PS4 NFS Rivals Ustream Live
Too scared to plug it in, so I think I'll just drink and stare at it.
Yay! I got in! But now I don't know what to buy...blah this launch lineup sucks so much.
I have zero interest in Killzone. I want to play BF4 but I really dislike EA and kinda don't want to support them at all on principle. Already have lego marvel and ACIV on wii u. CoD Ghosts looks really meh all around. Knack got pretty bad reviews. Blah.
Playing killzone disc version, any else's fans like...small vacuum loud ? Lol just wondering if I should be worried
had 2 ps4s set up without any problem... that hyperbole with ps4 defects made me afraid
A friend of mine says it doesn't stack, but if someone has gotten it to work, I'm sure they'll post and say so.Anyone know if the 1 month free stacks or does it only work for new accounts?
Good lord, Flower is so pretty on PS4. If you already bought it on PS3, download (or try to) it now!
Quick question for US PS4 GAF. How much is Killzone Shadow Fall on PSN and how much does it retail in a store for?
I'm planning on downloading it off the store at launch here in Europe in 2 weeks but if the price difference is large I might just buy the disc version.
Quick question for US PS4 GAF. How much is Killzone Shadow Fall on PSN and how much does it retail in a store for?
I'm planning on downloading it off the store at launch here in Europe in 2 weeks but if the price difference is large I might just buy the disc version.
I downloaded the update and now it's redownloading it
what the fuck do i do
I'm seriously so pissed. This Amazon rep keeps trying to say its UPS's fault when they chose to process my order yesterday afternoon. They completely fucked me over. Seriously regret not preordering it through Gamestop. A more reliable company with better fucking customer service which is totally pathetic.
It'll probably be £39.99 over here.Quick question for US PS4 GAF. How much is Killzone Shadow Fall on PSN and how much does it retail in a store for?
I'm planning on downloading it off the store at launch here in Europe in 2 weeks but if the price difference is large I might just buy the disc version.
Resogun is addicting. SO ADDICTING.
59.99 online. in stores it's 59.99, obviously you can get it cheaper elsewhere though
It'll probably be £39.99 over here.
Is it fat32? Anyway finally got connected but the store its down for it's not recognizing my usb
i'm done with this console. i'm getting a fucking ouya or some shit