As handy as that is, I dont intend on unplugging my PS3 any time soon.
Oh, way to rub in the 2 week wait we now have to endure, Sony.
Better than 4 months.Oh, way to rub in the 2 week wait we now have to endure, Sony.
Well, I'm in line guys. Best Buy has the lines split in two, one side for people with pre-orders one for the ones who didn't. There is 5 or 6 people in the non pre-order line. But so far I'm the only one in the pre-order line.
About 12 hours to go.
Well, I'm in line guys. Best Buy has the lines split in two, one side for people with pre-orders one for the ones who didn't. There is 5 or 6 people in the non pre-order line. But so far I'm the only one in the pre-order line.
About 12 hours to go.
AC4 seems pretty, and quite chewy if you haven't played it on current gen. I've heard a lot of good things about it, and I picked it up on Tuesday. If you want a shooter, you almost have to get Killzone!
Sony PlayStation 4 review: fast, powerful, worth it
so I was thinking I want something with a lot of replay value and multiplayer(?)...I haven't played shooters in years actually...Is killzone the definitive FPS over Ghosts and BF4 ?
AC4 will probably have the best single player content.Does it have good multiplayer ?
Not sure if someone posted it before, but Engadget gave it good review:
I still can't decide whether or not I should get the Playstation Camera.
I don't want to be a Twitch celebrity or anything but it seems like it makes the PS4 more complete. On the other hand, I can use the same amount of money to buy another game or controller.
Are there any other pros for owning the camera?
unless you Twitch, i guess not? I guess party video chat is possible or something? $60 for cool playroom demo?
Otherwise, 2nd DS4 IMHO is much better choice.
unless you Twitch, i guess not? I guess party video chat is possible or something? $60 for cool playroom demo?
Otherwise, 2nd DS4 IMHO is much better choice.
Is skype on PS4?
Has it been mentioned yet, but my copies of BF4 and ACIV box art have different sizes for the PS4 logo section. Not even talking about a little off too. Going to drive me crazy staring at the collection on the shelf.
so I was thinking I want something with a lot of replay value and multiplayer(?)...I haven't played shooters in years actually...Is killzone the definitive FPS over Ghosts and BF4 ?
AC4 will probably have the best single player content.Does it have good multiplayer ?
Not sure if someone posted it before, but Engadget gave it good review: @engadget no score?
Can you make a photo?
Damn, all the good looking games seem to be downloadable only. I love me some Trine.Not sure if this was known?
PlayStation: Trine 2: Complete Story coming to PS4 tomorrow: Running at full 1080p, 60 frames per second
Move compatibility. Media molecules ps4 game will support it but beyond that they haven't announced any more support. After KZ3's move support it's a real pity KZ:SF doesn't support itI still can't decide whether or not I should get the Playstation Camera.
I don't want to be a Twitch celebrity or anything but it seems like it makes the PS4 more complete. On the other hand, I can use the same amount of money to buy another game or controller.
Are there any other pros for owning the camera?
Guys, where can I find some NFS Rivals reviews? Or is there still an embargo?
I wanna get it, but I need to see some more info
Yeah, I'm betting on AC4 as my singleplayer game. AC4's multiplayer is actually pretty fun/unique. At least for a few weeks, I'd check out some youtube footage or something. It's not really something you play for a long time though, imo. If you really want to dive into a shooter's multiplayer, I'd actually say go with BF4. Massive battles, big community. It's really a toss up between that and Killzone(I just got both). It depends whether you want futuristic or modern day shooting, really. BF4 also has a bigger playercount. I'd avoid Ghosts (I played it on PC).
I have played BF4 on PC, so I do know that you're pretty much guaranteed to have really fun and meaty multiplayer if you go with that. KZ multiplayer looks pretty fun though.
Based on what I heard Killzone is not as quite as linear in the level design for the SP campaign as opposed to Call of Duty or BF4. A reviewer mentioned how in Killzone some areas were open to where you could plan and decide your approach while the other two are more guiding you.
As far as multiplayer it is easier to break it down this way in thinking. If your prefer smaller scale battles in a more traditional sense then Ghosts and Killzone are up your alley with different game modes. Each has their own variation on load-outs and unlocking them.
The thing to keep in mind about BF4 especially the next gen versions is console players are finally going to be in large scale multiplayer games like on a PC. Up to about 64 players total along with a variety of vehicles to use in the maps to help traverse / fight in the maps. Also has progressive unlocks like the other two.
AC4 has been getting good reviews on the current gen consoles and people say they like it more than 3. Some say the single player campaign is kinda meh but it also has a plethora of side content to dig into and explore along with enhancements for next gen consoles.
Multiplayer for it is pretty much hunting / hiding the other team and you earn levels that gradually unlock abilities / upgrades. You can also customize and tweak the assassins in muliplayer cosmetically.
Has it been mentioned yet, but my copies of BF4 and ACIV box art have different sizes for the PS4 logo section (front and spine). Not even talking about a little off too. Going to drive me crazy staring at the collection on the shelf.
People are already lining up for preorders? Can I ask why?
People are already lining up for preorders? Can I ask why?
Anticipation? Anxiety? I don't know...
it's next gen baby
I'm in line with a pre-order right now. Mainly I wanted to be a part of the madness, but also I just don't trust Best Buy. Don't want them selling my console to someone without a pre-order.People are already lining up for preorders? Can I ask why?
People are already lining up for preorders? Can I ask why?
People are already lining up for preorders? Can I ask why?
People are already lining up for preorders? Can I ask why?
I was about to ask the same thing. Heading to gamestop at 6 to get my number and then will not be back until 11:45.
What a fucking troll.
Kevin Dent ‏@TheKevinDent
A proud and noble beast.
I'd love to see him dancing!
What's the warranty like? I know when I go to pick mine up tonight they're going to try and up sell me on a protection package or something, Will I need one?
So I was a lucky winner of the Taco Bell PS4 and this is just a quick run down of my first experience with it and some of the games.