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PS4 Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]

Does anyone have a download link to the full-size file needed for a new HDD install? A friend of mine is having problems. The only one I can find is the 322mb update file.

EDIT nm I think I found it.


Parts on PSN keeps going down, trophies, friendlists, game updates. Typical launch crap. I just played a whole match of killzone without any hiccups.
This is like all other outages. Diablo 3 and GTAV you had 90% of people yelling but then those 10% that for some odd reason had no issues.

I'm cool with waiting for my system to arrive Tuesday or Wednesday. By then everything should begin getting steady.

Would hate to get amped for some playtime just to have online issues get in the way ala most big online releases thisbyear

Ran rp

Just realized that if you skip the PSN login screen, you can link a local account with your PSN account later and start playing offline.

I'm an idiot, but at least I can start playing games.

Can I sync my earned trophies with the local account to my PSN account?
If you are trying under Notifications>Downloads, back out to main menu and access System Update from the Settings menu. Worked for me when I had the same problem

it always says it timed out....

then it tells to me redownload it again.... I do after many fails
then agains it falsely says it is preparing to install only for me to go full cycle to square one again

If I didn't have KZ comics to read in the SP I would be raging right now

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Very impressed with the setup and PSN downloads thus far.

Patch 1.50 downloaded immediately after the few minutes it took to link up my PSN profile. I was frightened when I visited the PSN store and digitally purchased 4 retail games(and 3 Indies...~150gb of downloads).

On Wifi it would have taken all night to get everything, but after plugging in an ethernet cable, I had EVERYTHING in ~3 hours. This includes:

-NFS: Rivals

All on day 1. Impressive. Wifi speeds are faster than my phat PS3 by far, but ethernet is the way to go if possible. Just lightning quick.

Speed of the interface and menus is fantastic too. Jumping back and forth to the nu-XMB or other apps is just immediate.

Not quite as sold on the PS4 controller yet though. All four shoulder buttons are a bit tinier than I had hoped. Still improved, but it will take time to acclimate.


Did anyone get a ps4 bundle on Amazon with a 1 year PS+ with it, if so I was wondering where the PS+ card is at. Is it inside the PS4 box?


It won't even let me back out of the "Please Wait...." menu. I'm afraid to do anything about it yet. I don't want to be the next hi77zones
All right, ran my system for 4 hours, played some games, did some streaming and added some friends. No issues at all really, even PSN is downloading pretty fast for me.

That's great to hear!! We need to know the positive experiences too. How is the browser speed wise and in terms of plugin support? Youtube etc work?
God damnit I had all afternoon off work and then I get called back in to work for a few more hours. Of course that's when UPS shows up and now I have to wait until Monday for the next delivery. Fuck me. Got so hyped and now I'm pissed.
Well I got mine!! No issues so far either (thank goodness) but wow PSN must have gotten slammed to have them shut it down. How did everyone else launch day go; the lines for PS4 around me were nuts.


I just thought of a question. When I link my PS4 to my PSN account, does that mean I have reached my 2 console limit, since my PS3 is already linked?

I guess what I am asking is the PSN limitation, 2 PS3s or 2 consoles? I believe the limit is 2 consoles and 2 handhelds, right?


It won't even let me back out of the "Please Wait...." menu. I'm afraid to do anything about it yet. I don't want to be the next hi77zones

You have no choice,hit that PS button and turn the PS4 off,no problems whatsoever getting back on...a lot of people have this.
Forgive what I assume is an often repeated question, but any differences with people so far on horizontal versus vertical? Any heat/noise issues? Disc scratching?
After putting up for butt-ugly console designs for years I must say the PS4 really is a thing of beauty.

Guess Sony didn't expect people to want to play games online in 2013 because I've been trying for over 2 hours to connect to PSN and I can't because of different errors. Wouldn't be a problem, but I can't play any of my games until I can get on the store. Freaking dumb.
Been playing with my ps4 since around 10am this morning (pst), so far so good. Download speeds were surprisingly fast, got both contrast and resogun in no time.
The only thing that surprises me is how loud it gets, at least on KZ:SF, mind you it's not a turbine but it's not dead silent either. Of course, being the first day I'm also being overly sensitive to that sorta stuff. Good thing is, if you have a decent surround system setup you won't notice much, only when you pause the game.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Yeah loggin in is borked. I guess I need to put a disk based game in. I wanted to get resogun. Oh well.


GAF parliamentarian
Ask I haven't managed to log in yet. Can I do anything with my PlayStation in the meantime or should I just get started on something else?
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