Played it in remote play. Does tat count?
You remote played Flower from a PS4 while there is a Vita version of it.
We must go deeper.
Played it in remote play. Does tat count?
Did they get rid of getting alerts when your friends come online? I have everything checked but I never get an alert when somebody comes on.
PSN should be up and working.
Ask PlayStation @AskPlayStation
Having trouble accessing the PSN Store from your PS4 today? The Store is actually up, so try restarting the console.
Ask PlayStation @AskPlayStation
PS4 users: If you had trouble signing in to PSN earlier, try again. The network issues should be mostly resolved now.
I'm sure it must be hard to wait, but we are all your beta testers right now![]()
PSN should be up and working.
Ask PlayStation @AskPlayStation
Having trouble accessing the PSN Store from your PS4 today? The Store is actually up, so try restarting the console.
Ask PlayStation @AskPlayStation
PS4 users: If you had trouble signing in to PSN earlier, try again. The network issues should be mostly resolved now.
PSN is definitely not down. I'm in EST and using it just fine. Streaming, PS Store, everything.
Just got Battlefield today, I'm hoping PSN holds up.
Hold the PS button. Bottom right.I'm sure this has been asked before, but any way to see the controller battery status?
When I hit the PS button to go back to the OS all I see is the clock and trophy stuff, nothing about the controller.
BF4 has exceeded my expectations by quite a bit. I expected it to look good, but not run and play this good. Damn. Still getting used to the DS4.
Hold the PS button. Bottom right.
BF4 has exceeded my expectations by quite a bit. I expected it to look good, but not run and play this good. Damn. Still getting used to the DS4.
lol. It's pretty much broken right now. Dice should be embarrassed about the state of this game. It's atrocious.
I were told that that campaign were finished the same day it started?? :/Hey Gaf need a little advice. So I am gonna use this buy one get one free from amazon before it ends today. I am grabbing NFS for sure, just unsure what game to get beside that. I already have Killzone, BF4, Knack, and Nba 2k 14.
It is down to AC4, Lego Marvel, and COD Ghost. I heard some crap about ghost plus I have two other FPS so ghost might be a really poor choice. Any one played the Lego Marvel? I have a 5 year old son, think he would enjoy it? I never played any of the lego games in the past, from what little I see it seems fun.
Why does the console light turn orange when the console is powered off? Why not just turn the light off, too?
GAF- I have a PS4 coming tomorrow. I've never owned a Sony system, and I bought one on a whim thinking I'd sell it later and that's not happening now so...I need help figuring out what game to get.
I mostly play platformers and action-adventures, but Knack to me is not worth the $60 I'd spend on it. I already got Trine 2 on my Wii U. What's left? I can enjoy a handful of FPS games, but I'm fearful I might hate Killzone/Battlefield and I don't do online multiplayer anyways. So are there any titles for me to actually buy? At this point I might just grab Madden...
Yeah, yeah- probably shouldn't have bought in but I got washed up in the hype...
For psn, do a full shutdown of you ps4. Standby mode doesn't cut your connection
Hey Gaf need a little advice. So I am gonna use this buy one get one free from amazon before it ends today. I am grabbing NFS for sure, just unsure what game to get beside that. I already have Killzone, BF4, Knack, and Nba 2k 14.
It is down to AC4, Lego Marvel, and COD Ghost. I heard some crap about ghost plus I have two other FPS so ghost might be a really poor choice. Any one played the Lego Marvel? I have a 5 year old son, think he would enjoy it? I never played any of the lego games in the past, from what little I see it seems fun.
I will say I'm not a huge fan (lol this will be funny after you read the rest) of how loud the ps4 can get. Everything else I dig.
It's pretty amazing. I'm impressed with every game I've played so far (Fifa, NFS:Rivals and BF4), and I've been playing PC games at 1080p for a while. I can't even imagine how great these games look to the console only folks.
Short of typical launch issues (network etc..) I think Sony hit it out of the park with this console. The UI is amazing. The controller is amazing. The launch games look great.
Me too. What issues are you having? I'm having a hard time finding a comfortable position with my left thumb.
The content info screen (overview and stuff) has been hit or miss (mostly miss) for me all day. I take it this is due to PSN troubles? Everything else seems to be working fine.
The orange light is for standby mode. If you power it off completely there will be no light.
It's really nice to hear this. I don't have the PS4 yet (Europe...), but I've already bought FIFA 14. I'll also get Killzone: Shadow Fall and probably either NFS: Rivals or Battlefield 4.It's pretty amazing. I'm impressed with every game I've played so far (Fifa, NFS:Rivals and BF4), and I've been playing PC games at 1080p for a while. I can't even imagine how great these games look to the console only folks.
Short of typical launch issues (network etc..) I think Sony hit it out of the park with this console. The UI is amazing. The controller is amazing. The launch games look great.
HAd the same issue didnt realize till i remembered something was supposed to display when you go to a game. Is that were the digital manual resides? Cant find it.Same here. Really weird. Everything seems to work fine except it won't load the what new section or the live areas for the games.
sadly doesn't help for me.
I think that is a dumb decision. When I see orange I think oh shit it crashed.
Yea when I first got it I wanted to get everything sorted so I set it up outside of my entertainment center and didn't have this problem. But once I moved it inside.... It isn't hot though. My slim ps3 gets waaaaaay hotter. So at least there's thatI had the same issue with the fan noise. I then moved my PS4 out of my entertainment shelving unit that was a fairly tight space and put it in a more open area and it is noticibly cooler and quieter.
Did they get rid of getting alerts when your friends come online? I have everything checked but I never get an alert when somebody comes on.