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PS4 Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]

Is there not a download list like there is on PS3? I entered my AC4 DLC codes via the web, but there's seemingly no way to actually download them when I go into the PS4's store or the Library. I tried adding them to the download queue via the web multiple times, but it's not downloading them and I can't find where DLC is stored in the system's menus.

they are listed under notifications but only pertaining to PS4 (not your PS3 history)
so i'm browsing the streams on ps4. and i see one labelled jblow resogun and i'm like that's not jonathan blow. i click it doesn't have cam on but mic is and it is him lol.


so i'm browsing the streams on ps4. and i see one labelled jblow resogun and i'm like that's not jonathan blow. i click it doesn't have cam on but mic is and it is him lol.

Haha watching him now too.

And my god the bitrate is terrible on the built in stream stuff... It's often unwatchable. Especially on Resogun, that's a bitrate killer.


Junior Member
Is there not a download list like there is on PS3? I entered my AC4 DLC codes via the web, but there's seemingly no way to actually download them when I go into the PS4's store or the Library. I tried adding them to the download queue via the web multiple times, but it's not downloading them and I can't find where DLC is stored in the system's menus.

I couldn't find download history, either. A basic feature like this being absent pisses me off.


hide your water-based mammals
Posting this from my PS4. Downloads go WAY faster if you are not in party chat, bare that in mind. Me and all my friedns have had 0 issues getting on all day. Running like crap must be for the mod who changed it. The only thing I haven't been able to access is the what's new section. Got NFS via the store and it's downloading now. Takes about 4GB to DL before you can play then the rest DL's in the BG so now that I want to start the main campaign after the 2 tutorials I have to wait for the rest to DL. T reiterate on Dl speeds. With party chat it seems like I'm getting around 1mbps. Without I'm getting about 8-10. Huge difference. Great experience today again with friends. I'm glad the join friend feature works like Steam in where I can just go to my friends profile and see which server they are playing on or whatever game and join.


Yeah it's super slow for me too.

But hey...at least it works now! lol

You can see the DLC from inside the game for AC4 so I imagine you can download it from there.

However I haven't been able to find the "Limited edition" content that I got with the PS3 version before I upgraded it to the PS4.According to the UBI page it's supposed to come with it but the only DLC I see is the UPlay Passport and the Aveline's Mission.

I'll try looking from inside the game I guess, I haven't actually played it since I found out about the resolution issue.
they are listed under notifications but only pertaining to PS4 (not your PS3 history)
Yeah, I checked the notifications and the game alerts/downloads but nothing showed up after I added them to my download queue on the web.
Grimløck;90178742 said:
Is the $10 PSN voucher in the box? I must have missed it in my haste to set up the console yesterday.

It's a very blue plastic thing folded into 3 sections. 1 section is the 1 month of PS+, the 2nd section is the month of Music Unlimited, and the 3rd section is the $10 voucher.

Xaero Gravity



Granted I've only used it on the PC, but my DS4 doesn't light up blue when I'm using it, but rather white. Is that normal?

Foxix Von

How's the PS Camera?

I'm finding it a pain in the ass to have to hook my headset up to send voice messages or stop and switch over to my phone. Can you voice chat with it?


its a ps4 thing. they have 4 specific colors to use when connected to the system. blue, pink. green, and yellow? can't really remember. so white probably is normal.

Prepare yourself to have your mind blown....

Those are the colors of the face buttons on the Playstations controllers.
So does anyone know how to change input language on PS4? I went to the settings and disabled the English keyboard. I set it to Japanese input.

I am trying enter my Real Name but it defaults back to English. anyone know of a way to fix this? Do I have to set my system language as Japanese?


I'm extremely bummed to realize there is no video chat over the PlayStation Camera on PS4. Really hope that gets added in a firmware update...
I don't know, PSN was fine for me, just got off another session of 2K trying to learn the ropes, I was not surprised when my sister thought it was real, it's not just the amazing graphics, it's the superb commentary as well.

And on another you can see patch notes for your games that have been updated, neat.
Camera was sold out everywhere I went today. WTF.
Dat Jimmy Fallon demo.

Foxix Von

Is there any advantage to put the PS4 in standby mode as opposed to just off, with the exception of convenience?

Oh! In standby mode the system can still download updates and charge peripherals. Also, if you have a vita you can wake it from standby mode for remote play.


As a first time PS owner, I'm very disappointed thus far. So many features I came to expect out of my Xbox360 aren't even present on PSN.

I can't see when friends sign online or begin playing the same game I am, I have to "sync" trophies for some reason just to view them, game updates need to be installed separately from downloading them, etc.

I really don't want to, but I may return my PS4 within a few weeks if this is what I should expect. With the holidays coming up, I can think of much better ways to spend $400 than trying to sign into PSN all day long.


Is there any advantage to put the PS4 in standby mode as opposed to just off, with the exception of convenience?
Automatic downloads for firmware and patches, game save uploads to the cloud, finish downloading and installing games from the store, charge dualshock 4, etc...


Oh! In standby mode the system can still download updates and charge peripherals. Also, if you have a vita you can wake it from standby mode for remote play.

Automatic downloads for firmware and patches, game save uploads to the cloud, finish downloading and installing games from the cloud, charge dualshock 4, etc...

Oh, that's pretty cool. If there's an option to shutoff after download completion that'd be great...I don't suppose it has that yet?

Trouble with updating Warframe grr
Three questions:

  1. Can I use a smartphone wireless headset with the 3.5" input on the DS4 and use the microphone freature on said headset?
  2. When I use the PS4 to charge my DS4 and turn off the system completely, will it still charge it or do I have to put it in standby?
  3. I still have my PS3, and now I have PS+, can I use my same account on the PS3 and download off there also? Or is my PS+ account exclusive to PS4?

Foxix Von

Oh, that's pretty cool. If there's an option to shutoff after download completion that'd be great...I don't suppose it has that yet?

Trouble with updating Warframe grr

How's warframe, anyway? I have yet to actually play it XD I guess I should probably ask more specifically what your problem with updating it is, though.

Three questions:

  1. Can I use a smartphone wireless headset with the 3.5" input on the DS4 and use the microphone freature on said headset?
  2. When I use the PS4 to charge my DS4 and turn off the system completely, will it still charge it or do I have to put it in standby?
  3. I still have my PS3, and now I have PS+, can I use my same account on the PS3 and download off there also? Or is my PS+ account exclusive to PS4?

1. Probably. If it fits, it should work.
2. Only works in standby
3. Your one account works across the whole PS ecosystem
Three questions:

  1. Can I use a smartphone wireless headset with the 3.5" input on the DS4 and use the microphone freature on said headset?
  2. When I use the PS4 to charge my DS4 and turn off the system completely, will it still charge it or do I have to put it in standby?
  3. I still have my PS3, and now I have PS+, can I use my same account on the PS3 and download off there also? Or is my PS+ account exclusive to PS4?
1. Don't know.

2. Standby to charge.

3. You can still download stuff on your PS3.


Maybe worthy of a new thread, but Jonathan Blow is doing his own Resogun stream via Twitch right now. A commenter asked, "What's your favorite controller?" And he responded that his favorite controller is a VR controller he was demoed in private that hasn't been announced yet. I have to imagine that's Sony's VR card up their sleeves.


Watching him now and the bitrate is really good, crisp iq.

Well he's been in the "Game Over" screen for a couple of minutes so of course it's crisp hehe. Wait until you see ingame with all the particles.

Resogun is the worst game to stream anyway because it's super fast and ton of stuff moving.

Foxix Von

Maybe worthy of a new thread, but Jonathan Blow is doing his own Resogun stream via Twitch right now. A commenter asked, "What's your favorite controller?" And he responded that his favorite controller is a VR controller he was demoed in private that hasn't been announced yet. I have to imagine that's Sony's VR card up their sleeves.

Holy shit.
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