Wow what a tense day, I booked a day off and Amazon UK had me waiting until 18:00, but I don't care because the Mega Bundle was worth the wait especially for £429.
I have to say I am blown away by how slick the whole startup process was, and by the time I finished, the update had already downloaded and was. Ready for updating, which again took a couple of minutes.
Whilst I couldn't sign into PSN, I put Killzone in and again wasvery impressed with the speed of the install, it feels like going back in time to cartridges, just with a small delay.
It really is night and day with how quickly PS4 gets you into the games.
I wasn't sure about the controller change when it was first revealed, I always liked the dualshock despite the triggers, but wow does the PS4 controller feel fantastic. I was actually kind of shocked at how small the thumbs sticks are, to me they feel like enlarged Vita sticks which I love.
Killzone... How clean is the image quality, I wasn't expecting it to be so good looking, videos just don't do it justice. Those evil glowing red eyes, and the lighting is pretty darn good.
I am very pleased and relieved that my PS4 is quiet, especially as my launch PS3 Fat is like a jet engine sometimes, but I can forgive it for lasting so long.
I have Assassins Creed, NBA 2K14, Reston, Flower and War Thunder to keep me going for a while, and can't wait for Driveclub and Infamous SS.
Greatness has arrived!