Colonel Nasty
These trophies I'm getting offline will sync with my profile once I can finally connect right?
2 hours to download a 323mb update. Unbelievable.
You'll keep them. I earned several trophies in Knack before I got my PSN profile up and running. Still got the trophies.
I'm dumb. How can I tell if a game is installed or not?
Took me 5 minutes an hour and a half ago.2 hours to download a 323mb update. Unbelievable.
You'll keep them. I earned several trophies in Knack before I got my PSN profile up and running. Still got the trophies.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry to much. This surely just day one issues. I was up all last night downloading all of my games and the network was extremely fast. I downloaded all 200GB of my games in about eight hours or so, and PSN maxed out my 60Mb/s bandwidth (doing the math it averaged just under 7MB/s).While I agree with this. It is day 1. The servers are being hammered. I would honestly be shocked if the Xbox 1 launched without a hitch next week.
That being said though. stuff like this can't be routine for Sony. We ARE paying for this stuff. The only linger of doubt I think people have with Sony is their online infrastructure. They HAVE to put the money into a stable network. Especially with so many coming from the 360 over to PS4
Also, would it be too much for the system to SAVE my login info so I don't have to re-enter it every fucking time your network fails to respond?
What a piece of shit this thing is.
Yep, that asshole. I hope he learns his lesson for yelling at me.
I have been playing for about 45 mins and I can't even hear my PS4. Though, my PC is in the same room and I'm sitting at it, so that could be why. PS4 definitely not loud though.
So quick Q. Is there a way to save my PSN identity login info I don't have to friggin' re-enter ALL the details everything every time I want to try to see if PSN is up?
Haven't played Killzone yet, how is it? First game in the series for me.
Also, I'd really like to know if Need For Speed can be downloaded from PSN and if so, how much?
4:19 PM...
Just to be clear, when I pick mine up on Thursday...
Do you guys suggest booting it up not connected to the internet, turning it off, then booting into Safe Mode to install via USB or should I just boot it into safe mode the first time I turn it on and install there?
Playing killzone disc version, any else's fans like...small vacuum loud ? Lol just wondering if I should be worried
Not sure if it'll help but try going to Settings>PSN>Restore Licenses.
I had an error when I tried confirming Resogun in the store, when I downloaded it and installed it was locked. After doing the above, it unlocked and played it just fine.
Question: Is it safe/better to leave the system in standby mode? If the system is off can it still receive automatic updates?