I disabled most of the standby functions except for USB charging. That'll come in handy to be able to charge the controller at any time whether the console is on or off. Especially since the battery life ain't too good now.
This always happens to me.
Pre-launch, I tell myself I'm going to wait for the games. Then, post launch I decide I want one immediately.
The controller:
-Incredibly comfortable. Feels like your hands are being "filled in" by the longer, thicker grips.
-Flat surface around the dpad and buttons is much more comfortable than the graded surface on the DS3.
-Sticks are shorter, which means less strain on the thumbs to stay on the top, also much better deadzones and precision.
-Triggers feel like someone rubbing your belly while feeding you grapes.
-Design is absolutely beautiful. By far the best Sony design.
-Buttons could probably be bigger.
-Disk drive is hidden by the top and bottom plastic pieces which means I have to look for the slot when I'm putting games in.
-Feels solid. Solid construction, weighty.
-The glow of the yellow standby light at night is like a reminder that I have a PS4.
-It's basically what I want: fast and minimalist.
-Missing major features from the PS3 that I think need to be in there. The lack of ability to pause downloads is bizarre.
-Needs folder support.
-PSN shitting itself is ruining my take on the Library, Store, and What's New areas.
-I love how it background installs and downloads things.
-It needs to be clearer about when it has downloaded a patch and is ready to apply it. PS Vita is the model here (it shows a downloaded patch icon).
-It needs suspend/save ASAP.
-Friends have signed on/Friends are playing this game notices are missing. These are on PS3. Where are they on PS4?
-Battlefield: Beautiful. So smooth. Campaign is meh so far.
-Calladuty: Beautiful. So smooth. Campaign is meh so far.
-Killzone: Beyond beautiful. Smooth. Campaign has ups and downs but mostly downs for me so far (my least favorite KZ but there is some neat stuff).
-Asscrud 4: Good!
-Knack: Still in the plastic!
I want to buy NFS.
Does every game you install on the Playstation 4 pin itself to the UI? If so, is there a way to remove them?
Sounds good with the pice of shit headset they provide. I can't imagine how good it will sound with a pair Astros.What's the quality of the party chat like? Comparable to Xbox or better?
Best Buy called me last night telling me they had my reserved PS4 waiting for me even though I canceled my preorder last month. With the console trade-in bonus I don't know if I can resist. =/
Can anyone of you guys confirm usb-headsets work with the ps4? I've got a Logitech G35 and it would be awesome if I can use it with my ps4 once it's released here in Europe.
I love the snappyness of the UI, but the best thing:
I can connect my Logitech G935 wireless headphones for in-game audio and voice chat. USB headset support is awesome.
OMG at the graphics towards the end of Killzone.
What is inside this machine?
Pulse elite is supportedQuick question. Any of you know if this official headset is compatible with PS4? I guess not but hey, it may surprise me.
i'm about to go on a business trip for 4 days. I'm absolutely leaving the system in standby so I can use remote play!
wow is my DS4 busted?? i only got like 3 or 4 hours on this thing before i have to charge it again
Anyone's headset EXTREMELY quiet even though the volumes all the way up?
Hold the ps button and go to adjust devices I think.Anyone's headset EXTREMELY quiet even though the volumes all the way up?
Does every game you install on the Playstation 4 pin itself to the UI? If so, is there a way to remove them?
Anyone's headset EXTREMELY quiet even though the volumes all the way up?
Best Buy called me last night telling me they had my reserved PS4 waiting for me even though I canceled my preorder last month. With the console trade-in bonus I don't know if I can resist. =/
Can anyone of you guys confirm usb-headsets work with the ps4? I've got a Logitech G35 and it would be awesome if I can use it with my ps4 once it's released here in Europe.
Question. I thought Sony confirmed that you would be able to convert a Sub Account to a Master Account?
According to their FAQ you cannot:
FAQ: https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5098
Hold down the PS Button and go to Adjust devices. From there you can adjust volume for the controller speaker and headphones whenever you want.About adjusting the volume through headphones, every game has a sound options menu accessible from inside the game AFAIK. Itcould be better but it's OK for now.
It was a mistake from the PR guy at the launch event. Yoshida had already confirmed that you can't.
If you have a console laying around not being used, that $100 credit is pretty awesome. Getting a PS4 for only $300 sounds like a killer deal.
they needs to patch that Pulse Elite Headset support in already :<
Stupid question: is there any use for the touchbad yet? I've only played Resogun, FIFA, and NFS (tutorial) so far but haven't found a use for it thus far.
Stupid question: is there any use for the touchbad yet? I've only played Resogun, FIFA, and NFS (tutorial) so far but haven't found a use for it thus far.
Stupid question: is there any use for the touchbad yet? I've only played Resogun, FIFA, and NFS (tutorial) so far but haven't found a use for it thus far.
I've only used it in Killzone for OWL commands, which are pretty simple and don't really push anything unique in regards to the touchpad.
Killzone and AC4 use it.
Assasins Creed map scrolling, though, done better with normal controls