literally thought I was seeing a poor representation of fluorescent lights.
Battlefield 4 brought me AI friendlies who mindlessly jostled me as I peered out a window, resulting in me doing the slow, glass-floor sock slide until I was staring at a wall. And one of the walls that exploded as I ran by fell apart in huge chunks that landed with all the weight of big pieces of styrofoam.
Perhaps the technology is here, but the artists and game designers need time to catch up. These are launch games, after all.
Yes, I am sure things will get better from here. And, hey. In the meantime, there's Remote Play and Resogun!