Unpacked, examined, hooked up, booted up, updated, downloaded Contrast and Resogun, put in Killzone disk, connected to PSN, etc.
Everything worked flawlessly.
When the PS4 restarts, it clicks. Doesn't seem like a big deal. I think a lot of electronics do that.
Currently standing up fine with no stand. Will probably pick one up later.
Inital DS4 charge lasted about two and a half hours before console prompted me to plug it in. Gonna assume that it just wasn't fully charged.
Killzone is awesome!
Drive is mostly silent. I think I may have heard it once when I first loaded the disk. I'm sitting about six feet from the console. Turned my computer on, and it's mostly watercooled. 200mm top case fan on a Corsair Obsidian 650D is louder than anything coming out of the PS4, and it's not that loud...