So I have to say, I'm actually enjoying Knack quite a bit. I like the tone of the story, and just the overall feel of it. I know the game will get worse as it goes on, just for the fact that there isn't more moves or variety. But I like it so far.
However, why does Knack have such bad frame rate drops when the graphics aren't that intensive? You would think since Cerny worked on it too, the game would be 60 FPS. But even a stable 30FPS would have been much better.
I'm also kind of noticing a lot of FPS drop in Contrast. Which again, I don't get. Given the power of PS4, and how the game looks (I actually like the art design of this game, but it doesn't really push the limits). So what is it, just bad optimization? That is my ONLY gripe so far with the PS4. Resogun plays fantastic. Killzone plays fantastic. Knack + Contrast has issues. Hell, even Call of Duty Ghosts didn't have any FPS problems (I notice like, a slight drop but it was so rare and quick, that it wasn't even an issue).
Haven't played Assassin's Creed IV yet. But I'm just going to guess it will have some FPS drop too.