Lego Marvel for PS4, yay or nay? Looking for something that has local multiplayer that I can play with a friend at Christmas.
IS it normal that I cant:
Log in to my account ( says incorrect password)
Change my password at all ( says incorrect information)
Just seems to not recognise me at all, despite me being online on PSN like less than 24 hours ago... ( and I used the same password then too and it worked)
Have anybody tried to pruchase a game on the US Store and then play it on an EU account?
Sorry for cross-posting, but does anyone know where I can see how long my PS+ sub is?
Holy shit megaton. Why didn't anybody tell me Resogun has online coop?
Can anyone else redeem their codes? Trying to use my PSN+ code and when i hit continue it just goes to the homescreen with no notification of anything
I'm just trying to access my US account to download my Amazon US bought games. Will let you know how it goes, unless you specifically wanted to know about buying from the US PSN Store.Quoting for new page.
was there anything in the mega bundle box or camera box to hold down the camera? due to the wire for it not being centered it keeps moving :/
I thought Flower was a cross buy game? Showing as having to buy, even though I bought it on PS3 (physical copy)?
Yay! PSN is finally working for me, Resogun ahoy!
Putting Contrast, War Thunder and Warframe in the download list.
I thought Flower was a cross buy game? Showing as having to buy, even though I bought it on PS3 (physical copy)?
Holy shit megaton!Resogun has online co-op.
Physical copies are never eligible for cross buy.
Playstation All-Stars says hi.
noIs War Thunder available in the US PSN yet?
Just create an account, set it to the UK, and use a UK address?Grimløck;91784785 said:no
I need a "Create an EU account for Dummies" tutorial so I can get on that War Thunder action.
Is War Thunder available in the US PSN yet?
Gemüsepizza;91782493 said:I had the same problem but I was able to redeem a 50 code in the webstore a few moments ago:
Afaik this does not work with PS+ codes, I also don't know if this works with game codes.
Jesus Killzone looks so good, I can't believe it. I'm only just past the intro sections but holy fuck.
Time to get everything set up (have the firmware dled on usb ready to go).
Any news on official sales numbers yet?
Doubt we see any #'s till next week.
Are there issues right now with the US PSN network? I'm getting a "can't connect to the internet" error code.
Let's say I am on my secondary Ps4 console not my primary. Can I purchase digital games on the secondary and will I then be able to just download it whenever I'm ready on my primary console?
What I am trying to ask is, if I purchase games on the secondary will it mark it as the primary console?
Yay! PSN is finally working for me, Resogun ahoy!
I thought Blacklight Retribution would go up today too? Can't find it anywhere.
Went to gamestop for black Friday and waited in hopes of a PS4. Turns out they had they some. They started handing out papers for people who would get them when they open. They had six and I was seventh in line . . .
I'm super happy with my PS4 and am glad I chose it over the XBone as my primary console this generation. I got Killzone and Battlefield 4. BF4 is great and KZ is really good itself. I have AC4 rented form GameFly, it's awesome, and I should get Need for Speed Rivals next. But then what games are there to play? Knack is supposed to be kinda dumb, the PSN & F2P games are OK, but I want a new proper game. The only thing I see in the near future is Theif in February and inFamous Second Son in April. When will we get some more games? Or can someone think of and recommend a game I may not be thinking about?
Glad to see someone else got Injustice: I missed it the first go round and am really enjoying it on PS4.
was there anything in the mega bundle box or camera box to hold down the camera? due to the wire for it not being centered it keeps moving :/
It's only cross buy if you bought a digital copy, so they can verify you bought it. Sorry man.
Physical copies are never eligible for cross buy.
Same here. Resogun is much more fun than I imagined. Good stuff.
Redeeming codes is currently disabledSo I bought a PS+ code from Amazon, however it doesn't seem to work on the Playstation Store. It just boots me back to the homescreen without notification of anything happening. I then tried it on the PS3's store and I just get 'error message' occured. Happened to anyone else, and how to get around it?