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PS4 Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


So I'm considering trading in my PS3 collection. (excluding a few games, like Dark Souls)

I have about 44 games all together. But I'm not certain I can convince myself to do it. There are a number of games here that have been sitting in my backlog for some time, but realistically I'll never get to them as I'm fairly busy these days. I have games as old as Warhawk and Resistance, to as new as GTA V. Kinda hard to trade in Motorstorm and Uncharted franchises. :(

Should I do it?

If you're never going to play them again, then why wouldn't you trade them in? Keeping games around that you'll never play again just does not compute. Besides, in 10 years, if you do want to revisit any of these, they'll most likely be downloadable from whatever Sony console you have at the time.


Can you "follow" a user that is live streaming, and if so, how?

EDIT: It appears the only way to follow a user's stream is to log in directly to the service on my PC (Twitch)


Anyone able to play BF4 online right now? I see there are people playing, but it keeps saying "failed to join game" or "commander slots full" whatever the fuck that means.

I was getting that constantly while trying to join conquest matches. Had much better success with Obliteration maps FWIW


Sorry if this has been answered already but if i start to download a game and turn of my ps4 will it continue to download?

edit: ok found the answer.

You can in standby mode.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask (and it's probably already been asked) but can you use headphones with the jack on the controller when watching Blurays or is it only for games?



Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of_z4VTdzbw

I now want a camera with my PS4.


Not sure if this is the right place to ask (and it's probably already been asked) but can you use headphones with the jack on the controller when watching Blurays or is it only for games?

I believe there is an option for the audio to output through the jack. So it should be doable.


Anyone else unable to get into Conquest matches in BF4? I can play every other mode fine and use any other online feature of hte PS4 without a hitch (remote play works GREAT btw!) but for some reason I just can't join a damn Conquest game.

I could not get into Conquest matches either but the others that I tried all worked.
Does the PS Camera come with any kind of mount or stand that makes it easy to put on top of the TV?

Also I am probably going to put my Kinect on top of the PS4. I feel so dirty.
ACIV is fantastic so far, it seems like they ironed out all of the gameplay problems from ACIII and the graphics are gorgeous on PS4!


I really liked the Assassins Creed series from the start for its historical settings and production values, but the performance on consoles just killed the experience. Sub 30 and tearing like a bitch on PS3. So distracting. I finished a couple of them on Steam.

This game runs very smooth. A good FPS makes the traversal and combat more enjoyable. And it looks great on the PS4.
For BF4 and Sound Shapes, whenever I try to start the game all I get is a static screen and nothing loads. Should I redownload?

Edit: Looks like a restart fixed it
Powered off my ps4 but now it's stuck on a black screen with a spinning circle. Never fully shut down. Wat do?

I'm afraid to unplug it. Been stuck there for like five minutes.

Also is everyone getting like 99 notifications that all pop up one by one? It's like "contrast ready to install"..."contrast could not download"..."resogun ready to install"..."resogun could not download" over and over.


So the PS4 has voice and face recognition, with the PS Camera. You can show your face to the camera to sign in, or even say "Playstation play Killzone" to get to your game.

They should have made a bigger deal about that.
So, any thoughts on the best wireless headset to get for this? Is there anything out there that works as it should for both game audio and chat?
So... The impressions of KZ worry me.

I'm looking for a game to buy for the console Thursday. I'm leaning between AC4, NFS or maybe NBA 2K14. I want something enjoyable that'll show off the system's capabilities.

How does AC4 look? And is it better than AC3? I couldn't stand 3 or Connor.

ACIV is awesome. I did not like 3 but 4 is so much fun, have about 5 or so hours in right now and havent even left the first city. With the framerate issues gone its like a whole new game, plus the patch coming that will make it look even better. If you did not like the sailing parts of 3 do not get IV. It makes up a lot of the game even though I have not touched it much yet (doing lots of side mission stuff in first city)

Killzone surprised me, about two missions in and it looks amazing. I played some MP in the noob zone and I had a lot of fun. May play online more often.

Both of these games are really solid titles and I did not like any of the previous KZ games or AC 3 for comparison.

I am still waiting on NBA so cannot comment on that.


So, does anyone know how to un-sync your PSN account to Facebook? I'd rather not blow up my news feed with a bunch of obnoxious Trophy notifications.
So my PS4 froze for the first time after 12 hours of use. Too heavy applications running, I guess?

When you hold and restart the PS4 in Safe Mode, should you turn it back off and on, or can you just keep it running in safe mode?

Just wondering because safe modes are different in PC and smartphones.

Four Wude

Unconfirmed Member
Has anyone tried a Blu-Ray movie on the PS4? For some reason it doesn't detect LPCM unless I switch to Bitstream and then switch back to LPCM. Seems like a bug.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm... I keep getting errors when I try to log into my Japanese PSN account. I assume this means that the system doesn't currently support it.

This sucks because my Vita is tied to my Japanese account, so I can't use any of the second screen/remote play stuff unless I can log into my PS4 with it. As you all know, you can't just easily log into other region accounts on the Vita (unless things have changed).

I wonder if I'm going to have to wait until the Japanese launch before I can log in.
Super Motherload is a fun little grind...but it really should have been $10. Both it and Soundshapes seem a bit pricey for what they are.

This is likely going to be my main gripe with all these indie games coming out. Many of them will be over-priced for what they are, and stop me from jumping in and giving them a try, especially if there aren't mandatory demos for every game like on XBLA.

Like on XBLA, if something was 1200 points, I just wouldn't bother. 400-800 points and I'd dip.
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