Is the PSN Store not working for anybody else? I got signed into PSN, did the update, created my profile, etc. Everything works fine, but the PSN store won't open. Is it under maintenance?
Guys, fl0wer on PS4 is 1080p@60fps?
How do you get game audio to come through headphones that are jacked into the DS4?
I guess the countdown for EU has really begun now since half of NA seems to be enjoying their consoles
This controllerrrr. Omg I love it.
How did you get a deal?Battlefield 4 looks great, I'd advise people to let the console breathe and not shove it in a tight space, it needs to release heat. Also I recommend a Squaretrade warranty, they are a reliable company and you can buy directly from there website within 30 days or something from purchase. I ended up getting a deal and am covered till 2017, so peace of mind.
Jesus Christ how the fuck do I use the headset haha. I am plugging it on to talk to some buds, and the mic is on, but no sound comes through the small speaker or do people hear me
I tried using both apple (ipod default whatever) and my standard headphones and both would only have audio in the left ear during headphone volume adjustment in the device settings, and when I backed out they didn't have any volume. Can't play them through the TV either because I couldn't find the option to adjust headphone volume.
Guys, fl0wer on PS4 is 1080p@60fps?
So far Knack > KZ:SF imo.
Hold in the PS button.
At the bottom of the store sidebar
Jesus, that's fantastic! I honestly am looking forward to experiencing that over anything else.Yes.
Hold down the PS button and go to "Adjust Devices" on the controller to adjust headphone volume. I found that no matter what headset you plug in, if you set "output to headphones" to "chat audio", it'll only come out the left ear, if you set "all audio" the PS4 will pip all audio to your headphones. Personally I love this all audio feature, I can now retire my Astro Mixamp![]()
Ghosts 1080p patch is up right?
So the PSN store is down? Just got a message saying the service is undergoing maintenance.
Nah KZ is beautiful but it suffers from the same problem as previous entries. Its story is really dull, and the level design is mediocre at best.Maybe if you're a 5 year old.
Killzone keeps saying ready to install. But I click on it and nothing. Thoughts?
OK everything is working fine with my system. Everything is so fast. I was so shocked how fast the PSN store loads up. Just downloaded Resogun and played one map. Holy fuck.
Use a different USb stick and it'll work. I had a few USB sticks that didn't work for whatever reason. I used a sandisk cruiser model and it worked finallyCan't download the update because it just says it crashed or didn't get a response from the server. Can't use USB because it says USB storage device not connected when it is.
Question: does BF4 support split screen multiplayer?
And can you begin downloading updates/patches by inserting a disc and then removing the disc and playing another game?