What size if the FIFA 14 demo?
About 3.x gb.
What size if the FIFA 14 demo?
Sorry if this has already been asked:
Do you guys think it's safe for me to leave my PS4 in standby in a closed cabinet? Does it give off much heat? (Obviously, when I'm actually using it, the cabinet door stays open.)
To let me know whenever my friends jump on? Yeah, I'd like to keep the basic feature I had from PS3.
Yea, that's a really weird choice not to have it displayed.It only say something like "You received a message"
On PS3 it had a popup that showed the message title(about a sentence long) and who it was from.
So I checked out the Trine 2 demo today and to my surprise i saw that it was 3D capable. I decided to check it out. FWIW it was easily the best 3D i've played on any console to date, even better than Super Stardust HD.
The same is happening with me with Sound Shapes so I'd say it's a PSN bug.
You're not. You can only replace the drive, not add an extra external.
What on PS3 have you missed?I'm thinking about just quitting my PS3 cold turkey and skipping on all the exclusives I missed last gen. It seems redundant to have a PS3 and a PS4 hooked up at the same time. Having a PS4 I really can't see powering on my PS3 anytime soon. The rest of my gaming time is dedicated to PC gaming.
B*^( goodbye PS3, I hardly knew ye.
(gonna see if I can trade it in to Besybuy or sell it on Craigslist for some more PS4 goodies.)
did someone measure the ds4 battery life ?
What on PS3 have you missed?
Am I missing something or is there no way to set up the feature from the PS3 where it turns on the PS4, downloads updates for games, synchs trophies, and shuts itself back off?
Also, where's purchase history? Why can't I re-download old avatars that I bought? And more importantly, why aren't there avatars on the store?
how exactly does trophy syncing, game save upload, and patches work?
does the ps4 start these things as soon as you put it into standby? does it do any/all of them while you're playing? what determines when it does that?
There's no audio in videos I've saves via the Share button. Bug or working as intended?
What would you guys consider "normal" fan noise on a Ps4?
I hear a lot of people saying their ps4s are "Silent", which has me a tad worried. Mine is quiet and mostly inaudible when playing a game, but I can certainly hear it if I try. It has a definite hum from the fans.
It is certainly quiter than my fat (2009ish) Ps3.
I know I am probably worried for nothing given that it isn't overheating or anything, but the reports of issues have me on high alert.
What would you guys consider "normal" fan noise on a Ps4?
I hear a lot of people saying their ps4s are "Silent", which has me a tad worried. Mine is quiet and mostly inaudible when playing a game, but I can certainly hear it if I try. It has a definite hum from the fans.
It is certainly quiter than my fat (2009ish) Ps3.
I know I am probably worried for nothing given that it isn't overheating or anything, but the reports of issues have me on high alert.
I can hear mine every now and then, but it's completely quiet for 90% of the time.
Am I missing something or is there no way to set up the feature from the PS3 where it turns on the PS4, downloads updates for games, synchs trophies, and shuts itself back off?
I wonder when the What's New area will be visible again.
Anyway like 25 seconds after starting a level he left the room saying he was having a flashback and had to leave. lol.
I can hear mine every now and then, but it's completely quiet for 90% of the time.
Just a testament to the system's POWERRR:
My step-dad is a Vietnam vet. He's one of the ones that is not super proud about having served and refuses to talk about it. He asked to see my new "game" and I said what do you want to see. He couldn't decide so I showed him flower. He's 66, figured he'd be into the relaxing nature of it or something. Anyway he said he thought it was for women. So I showed him my games and he picked Battlefield. I was like...are you sure? And he's like yeah how bad could it be.
Anyway like 25 seconds after starting a level he left the room saying he was having a flashback and had to leave. lol.
Does anyone use Music Unlimited?
I love being able to listen to my playlists while playing Resogun and Need for Speed: Rivals -- however every song that plays will stop and start (to buffer?) a bunch of times during the song. Super frustrating
I know it isn't my connection. Does this happen to anyone else? I've just been assuming it has something to do with PSN's spottiness, but I'm curious if it's just me.
Just a testament to the system's POWERRR:
My step-dad is a Vietnam vet. He's one of the ones that is not super proud about having served and refuses to talk about it. He asked to see my new "game" and I said what do you want to see. He couldn't decide so I showed him flower. He's 66, figured he'd be into the relaxing nature of it or something. Anyway he said he thought it was for women. So I showed him my games and he picked Battlefield. I was like...are you sure? And he's like yeah how bad could it be.
Anyway like 25 seconds after starting a level he left the room saying he was having a flashback and had to leave. lol.
What would you guys consider "normal" fan noise on a Ps4?
I hear a lot of people saying their ps4s are "Silent", which has me a tad worried. Mine is quiet and mostly inaudible when playing a game, but I can certainly hear it if I try. It has a definite hum from the fans.
It is certainly quiter than my fat (2009ish) Ps3.
I know I am probably worried for nothing given that it isn't overheating or anything, but the reports of issues have me on high alert.
Just a testament to the system's POWERRR:
My step-dad is a Vietnam vet. He's one of the ones that is not super proud about having served and refuses to talk about it. He asked to see my new "game" and I said what do you want to see. He couldn't decide so I showed him flower. He's 66, figured he'd be into the relaxing nature of it or something. Anyway he said he thought it was for women. So I showed him my games and he picked Battlefield. I was like...are you sure? And he's like yeah how bad could it be.
Anyway like 25 seconds after starting a level he left the room saying he was having a flashback and had to leave. lol.
Just a testament to the system's POWERRR:
My step-dad is a Vietnam vet. He's one of the ones that is not super proud about having served and refuses to talk about it. He asked to see my new "game" and I said what do you want to see. He couldn't decide so I showed him flower. He's 66, figured he'd be into the relaxing nature of it or something. Anyway he said he thought it was for women. So I showed him my games and he picked Battlefield. I was like...are you sure? And he's like yeah how bad could it be.
Anyway like 25 seconds after starting a level he left the room saying he was having a flashback and had to leave. lol.
What would you guys consider "normal" fan noise on a Ps4?
I hear a lot of people saying their ps4s are "Silent", which has me a tad worried. Mine is quiet and mostly inaudible when playing a game, but I can certainly hear it if I try. It has a definite hum from the fans.
It is certainly quiter than my fat (2009ish) Ps3.
I know I am probably worried for nothing given that it isn't overheating or anything, but the reports of issues have me on high alert.
PS4 definitely isn't silent. Anyone with a silent PS4 is headed for disaster because their fans are broken. But it's also not a loud fan. The game that pushes my PS4 the hardest is Killzone, and even then the noise isn't obtrusive at all. The drive is louder than the fans, and I'd compare its noise to that of the drive in the cheap Super slim PS3. Oddly enough the noise the drive makes when its installing games doesnt bother me. It's those little squeaks it makes when it's still spinning prior to turning off completely that annoys me.
Just a testament to the system's POWERRR:
My step-dad is a Vietnam vet. He's one of the ones that is not super proud about having served and refuses to talk about it. He asked to see my new "game" and I said what do you want to see. He couldn't decide so I showed him flower. He's 66, figured he'd be into the relaxing nature of it or something. Anyway he said he thought it was for women. So I showed him my games and he picked Battlefield. I was like...are you sure? And he's like yeah how bad could it be.
Anyway like 25 seconds after starting a level he left the room saying he was having a flashback and had to leave. lol.
I'm either on everyone's ignore list or I'm asking dumb questions. Can you hide offline like on 360?