With how quickly this game will come and go, I wonder if this will be a bit of a collector's item someday.
I don't which will last longer the life of the game or the controllerWith how quickly this game will come and go, I wonder if this will be a bit of a collector's item someday.
What will you say if they announce an Aatro Bot one later on?The sad thing about this is how fucking deaftone Sony is. Not an Astrobot controller but a Concord one. Jesus fucking christ.
What will you say if they announce an Aatro Bot one later on?
Good for them, It's the obvious move. IMO Sony is focusing resources and marketing efforts in the wrong place.
Helldivers 2 should get a cool controller, too. Capitalize on your success, not on failed projects. That's why I say that part of Sony's management lives in a bubble, oblivious to what their fanbase wants. This is a dangerous trend that inevitably leads to huge losses.
How do you know there won't be an Astrobot controller? Concord releases next month, Astobot in September...one could be announced later.The controller is pretty good. So this will be counted as "game sales", too.
The sad thing about this is how fucking deaftone Sony is. Not an Astrobot controller but a Concord one. Jesus fucking christ.