So I'm considering trading in my PS3 collection. (excluding a few games, like Dark Souls)
I have about 44 games all together. But I'm not certain I can convince myself to do it. There are a number of games here that have been sitting in my backlog for some time, but realistically I'll never get to them as I'm fairly busy these days. I have games as old as Warhawk and Resistance, to as new as GTA V. Kinda hard to trade in Motorstorm and Uncharted franchises.
Should I do it?
If you're never going to play them again, then why wouldn't you trade them in? Keeping games around that you'll never play again just does not compute. Besides, in 10 years, if you do want to revisit any of these, they'll most likely be downloadable from whatever Sony console you have at the time.