Finally got to mess around with my PS4 today as I'm home from school for Thanksgiving break, and I've got to say I'm very pleased!
First Impressions:
Wow, the DS4 may be the best controller I've ever held.
Setup process was easy and fast; updating system software took almost no time.
Downloading Resogun also was super fast, way faster than downloading games for PS3 has been for me.
Didn't really know what I was doing in Resogun but it seems fine and looks beautiful.
Installed 2K14 while I played that quick match and it was ready by the time I was done. Again, don't really know how to play that one yet but I'm excited to play more!
Assassin's Creed IV looks fun, if the same as always for now. Really liked how they just threw you in right from the start.
Remote play worked beautifully, although I was having some issues with the sound towards the end. It got all crackly but the video was still going through with no lag.
Now I need to get some more people on my friend's list so I can compare scores in Resogun and whatnot!