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PS4 Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


Everyone taking about how this hasn't even caught up with basic 360 features has me worried. I've been soiled for awhile and don't know if I can handle taking steps back from basic last gen stuff. Is it overblown or is their truth to this? And please don't say how they "can patch it in later".

Thoughts and input appreciated.

I've had a 360 for 6 years. I love the PS4 UI and the new PS store.

My only gripe with PSN is that there is no notification when a friend comes online, and you can't see when they were last online. Nothing major, at least for me.


Two Questions:

1. My "What's New" section is now empty and cant be accessed, even though I could use it before. Not that big a deal, I thought it was PSN being down, but I can play BF4 online so apparently PSN is NOT down. Anyone know what the deal is?

2. How much heat is normal? Mine is loud when it is installing a game (disc drive noise) then relatively quiet, but pretty warm on the matte side of the system. The back of the console where the fans are is straight up hot air, which I guess is a good thing since it means the fans are doing their jobs. Damn I just wish they added half an inch to the height of this little machine. So much going on in such a little box makes me nervous about heat issues.


Played Flower again and the experience was therapeutic, emotional, and every positive feeling you could think of. 1080p at 60fps makes this already amazing game, more amazing. Also, DS4 is so responsive!!


My PS4 has run like a gem. PSN was an issue on night one, but since then it's been perfect.

East Coast, Boston area.

Mine runs great too... and it's not loud at all. I haven't heard it make a peep except for when I turn it on or off. I'm sorry to hear about all the issues with others though =( And psn only had issues on the night of launch, all day today it has worked...

The only thing I've noticed today is when I go to trophies or view someones profile it seems to take forever to load (I'm not sure if it does load or not, I give up after waiting a minute or two)


Everyone taking about how this hasn't even caught up with basic 360 features has me worried. I've been soiled for awhile and don't know if I can handle taking steps back from basic last gen stuff. Is it overblown or is their truth to this? And please don't say how they "can patch it in later".

Thoughts and input appreciated.
This PS4 OS blows away anything from last gen.


Had my PS4 in the entertainment center and it sounded like a helicopter landing and taking off after a few hours. Decided to set it on top and what a difference that made! It sounds "normal" now and doesn't get nearly as hot after a long session. Looking forward to starting Assassins Creed and getting into KZSF multiplayer online.
Mine runs great too... and it's not loud at all. I haven't heard it make a peep except for when I turn it on or off. I'm sorry to hear about all the issues with others though =( And psn only had issues on the night of launch, all day today it has worked...

The only thing I've noticed today is when I go to trophies or view someones profile it seems to take forever to load (I'm not sure if it does load or not, I give up after waiting a minute or two)

My fan kicks in when I play downloaded games on my HDD. :/

how can I tell if my DS4 is fully charged or what its current level of charge is?

I can't seem to see it anywhere :(

Hold the ps button. The icon is on the bottom right.


Two Questions:

1. My "What's New" section is now empty and cant be accessed, even though I could use it before. Not that big a deal, I thought it was PSN being down, but I can play BF4 online so apparently PSN is NOT down. Anyone know what the deal is?
Its just PSN bugging out. Last night the what's new section kept updating and disappearing constantly, along with game icons telling me PSN was going through maintenance. All while I was logged in to KZ and playing MP. Probably won't be sorted until the service stops getting hammered.
I don't want to be onenof those people who have a difficult time accepting change and such...but damn..

The PS3 UI and ease of use was magnificent, a few little kinks and such but direct and efficient.
This UI and such is like 2 steps forward but one back, its like the PS3 super charged but at the same time dumb as fuck and convoluted.

Seriously, take the PS3 UI, super charge it and iron out the kinks, throw a "Streaming" Icon, a Whats New Icon, and a Party Chat Icon on it and...BAM! PERFECT!

Ran rp

Some Flower and KZ shots I took for the screenshot thread.



This PS4 OS blows away anything from last gen.

The PS4 OS is amazing. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of what the PlayStation Team was trying to do when they designed the operating system. They wanted it to be quick, simple to navigate, and give you the ability to get anywhere within the OS in just a few clicks of the D Pad. It is so snappy and quick when popping out of a game, and popping right back in. I do wish that there was full access to the XMB while playing a BluRay, but it doesn't bother me cause I am normally watching a movie.

I think some people have given it a bad rap based on screenshots of it instead of getting a hands on experience with it. The screens will not dazzle you, the OS isn't filled with a bunch of pictures and options all right there in your face. It is simple, easy to navigate, and fast whether in a game or not. It's in great shape right now I cannot wait to see how much they update it in the future. Remember the XMB when the PS3 launched? Look at where it is now. That is part of the frustrations for some, and the fun for others, when buying a gaming console at launch. The OS and features have to grow with you.


This PS4 OS blows away anything from last gen.

My huge grin moment today included watching Netflix pausing it and opening up Resogun, pausing Resogun, and then going to the browser to watch Youtube.

Being able to switch between all 3 of those seamlessly without having to wait for any kind of loading. The speed it bounces between all the applications <3 No lag, no hiccup - it just works.


That's what I figured, but is it down?

Its been "spotty" to me. Like, I can sign in, but no Whats New...or it signs me in, but reverts to my PSN icon not my Facebook integrated photo.

I feel like its an upgraded PS3-2006 UI and were gonna, again, need a year or two to refine and tweak it.

I honestly would take the PS3 UI with the Streaming Icon and Party Chat Icon and would have been happy. Now I feel like I'm jumping all over the place and such to do simple shit.

Love the games, despising almost every bit of the UI and such.

If I took a pic or video with PSEye, it be under a certain media icon, like if I uploaded audio files...I don't see any of these things. Where thr shit is all the icons?
That's what I was asking a few hours ago. Are Facebook profile pics not showing up with PSN being wonky? For instance, when you sign into your user account when PS4 boots up, it used to be my Facebook profile pic but now it's my PSN avatar.


I keep getting this error when I try and broadcast using Twitch.tv

The connection to the server has been lost (CE-35234-7)

Ustream seems to work fine but I think Twitch is more popular and more of my friends have accounts on it. Anyone know what the issue might be?


My fan kicks in when I play downloaded games on my HDD. :/

Hold the ps button. The icon is on the bottom right.

Based off all the hubbub I've heard about fan noise, I went and stood right next to the darn PS4 while playing games today, and I swear I couldn't hear a thing.

Someone earlier said it gets loud during the Armageddon screen in Resogun, I stood there - heard nothing. The only thing I've noticed is the PS4 gets slightly warm to the touch on the top (I have mine horizontal).

HOPEFULLY my fan is working properly, but I assume it is since I can feel hot air blowing out the back?


Everyone taking about how this hasn't even caught up with basic 360 features has me worried. I've been soiled for awhile and don't know if I can handle taking steps back from basic last gen stuff. Is it overblown or is their truth to this? And please don't say how they "can patch it in later".

Thoughts and input appreciated.

Lol @ soiled

Only issue I have. When you have two profiles playing and player 1 starts Resogun, when player 2 hits the PS button and switches to their profile, they cannot play Resogun until player 1 exits out of the game completely. You can't just switch profiles and play...Resogun has to load on whatever profile is about to play the game.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
As a first time PS owner, I'm very disappointed thus far. So many features I came to expect out of my Xbox360 aren't even present on PSN.

I can't see when friends sign online or begin playing the same game I am, I have to "sync" trophies for some reason just to view them, game updates need to be installed separately from downloading them, etc.

I really don't want to, but I may return my PS4 within a few weeks if this is what I should expect. With the holidays coming up, I can think of much better ways to spend $400 than trying to sign into PSN all day long.
You don't install anything. It auto installs after download and takes a second or two.


Picked up my PS4 at midnight on launch and finally got to play it a couple hours ago. Thankfully everything has been smooth sailing so far. FIFA is a lot of fun. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the Target deal. 3 local Targets were sold out of games along with a Walmart, and the KMart and Best Buy that had games wouldn't price match. Been moving all day yesterday and today so I missed out. Hopefully there will be some online deals for games come Cyber Monday.


Here's some quick thoughts on what could/should be included in future updates (Some things here may already be included and I haven't seen them yet)

-custom content folders. the straight line of media (games, internet browser, what's new, etc) can get clunky as you install more apps
-notifications on PSN when a friend comes online, as well as being able to see when a friend was last online
-the ability to turn off the light bar, or the ability to at least have the controller to auto-turn off after awhile
-in game chat in all games, especially Killzone
-notification when a friend starts playing the same game as you
-ability to pause downloads

Can anyone think of stuff to add? I might tweet Yoshida, he seems really cool.


I'm very surprised that not many others are having credit card issues like I am. Is it because a lot of you guys already had your credit information in from PSN+ before?


Oh wow I stopped playing Killzone at some point yesterday and I go to continue the campaign tonight and it puts me back like 30min behind or something. Terrible checkpoints.


Is it in a well ventilated area? If it's not able to cool itself, it probably runs its fan faster.

Well, mine is on a shelf next to my tv. It has space around it, but near the rear where the exhaust is it has about 3 inches behind it before the back of the shelf. I guess that isn't TOTALLY open, but come on, Sony must assume that people put this machine on their entertainment section which may not have tons of open space behind the back of the console.

For the record, mine isn't loud in my opinion, but it isn't so quiet that I can't hear it like some people here are saying about theirs. It is warm on the matte part, and hot in the back where the hot air is released.


I'm extremely bummed to realize there is no video chat over the PlayStation Camera on PS4. Really hope that gets added in a firmware update...

Mmm-hmm! While Sony is negotiating with Google to get Youtube app/integration on the PS4, they need to get a Google Hangouts app while their at it. Since the PS4 has Facebook & Twitter integration, i'd also like to see Google+ integration

How much y'all wanna bet that the PS4 will have a Youtube app & integration, before the Xbox1?
So anyone know how to enter non-English (specifically Japanese)for "real name". I tried up and down and I cannot seem to do it.

I changed input to Japanese only and nothing.

Changed console language to Japanese and still has English input.

Maybe because I have a NA system and am in NA? (California)

I need to get a cool American name I suppose.
So anyone know how to enter non-English (specifically Japanese)for "real name". I tried up and down and I cannot seem to do it.

I changed input to Japanese only and nothing.

Changed console language to Japanese and still has English input.

Maybe because I have a NA system and am in NA? (California)

I need to get a cool American name I suppose.

call yourself Antonio Banderas


Neo Member
Just Got my unit now no HDMI abnormalities and was able to begin downloading 1.50 immediately with out trouble. Very thankful also that i had no troubles on a side note if your in the Northwest Ohio area toys'R'Us are supposed to be getting more systems this friday.


The PS4 OS is amazing. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of what the PlayStation Team was trying to do when they designed the operating system. They wanted it to be quick, simple to navigate, and give you the ability to get anywhere within the OS in just a few clicks of the D Pad. It is so snappy and quick when popping out of a game, and popping right back in. I do wish that there was full access to the XMB while playing a BluRay, but it doesn't bother me cause I am normally watching a movie.
My huge grin moment today included watching Netflix pausing it and opening up Resogun, pausing Resogun, and then going to the browser to watch Youtube.

Being able to switch between all 3 of those seamlessly without having to wait for any kind of loading. The speed it bounces between all the applications <3 No lag, no hiccup - it just works.
Yeah, it's pretty amazing. Super fast -- no matter what i've thrown at it so far, I haven't gotten the UI to chug yet. Just about the whole OS is quickly available in-game. Snap out and back in games from anywhere at the press of the PS button like it's nothing, picking up exactly where you left off without a hitch. Plus i've gone all digital, so switching between all my games is ridiculously quick.

Just unshackle our media capabilities, and this is perfection.


So for some reason today when I went to send a party chat invite I was told I cannot use voice chat due to restrictions on my Ps4 due to NAT type.

Can someone explain this to me?

I have been able to use voice chat perfectly earlier in the day and even yesterday on launch so I am not sure where this is coming from since I did not touch any of the settings.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Here's some quick thoughts on what could/should be included in future updates (Some things here may already be included and I haven't seen them yet)

-custom content folders. the straight line of media (games, internet browser, what's new, etc) can get clunky as you install more apps
-notifications on PSN when a friend comes online, as well as being able to see when a friend was last online
-the ability to turn off the light bar, or the ability to at least have the controller to auto-turn off after awhile
-in game chat in all games, especially Killzone
-notification when a friend starts playing the same game as you
-ability to pause downloads

Can anyone think of stuff to add? I might tweet Yoshida, he seems really cool.

1. Yep. Don't understand why that isn't there and I can't believe their OS is just a long line of icons. Worse than the new Toyota Corolla.

2. Those are there.

3. :)

4. Doesn't it have it? It has OS-based cross-game chat so is that what you mean?

5. Yeah, XBL has that and PSN could use it...but to be entirely honest, I never find it that useful. "Friends playing this game," is kinda vague.

6. Yeah, WTF.

So for some reason today when I went to send a party chat invite I was told I cannot use voice chat due to restrictions on my Ps4 due to NAT type.

Can someone explain this to me?

I have been able to use voice chat perfectly earlier in the day and even yesterday on launch so I am not sure where this is coming from since I did not touch any of the settings.

It's probably just that PSN is being bitchy.


As a first time PS owner, I'm very disappointed thus far. So many features I came to expect out of my Xbox360 aren't even present on PSN.

I can't see when friends sign online or begin playing the same game I am, I have to "sync" trophies for some reason just to view them, game updates need to be installed separately from downloading them, etc.

I really don't want to, but I may return my PS4 within a few weeks if this is what I should expect. With the holidays coming up, I can think of much better ways to spend $400 than trying to sign into PSN all day long.

Really, thats it? lol
You do realize the system has been out like almost 2 days? Not seeing friends login will likely show up soon....thats obvious. Give it time...it just launched.
If thats gonna bother you, you might as well get rid of it


Played 6 hours straight (most of that was updating and downloading shit lol)
So far everything good here. No issues. Noise was un-noticeable. Lil warm as you would expect.
Pleased with my ps4!
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