Alright, so my PS4 should finally be here in a few hours. In what order should I update and perform the set up?
Just follow the on screen instructions. Worked flawlessly for me.
Alright, so my PS4 should finally be here in a few hours. In what order should I update and perform the set up?
Anyone know of a PS4 Remote solution for Blue Ray?
I tried the crappy one that requires USB, and the reception is so bad that I returned it.
Can the android app be used as a remote? The PS3 one doesn't work, haven't tried the plug in Nyko PS3 one yet, but I assume it wouldn't work.
the good news is that the ps4 is levitating within a cardboard box itself. so you should sorta be safe.
absolutely unacceptable! :-(
I hope your PS4 is ok!!
Any idea how to redownload the freefall map? I did the same thing as you and accidentally cancelled the download. It does seem like Xbox's Quality of Life is a lot better, in regards to online and digital management. Oh, well, I am still very much in love with this system!I accidentally cancelled the free fall map dl at first. I have the digital version and like you said, there is no option to redownload dlc. I just tried to redownload the game and it downloaded the dlc map. It said that it couldn't download the game cuz it's already installed but it downloaded the map just fine!
PSY・S;90392513 said:Have PS3 and PSV exclusive games always been on the store?
So how do I manage my videos I saved? I want to delete a bunch that I accidentily saved lol.
You do it from the settings screen. It's an obviously named option that lets you manage what's saved on the disk, but I can't remember the exact name now.So how do I manage my videos I saved? I want to delete a bunch that I accidentily saved lol.
So far it seems to be alright but I'm only at the updating firmware part. It's as slow as it was on PS3 :lol
But yeah it booted up fine as far as I can tell and hopefully I won't get any nasty surprises once I get everything set up.
Anyone know of a special reason why my PS4 wouldn't see my N network? Does it not support N?
Setting-> system management (data or something like that)-> captures
I'm glad to hear you say that!
What games did you get whit the console?
is your N network 5GHZ only? PS4 only supports 2.4GHZ
wow what the fuck? it's 2013.
I guess I'll think about running a lan cable across my house to to this. Disappointed face is fully disappointed.
just back out. it won't install really unless you finish the big download. when big download is done. go back to the small one and it'll be fine.I....I think I broke my PS4. I had Codfish: Ghosts downloading from the PS3->PS4 upgrade and the 700+MB patch finished before the main 14GB file. The notification told me the patch was ready to install so I clicked on it and a screen came up saying Installing Application.
That was an hour ago and it's still on the same screen! This never happened before. I'm afraid to hit the Circle button and corrupt my PS4. Help!
Yes! I just did this today. The coupon will add $10 to your PSN wallet, and when you buy AC:BF it will charge your credit card on file the remainder, so $49.99.If there's a 10/$ coupon inside the console, does it mean I will be able to buy AC4 digitally for 10/$ less...?
Well, that explains why I couldn't find the 5ghz channel on my router. Holy crap, Sony, holy your N network 5GHZ only? PS4 only supports 2.4GHZ
He lost his house in the tornado yesterday but there's some light at the end of the tunnel...the PS4 survived! (From my facebook feed)
Do any of Knack, Killzone, or NBA2k14 not require an update?
When I first set the console up, I entered letter A as my 1st name and letter B as my last name. Thought I was being clever, and that when I choose on the next step to just use my PSN ID for displaying, I'd never see that A B again.
Right now, every single thing I do on the console shows up in my activity as A B has done this or that. I've even changed that A B to be something more meaningful now (my PSN handle + shortened handle) but it STILL keeps showing A B everywhere even for new recent activity while it uses that new changed name for other things in the UI.
What can I do to get rid of this A B crap?
You do it from the settings screen. It's an obviously named option that lets you manage what's saved on the disk, but I can't remember the exact name now.
Already done it yesterday, and it started showing the newly edited name at my login screen and in most other places in the UI. However, the Recent Activity pages all still show the A B has done this or that every time I do something. So it's as if the PSn server has now remember that first name I ever entered, (or maybe it's somehow stuck in console settings?) and it won't budge, won't switch over to a newly edited name.You can probably edit it in your profile settings I'm sure.
Yes, the initial download is just 4 gigs for NFS, the whole game is around 18.
And welcome to the awesome world of slow-as-hell PSN downloads. Don't ask about it here though, people will just say "mine is super fast you're doing it wrong".
I get about 500k/s from PSN on the PS4 from Time Warner in Brooklyn. Steam, iPhone, 360 all max my connection out at 6MB/s.
Already done it yesterday, and it started showing the newly edited name at my login screen and in most other places in the UI. However, the Recent Activity pages all still show the A B has done this or that every time I do something. So it's as if the PSn server has now remember that first name (or maybe it's somehow stuck in console settings?) and it won't budge, won't switch over to a newly edited name.
Yes, the initial download is just 4 gigs for NFS, the whole game is around 18.
And welcome to the awesome world of slow-as-hell PSN downloads. Don't ask about it here though, people will just say "mine is super fast you're doing it wrong".
I get about 500k/s from PSN on the PS4 from Time Warner in Brooklyn. Steam, iPhone, 360 all max my connection out at 6MB/s.
wow what the fuck? it's 2013.
I guess I'll think about running a lan cable across my house to to this. Disappointed face is fully disappointed.
I knew I should have had the modem replaced before this got here. My connection's been randomly going out while I try to download things for months now but Brighthouse is such an amazing pain in my ass that I decided to wait until things completely shit the bed before dealing with them again.
Well...I can't download anything on PS4 without my connection dropping (on everything in the house) every few minutes. The last time it went out for a good 10 minutes too so I thought it was completely dead, which may actually be a good thing to happen since that will convince Brighthouse to get off their asses and fix this for good.
edit: I don't know what's worse, my connection or Gaf's servers. This is embarrassing performance.
Just follow the on screen instructions. Worked flawlessly for me.
No worries. That's how it's supposed to be.Should my light be solid all the way through? It fades to nothing about 3/4 away to the top of the console.
Wait a minute did Knack really fully install 36gb in like 3 minutes? That's unbelievable!