Finally starting on PS4 stuff. Tried earlier but PSN was down.
Initial thoughts.
1) Glad there's a "Library" tab. PS3 had a conspicuous lack of any quick go to listing of all the games you own (whether or not they're currently installed).
2) The controller is outstanding. Sony has basically never changed the controller shape before this, and it's long overdo. We've finally got something modern and ergonomic. The sticks are a bit shorter which makes them feel more precise, and the lip helps. The handles are round and comfortable. The big stand out, though, is the dpad, which is unquestionably the most effective and precise dpad I've ever used. Using the dpad on either 360 or PS3 controller feels difficult and unwieldy by comparison. The dpad on the DS4 is truly a joy.
3) It's nice to surf the PSN store without stuttering.
4) Is Warframe worth my time? Same question for this Blacklight thing. Completely unfamiliar with both.
About to try some Killzone. Tomorrow it'll be AC4 and NFSR. I'm hearing good things about AC4 from my friends who are fans of the series (both of whom weren't too keen on AC3 and both of whom held off until PS4 to play this one).