Here is an Uncharted 4 PS4 Pro shot. Had to reduce to JPG sorry.
No way is that 1080p
Here is an Uncharted 4 PS4 Pro shot. Had to reduce to JPG sorry.
No way is that 1080p
Yes, I'm aware. The added 1GB of DDR3 will allow the OS to allocate 512 MB of the faster GDDR5 for games to use mostly for the larger 4K frame buffer that takes a few hundred extra megabytes compared to a 1080p frame buffer depending on how it's constructed. What it won't allow though is the higher quality texture work more suitable for 4K.
I'm just questioning Sony's logic with doing this upgrade right now. It's not hitting the 4K target in most titles, or allow for 60 FPS, and it's not even benefiting non-patched games. At best it's 4K "ready", and even HDR is patched into the old consoles so that's not a selling point either. The only real point for PS4 Pro launching right now would be the extra power for PSVR, but even for that the lackluster CPU upgrade isn't fitting. As a whole PSVR and PS4 Pro don't seem compelling enough for mainstream, nor powerful enough for a high end offering. Both seem to be here before their time, and lacking in tech and software support. It's good that Sony's pushing for these things, but to me it seems like they just took a half-step too early.
I think it would've been better if Sony had waited for next year like MS. I have no interest in getting a Scorpio, but I do prefer MS's strategy with this upgrade. It makes a whole lot more sense as a truly higher end option, especially if they manage to bring improvements to old games without a separate patching process (which I feel there's a decent chance, but not guaranteed). I feel Sony dropped the ball with requiring devs to make specific 4K patches, and they probably milk some extra money from publishers to validate those patches. Otherwise they would've actually had to put in some effort into making sure the old games worked right with better specs, or at least make a toggle as an option for those games that do work. They chose the easy way that benefited them more than the potential customers.
Thank you very much OP for this thread.
I bought a PS4 Pro for the ultimate 1080p experience. Also bought BF1 today, can't wait until the download is finished...
You will be a happy man.
Battlefield 1 multiplayer on the pro is incredible.
To get the benefit of downsampling do you need to set it to 4k or does the Pro adjust automatically?
Rise of the Tomb raider look amazing on 1080p, i can't decide 60 fps mode or enriched graphic... both are great !
Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 are much crisper on 1080p. BF1 is so much smoother and no more hitching when going back to the respawn screen.
Hey am I am the only one noticing this, I am still on the stock harddrive of the Pro, noticing weird level of detail pop up for certain textures in TitanFall 2. In Rise of the Tomb Raider having a hard time deciding between 4K and Enriched Visuals though I only have a native 1080p screen. In Enriched Visuals, there's absolutely no visible level of detail pop/texture pop up at all. looks fantastic, anyone similar experience?
Rise of the Tomb raider look amazing on 1080p, i can't decide 60 fps mode or enriched graphic... both are great !
Down sampled 4K mode every time.
Is it just me or does Youtube/Netflix look even cleaner with the Pro at 1080?
but this results in noticable level of detail pop up in rise of the tomb raider, in Enriched Visuals, there's no pop up at all and it was even mentioned as one of the tech features that allows them to push on the Pro with Enriched mode. That being said running on 4k mode at 1080p gives it the most cleanest and bullshot type imagery!
So the choice is between extremely crisp but with texture pop in, or less crisp and no pop in? Damn, I dunno. Can anyone else weigh in on if that is the tradeoff in their experience?
I played quite a bit extensively of Rise of the Tomb Raider 3 hrs straight last night and had a hard time making up my mind between Enriched and 4K, while on Enriched there's this slight bit of aliasing occuring on certain silhouettes(only drawback I could notice) it offers greater level of detail, improved draw distance, anisotropic filtering, Tesselation and overall mindblowing experience. While on 4K I am not sure what are the exact amount of trade offs done to get the checkerboard rendering for 4K, the one that was very apparent was level of detail pop up. An example of this, I was exploring a tomb, tomb had pillars/rocks, as I would walk away from the pillar within a few feet, I would see detail being lost and then when I get close to it, it all appears back(TitanFall2 type lod pop up). But since I have 1080p screen, 4K mode results in cleanest/sharpest IQ like that aliasing i was talking about in Enriched mode, was no longer present. This could be distracting, but for me it wasn't for the most part and thus I am having a bloody hard time deciding between 4K vs Enriched. FYI loving the Pro experience so far!
Thanks for the input. Interesting. I've now heard really good arguments for both Enriched and 4K mode, so I basically have no idea which one to choose.
Enhanced graphics mode is by far the worst mode by the looks of it. 60fps or 4K seem like much more worthwhile benefits.
Enhanced graphics mode is by far the worst mode by the looks of it. 60fps or 4K seem like much more worthwhile benefits.
Honestly it seems to me like playing in these 1080p higher frame rate modes is a better option for the most part. Sacrificing frame rate down to 30 just isn't worth it when you consider the expense to responsivity and fluidity. I feel that game feel is what defines more than anything, whether I enjoy a game or not, therefore sacrificing framerate makes little sense.
I've been playing Skyrim in 4K and the frame rate just isn't up to scratch. I wish it had a 1080p 60 FPS mode, but couldn't seem to find any options.
Initially Rise of the Tomb Raider felt weird to me when I started with the game for the first time(after a quick glimpse of how it felt in 60fps) at 30fps on both enriched visuals and 4K mode, but I got used to it quickly. I tend to sway towards better visuals, at least for the story/non multiplayer aspects!
I mean there are some cinematic exceptions for me also. Games that are very animation heavy often don't feel as responsive as they could anyway, so sacrificing a little responsiveness for better picture quality could be worthwhile. Though for something like Titanfall 2 I can't see that trade being worth it (not that it offers the option), so much of the games appeal is tied to how the feel of the moment to moment gameplay, and not necessarily its narrative or cinematic quality.
I guess my original post was a little reductive, in this regard, and in reality I would assess games on a case by case basis. Image quality might come out on top, if the visual enhancements were considerable, and the drop in fluidity and responsiveness neither too steep, or integral to the experience.
It's just 60fps in the first levels, after that the framerate drops to mid 40s most of the time. The enriched GFX mode runs at a locked 30fps but has framepacing issues. Not smooth too.
I thought there might be a chance with this one as there is one more patch/dlc to come alongside the complete edition that is out in a few weeks. According to the Sony document every game released from October onwards should have Pro features. Whether a re-release of Battlefront qualifies for that could be up for debateI hope Battlefront gets a Patch, I want to go back in 1080p alongside Xwing VR.
Afraid no screenshots but Pro takes an already fantastic game in R&C and makes it look even more fantastic - you will not see a jaggie, trust me.Any cleaned up (no jaggies) Ratchet pics so far?, i know there is a video but it's not the same... thanks in advance...
Any cleaned up (no jaggies) Ratchet pics so far?, i know there is a video but it's not the same... thanks in advance...
Played TitanFall 2 campaign for a bit, looks great...but it did before so I can't tell if it is a placebo effect lol
Interesting to see the debate between modes, image quality and FPS as a lot of the argument for having a console is that games just work without messing with settings.
The games are working on the Pro but this thread clearly shows how much people are involved in changing settings and comparing config, something console players deride PC players for.
Consoles really are getting more PC-like as they evolve.