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PS4 Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


So streaming to twitch is free. Why would I not constantly stream to twitch?

I mean, I've never streamed, and I don't think I'll be doing anything special, or get any followers, but... Why not just constantly have it streaming?

Do you think a lot of people will be doing this, and do you think that'll totally annihilate the servers?


Junior Member
So streaming to twitch is free. Why would I not constantly stream to twitch?

I mean, I've never streamed, and I don't think I'll be doing anything special, or get any followers, but... Why not just constantly have it streaming?

Do you think a lot of people will be doing this, and do you think that'll totally annihilate the servers?

If you're internet connection isn't fast enough, Streaming is useless since the viewers only see choppy video. I think a minimum of 2GB upload is required unless you make the image quality extremely low.
Any word on stores carrying the Ps4 stand tomorrow night? The ps blog faq said it would be available at launch for $14.

Preorder on BB for preorder. Pick up in store for Friday. 21 bucks though. Rocketfish brand. Only brand names I have seen are on eBay from UK


Oh, also picked up Knack, NFS and the camera. Yeah, that's right, THAT Knack. You wanna make something of it?

If you're internet connection isn't fast enough, Streaming is useless since the viewers only see choppy video. I think a minimum of 2GB upload is required unless you make the image quality extremely low.

2GB per what?!


So streaming to twitch is free. Why would I not constantly stream to twitch?

I mean, I've never streamed, and I don't think I'll be doing anything special, or get any followers, but... Why not just constantly have it streaming?

Do you think a lot of people will be doing this, and do you think that'll totally annihilate the servers?

Well you have a lot of your screen being cut off, I can see that bothering some people, like me. Yea there will be certain games I want to stream, but certain ones where I want to be immersed and don't want to see text flying by and having a shrunken screen.


Well you have a lot of your screen being cut off, I can see that bothering some people, like me. Yea there will be certain games I want to stream, but certain ones where I want to be immersed and don't want to see text flying by and having a shrunken screen.

I'm pretty sure you can toggle that.


Well you have a lot of your screen being cut off, I can see that bothering some people, like me. Yea there will be certain games I want to stream, but certain ones where I want to be immersed and don't want to see text flying by and having a shrunken screen.

Streamers have said that's optional, i.e. you can choose to be full-screen or have the overlay.

I just wonder if twitch is ready for millions of people having the ability to stream. I guess I doubt it?

It's a cool feature - I can show games to my friends, show how I beat a level/boss to a buddy that needs help. I hope it works well with everybody and their brother doing it. =)


via twitter, which re-compresses them again.

Holy compression Batman...time to use my Roxio for uncompressed screens!


well not really...yet
Picked up BF4

Between that, AC and KZ I've spent roughly 9 dollars on PS4 games. Good riddance to the shit I traded in
Random question guys.

Can a Canadian man like me ever hope to livestream with a 0.9mbps upload speed? I have no idea what each setting (low - medium - best) actually uses in terms of upload speed.

I assume he answer is no, but I'm just curious.

Mikey Jr.

Have there been ANY streaming to ustream.

Yeah yeah, I know, fuck ustream. But I want to see if the video quality is better on there.

Random question guys.

Can a Canadian man like me ever hope to livestream with a 0.9mbps upload speed? I have no idea what each setting (low - medium - best) actually uses in terms of upload speed.

I assume he answer is no, but I'm just curious.

Probably no........

The thing is, the faster the motion the game is, the more fucked up it looks. So something slow paced could work for your connection, but a racing game or something, probably not. But then again, there are quality settings.


Few things that annoy me right now about PS4:

- The Polygon stream showed the PS4 UI taking a REALLY long time to load things (the icons as well as the live area of the games). I have no idea why, but I desperately hope that was indicative of how it normally is.

- I feel media playback is a big step back from PS3, from which it should have been a step FORWARD. No MP3, seems to be no local video player, no DNLA, no photo viewer, no 3D Blu-Ray. These are GLARING omissions. When we say we want a games console, that doesn't mean to forsake those features that we come to expect.

- There's no organization for our content. It's one of the most bizarre omissions I've ever seen. WE CAN NOT ORGANIZE OUR STUFF. This shouldn't be a "it's just a launch; it's the beginning of the journey". No. This should have been an obvious part of the beginning.

- Custom soundtracks a.) only with Music Unlimited, and b.) don't disable the in-game music! WHAT?! It's basically like you're just playing your stereo over the game in this case. Shuhei said they wanted to give you choice. Who on EARTH is going to willingly choose to listen to the custom soundtrack and the in-game music AT THE SAME TIME?

- Voice commands are good to have, but they are horribly limited.

That's all for now. I'm almost always positive about PS4 on here, and I'm still super excited, but I figured I would give my negatives, because there are DEFINITELY negatives as you can see. I know most of this will be rectified in time, but I strongly feel that the problems I have should have never even BEEN problems, even at launch.


Neo Member
I had an odd moment yesterday, I went to Amazon to cancel my PS4 preorder and switch it to an Xbox One. I realized that the Xbox One is the console built for me.

The Xbox One has features that I've always wanted. It interfaces with my TV in really cool ways. It's NFL partnership is incredibly appealing to me. It has voice commands that I've dreamed about for the past few years. The ability that it has to create a unified media experience where I can say I want to watch an episode of "The Office" and it will find the best way to watch that, whether it be on TV, Netflix, Amazon, or Microsoft's own services, is something I can't even do with my custom configured Media Center PC.  All of my friends are and will continue to be on Xbox Live.  I don't think the Xbox One is going to have hardware issues like launch 360's did.  I've only had a PlayStation since my third Xbox 360 died from a RROD. I wasn't in love with any Sony franchises until Uncharted 2, and God of War 3. Even games like the first Uncharted, MGS5, Gran Turismo, and the Killzone franchise, I respect more than enjoy. If I'm being completely honest, my happiest multiplayer experiences this generation were either multi-platform, or back when I had an Xbox 360. The only reason why I preferred PlayStation the first few years of having it was because it actually gave me a machine that was reliable.

I don't even mind many of the Xbox One's flaws. It being the weaker piece of hardware doesn't concern me, I can't really tell the difference between 720p and 1080p. I only recognize 30fps vs. 60fps when they are both put in front of me, (I know, I'm the worst.) While I respect that others won't buy it out of principles of privacy, it's not an issue that I care about too much. I already give away essentially all of my information to Google, so I'd feel pretty dumb if I had an issue giving that information to Microsoft as well.

So, the Xbox One was built for me.

I didn't end up switching my preorder to a One.


Because the Xbox One wasn't built for me. The Xbox One was built for Microsoft. Xbox One's TV features are built for Microsoft. The NFL partnership is for Microsoft. The voice features are built for Microsoft.

I absolutely adore Windows Media Center. It hasn't really been updated in over 3 years, and it is still easily the best DVR available. I would go as far as to say that it's one of the best products Microsoft has ever created. Media Center has been abandoned for two reasons: 1.) It wasn't widely used. 2.) The Xbox One is the future of Microsoft in the living room. Microsoft wasn't making a lot of money off of Media Center, third parties made the cable card tuners, Netflix made money off of movie streaming. Microsoft abandons Media Center (and Xbox as an extender), and they've replaced it with the Xbox One. Now if you want Netflix on Microsoft's Living Room solution, you need Xbox Live. Now you can't use Microsoft's solution as a DVR, so cable companies are happier with them as they can continue leasing you their terrible, overpriced DVR services and devices.

The NFL app and fantasy integration is really great, but only if you use NFL.com Fantasy. Because the NFL agreement isn't about giving a good service to the consumer. It's about getting Microsoft advertising all over NFL games, and putting Surface tablets wherever they can. It's about bettering the relationship between those two businesses.

The voice commands are something I've always wanted. I want a voice controlled house. Microsoft has almost given us that. But they haven’t because it's for Microsoft, not for the consumer. It's so they can put everyone on Bing. I don't want Bing search, it's limited and doesn't give hardly any of the benefits that a voice automation system should. If I'm giving you all of my information, you should give me way more features out of it. It's simple, let Google make a Google Now app for Xbox One. For me, Google is the one company that has shown that it will give me features that makes giving up all of my information worth it. But no, it's all about getting Bing to be a thing (It's never going to be a thing.)

Microsoft has built a gaming machine based around their company goals, before their consumer's desires. This means that that some ideas are great, but insist on customer compromise. Yes, you can have a digital future, but you have to have DRM/always online. Yes, you can have voice commands, but you need to use our search engine. Yes, you can watch TV, but we're removing some features from our previous product. Yes you can play Fantasy Football, but only with the company we've made a deal with.

This isn't to say that Sony has done everything out of the goodness of their hearts to please gamers. They are a company, just like Microsoft. They exist to make profit. They've made compromises and bad decisions in the run-up to the PS4. But one thing is clear, they've been focusing on the customer. And I don't mean just from a marketing perspective (although I do think that they've been doing a better job at marketing their vision.) I believe Sony is making a big bet of "Our customers know what they want. If we give them what they want, they'll reward us by buying our products." Microsoft is making an equally risky bet of "Let's show our customers our vision, and convince them that they will enjoy it." Whether or not their vision is better is up for debate. For some people that vision may be better than what Sony is offering, and that's awesome for them, I totally understand. I sincerely hope that they start having a customer focused view of the Xbox One. But until then, while they focus on their corporate partners, and buoying up their internal teams (like Skype and Bing,) Microsoft didn't build a console for me. Microsoft built a console for Microsoft.

My PS4 arrives Friday and I couldn't be more excited. Are the launch games perfect? No, but Sony is trying to win this first year of new consoles by caring about their customers, I can get excited about that.


Few things that annoy me right now about PS4:

- The Polygon stream showed the PS4 UI taking a REALLY long time to load things (the icons as well as the live area of the games). I have no idea why, but I desperately hope that was indicative of how it normally is.

- I feel media playback is a big step back from PS3, from which it should have been a step FORWARD. No MP3, seems to be no local video player, no DNLA, no photo viewer, no 3D Blu-Ray. These are GLARING omissions. When we say we want a games console, that doesn't mean to forsake those features that we come to expect.

- There's no organization for our content. It's one of the most bizarre omissions I've ever seen. WE CAN NOT ORGANIZE OUR STUFF. This shouldn't be a "it's just a launch; it's the beginning of the journey". No. This should have been an obvious part of the beginning.

- Custom soundtracks a.) only with Music Unlimited, and b.) don't disable the in-game music! WHAT?! It's basically like you're just playing your stereo over the game in this case. Shuhei said they wanted to give you choice. Who on EARTH is going to willingly choose to listen to the custom soundtrack and the in-game music AT THE SAME TIME?

I also want at least the same functionality voice wise as the old school Kinect. Let me control Netflix and other apps with voice. It's not a must have but if you're making the camera clearly an item that the system was designed around (DualShock 4, streaming) by all means help me get the most value out of it.

- Voice commands are good to have, but they are horribly limited.

That's all for now. I'm almost always positive about PS4 on here, and I'm still super excited, but I figured I would give my negatives, because there are DEFINITELY negatives as you can see. I know most of this will be rectified in time, but I strongly feel that the problems I have should have never even BEEN problems, even at launch.

From whats been said it seems a lot of this will be fixed via patches soon. Not sure about the loading of titles. I certainly hope that gets fixed fast if that's the case. They need to add folders or some other way to categorize your stuff SOON. That needs to be in one of the next 1-2 patches. Even more so than MP3 and DLNA support. Also prob not that important to many but for the love of all that's good, please Sony add dynamic themes or at LEAST the ability to use any image I want as a wallpaper.
Microsoft didn't build a console for me. Microsoft built a console for Microsoft.

No idea what you're going on about. It's simple enough to just say "at this time, it isn't for me" rather than project what microsoft's intentions are or aren't. As you mentioned, both companies have shareholders and customers they need to appease. For anyone, all that should matter is if the ecosystem and games suit them. Going the extra mile to say "microsoft built a console for microsoft" is hardly as poetic as you make it out to be and over simplifying this business.

Glad you're excited though. As a gamer, I support devs across all platforms particularly when they release games I just want to play regardless of behind the curtain business deals.

Microsoft has built a gaming machine based around their company goals, before their consumer's desires.

There's nothing wrong with that per se if you have a solid vision. Consumers weren't exactly desiring technically outdated Wii games but that sold just fine at over 100 million (i believe). You can have your cake and eat it too when done right.

Mikey Jr.

It's launch. The PS3 now is not the same console that it was 7 years ago. It changed dramatically. Sony was not forward thinking with the PS3. It was extremely RAM limited.

This is not the case with the PS4. Give it some time. It'll get much better. People should have known this, that right out of the box, some shit is going to be kinda buggy.


bish gets all the credit :)
Holy compression Batman...time to use my Roxio for uncompressed screens!
Once we can export them to USB they will look much better. It's either export to twitter (which re-compresses them) or facebook (which completely murders the quality). That Killzone shot was about 515 KB when I grabbed it. Twitter halved the size.
Few things that annoy me right now about PS4:

- The Polygon stream showed the PS4 UI taking a REALLY long time to load things (the icons as well as the live area of the games). I have no idea why, but I desperately hope that was indicative of how it normally is.

- I feel media playback is a big step back from PS3, from which it should have been a step FORWARD. No MP3, seems to be no local video player, no DNLA, no photo viewer, no 3D Blu-Ray. These are GLARING omissions. When we say we want a games console, that doesn't mean to forsake those features that we come to expect.

- There's no organization for our content. It's one of the most bizarre omissions I've ever seen. WE CAN NOT ORGANIZE OUR STUFF. This shouldn't be a "it's just a launch; it's the beginning of the journey". No. This should have been an obvious part of the beginning.

- Custom soundtracks a.) only with Music Unlimited, and b.) don't disable the in-game music! WHAT?! It's basically like you're just playing your stereo over the game in this case. Shuhei said they wanted to give you choice. Who on EARTH is going to willingly choose to listen to the custom soundtrack and the in-game music AT THE SAME TIME?

- Voice commands are good to have, but they are horribly limited.

That's all for now. I'm almost always positive about PS4 on here, and I'm still super excited, but I figured I would give my negatives, because there are DEFINITELY negatives as you can see. I know most of this will be rectified in time, but I strongly feel that the problems I have should have never even BEEN problems, even at launch.

as far as ui goes. on the gamespot stream it was quick. http://www.gamespot.com/playstation-4-marathon/


It's launch. The PS3 now is not the same console that it was 7 years ago. It changed dramatically. Sony was not forward thinking with the PS3. It was extremely RAM limited.

This is not the case with the PS4. Give it some time. It'll get much better. People should have known this, that right out of the box, some shit is going to be kinda buggy.

I know that. I'm saying that we shouldn't forgive a next generation console having LESS features in an area than the current gen console has just because its launch. We should EXPECT a local video player, a photo viewer, MP3, DLNA, 3D Blu-Ray, etc. at launch. We should expect to be able to organize our content at launch.
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