Bam Bam Baklava
Is it a bundle PS4? the page isnt clear
Kindle + PS4 for 599 US dollars.
Is it a bundle PS4? the page isnt clear
Check it out guys, Amazon are getting more PS4's tonigt at 12 AM EST
There are times to throw off all cryptic pretence. Now seems like one of those. I don't need to hide from the ninjas for this.
Next gen is here. The next wave of gamers gets to experience what is now my fifth launch.
To all the people lining up in the cold, you are why this industry still survives. To those waiting anxiously for the chance to pick up a console tonight, counting their place in the line, bless you. To those madly hitting f5 on every thread for the news, this is your night. Even should you have decided to buy an X1 instead, tonight is for all of you too and the journey will continue next week.
Devs have madly been toiling not just on trying to make sense of barren launch environments but to try and start the revolution toward something better. Some will do better than others, but the journey has begun.They strive to keep healthy the medium we all love.
Sometimes the suits won't hear the message and try to change the landscape on our behalf. But in the end we still have control over the direction of this ship. Never believe that good enough is good enough.
Demand better.
Same say this is the last console gen. To quote a favourite, if this is going to be our end, I would have us make such an end, to be worthy of remembrance.
I'm #35 for picking up my PS4 at midnight. I have BF4, ACIV, Fifa 14 and Killzone sitting on my table waiting to be played.
I'm 30 years old, this is my first ever console launch (I've always gotten my consoles a year or two in) and I'm as excited as 6 year old me waiting to open my gifts on Christmas morning. The icing on the cake is that I finally had my neogaf account approved earlier this week. Perfect timing!
Happy launch night everybody!
There were around 40-50 outside the bestbuy near me
Check it out guys, Amazon are getting more PS4's tonigt at 12 AM EST
CanadaGAF here. Outside a Gamestop in London, ON. 20 or so here. Couple of dudebros, a few of us with Vitas out (I've got Corpse Party going at the moment, I see other people playing Metal Gear, FF8, and Persona 4).
Cold as balls, but we're all pretty laid back. Resisting the urge to snap at the idiot who keeps saying MS has "more megapixels, and a better pixel resolution buffer" (wtf).
Well I'm just gonna try to grab the amazon bundle and ebay the kindle wish me luck.
This is why I GAF.There are times to throw off all cryptic pretence. Now seems like one of those. I don't need to hide from the ninjas for this.
Next gen is here. The next wave of gamers gets to experience what is now my fifth launch.
To all the people lining up in the cold, you are why this industry still survives. To those waiting anxiously for the chance to pick up a console tonight, counting their place in the line, bless you. To those madly hitting f5 on every thread for the news, this is your night. Even should you have decided to buy an X1 instead, tonight is for all of you too and the journey will continue next week.
Devs have madly been toiling not just on trying to make sense of barren launch environments but to try and start the revolution toward something better. Some will do better than others, but the journey has begun.They strive to keep healthy the medium we all love.
Sometimes the suits won't hear the message and try to change the landscape on our behalf. But in the end we still have control over the direction of this ship. Never believe that good enough is good enough.
Demand better.
Same say this is the last console gen. To quote a favourite, if this is going to be our end, I would have us make such an end, to be worthy of remembrance.
But does it have a flux capacitor?
CanadaGAF here. Outside a Gamestop in London, ON. 20 or so here. Couple of dudebros, a few of us with Vitas out (I've got Corpse Party going at the moment, I see other people playing Metal Gear, FF8, and Persona 4).
Cold as balls, but we're all pretty laid back. Resisting the urge to snap at the idiot who keeps saying MS has "more megapixels, and a better pixel resolution buffer" (wtf).
There are times to throw off all cryptic pretence. Now seems like one of those. I don't need to hide from the ninjas for this.
Next gen is here. The next wave of gamers gets to experience what is now my fifth launch.
To all the people lining up in the cold, you are why this industry still survives. To those waiting anxiously for the chance to pick up a console tonight, counting their place in the line, bless you. To those madly hitting f5 on every thread for the news, this is your night. Even should you have decided to buy an X1 instead, tonight is for all of you too and the journey will continue next week.
Devs have madly been toiling not just on trying to make sense of barren launch environments but to try and start the revolution toward something better. Some will do better than others, but the journey has begun.They strive to keep healthy the medium we all love.
Sometimes the suits won't hear the message and try to change the landscape on our behalf. But in the end we still have control over the direction of this ship. Never believe that good enough is good enough.
Demand better.
Same say this is the last console gen. To quote a favourite, if this is going to be our end, I would have us make such an end, to be worthy of remembrance.
What happen to the longlines from the ps2 and ps3 launch eras?
Dude, awesome! I'm in London too. I'm at home though, not out there tonight. Which location are you at? It's cold outside, hope you're stayin' warm.
I'm #35 for picking up my PS4 at midnight. I have BF4, ACIV, Fifa 14 and Killzone sitting on my table waiting to be played.
I'm 30 years old, this is my first ever console launch (I've always gotten my consoles a year or two in) and I'm as excited as 6 year old me waiting to open my gifts on Christmas morning. The icing on the cake is that I finally had my neogaf account approved earlier this week. Perfect timing!
Happy launch night everybody!
You live in a big city? Mine is coming from amazon but I drove by a gamestop on the way home from grabbing a smoothie and the line had around 30, 40 people milling about.It really doesn't feel like next gen starts tonight. My Gamestop is dead. I expected a huge line lol
There are times to throw off all cryptic pretence. Now seems like one of those. I don't need to hide from the ninjas for this.
Next gen is here. The next wave of gamers gets to experience what is now my fifth launch.
To all the people lining up in the cold, you are why this industry still survives. To those waiting anxiously for the chance to pick up a console tonight, counting their place in the line, bless you. To those madly hitting f5 on every thread for the news, this is your night. Even should you have decided to buy an X1 instead, tonight is for all of you too and the journey will continue next week.
Devs have madly been toiling not just on trying to make sense of barren launch environments but to try and start the revolution toward something better. Some will do better than others, but the journey has begun.They strive to keep healthy the medium we all love.
Sometimes the suits won't hear the message and try to change the landscape on our behalf. But in the end we still have control over the direction of this ship. Never believe that good enough is good enough.
Demand better.
Same say this is the last console gen. To quote a favourite, if this is going to be our end, I would have us make such an end, to be worthy of remembrance.
Beautiful!There are times to throw off all cryptic pretence. Now seems like one of those. I don't need to hide from the ninjas for this.
Next gen is here. The next wave of gamers gets to experience what is now my fifth launch.
To all the people lining up in the cold, you are why this industry still survives. To those waiting anxiously for the chance to pick up a console tonight, counting their place in the line, bless you. To those madly hitting f5 on every thread for the news, this is your night. Even should you have decided to buy an X1 instead, tonight is for all of you too and the journey will continue next week.
Devs have madly been toiling not just on trying to make sense of barren launch environments but to try and start the revolution toward something better. Some will do better than others, but the journey has begun.They strive to keep healthy the medium we all love.
Sometimes the suits won't hear the message and try to change the landscape on our behalf. But in the end we still have control over the direction of this ship. Never believe that good enough is good enough.
Demand better.
Same say this is the last console gen. To quote a favourite, if this is going to be our end, I would have us make such an end, to be worthy of remembrance.
about 70 people hoping to get a system and so far 20 of us who preordered..... and one loud person yapping about the greatest of the dreamcast . kid you not.
There are times to throw off all cryptic pretence. Now seems like one of those. I don't need to hide from the ninjas for this.
Next gen is here. The next wave of gamers gets to experience what is now my fifth launch.
To all the people lining up in the cold, you are why this industry still survives. To those waiting anxiously for the chance to pick up a console tonight, counting their place in the line, bless you. To those madly hitting f5 on every thread for the news, this is your night. Even should you have decided to buy an X1 instead, tonight is for all of you too and the journey will continue next week.
Devs have madly been toiling not just on trying to make sense of barren launch environments but to try and start the revolution toward something better. Some will do better than others, but the journey has begun.They strive to keep healthy the medium we all love.
Sometimes the suits won't hear the message and try to change the landscape on our behalf. But in the end we still have control over the direction of this ship. Never believe that good enough is good enough.
Demand better.
Same say this is the last console gen. To quote a favourite, if this is going to be our end, I would have us make such an end, to be worthy of remembrance.
You live in a big city? Mine is coming from amazon but I drove by a gamestop on the way home from grabbing a smoothie and the line had around 30, 40 people milling about.
Is there any point to getting the camera if I don't plan to life stream? /socialanxiety
Is there any point to getting the camera if I don't plan to life stream? /socialanxiety
The one on Wellington/Commissioners. I'm set. Near the front, platinum edge card, everything paid off months ago
I didn't know there were other London GAFers.
So are people downloading the update or going usb? I'm going to brave the gamestop tonight with #27 in line.
I'm torn, help me out GAF:
Long story short, I picked up 3 games at Target because I had a feeling the 30% off + buy two get one deal wouldn't last long (looks like I chose wisely). They didn't have much in stock, so I find myself with both Killzone and Battlefield. I really do not want to split my time between two FPS's. On the one hand, Killzone is shiny and beautiful. On the other hand, it seems (emphasis on seems because I've never played either a KZ or BF game) that BF4 will have the more robust, longer lasting multiplayer experience.
There are times to throw off all cryptic pretence. Now seems like one of those. I don't need to hide from the ninjas for this.
Next gen is here. The next wave of gamers gets to experience what is now my fifth launch.
To all the people lining up in the cold, you are why this industry still survives. To those waiting anxiously for the chance to pick up a console tonight, counting their place in the line, bless you. To those madly hitting f5 on every thread for the news, this is your night. Even should you have decided to buy an X1 instead, tonight is for all of you too and the journey will continue next week.
Devs have madly been toiling not just on trying to make sense of barren launch environments but to try and start the revolution toward something better. Some will do better than others, but the journey has begun.They strive to keep healthy the medium we all love.
Sometimes the suits won't hear the message and try to change the landscape on our behalf. But in the end we still have control over the direction of this ship. Never believe that good enough is good enough.
Demand better.
Same say this is the last console gen. To quote a favourite, if this is going to be our end, I would have us make such an end, to be worthy of remembrance.
Putting my PS4 controller to good use while I wait for my console.
There are times to throw off all cryptic pretence. Now seems like one of those. I don't need to hide from the ninjas for this.
Next gen is here. The next wave of gamers gets to experience what is now my fifth launch.
To all the people lining up in the cold, you are why this industry still survives. To those waiting anxiously for the chance to pick up a console tonight, counting their place in the line, bless you. To those madly hitting f5 on every thread for the news, this is your night. Even should you have decided to buy an X1 instead, tonight is for all of you too and the journey will continue next week.
Devs have madly been toiling not just on trying to make sense of barren launch environments but to try and start the revolution toward something better. Some will do better than others, but the journey has begun.They strive to keep healthy the medium we all love.
Sometimes the suits won't hear the message and try to change the landscape on our behalf. But in the end we still have control over the direction of this ship. Never believe that good enough is good enough.
Demand better.
Same say this is the last console gen. To quote a favourite, if this is going to be our end, I would have us make such an end, to be worthy of remembrance.
Need input!