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PS5 up for pre-order on Play-Asia - $990 CAD



$699 USD.

Price is likely what Play-Asia will sell it for given that PS4 Pro sells there for $980 CAD.

So....... PS5 should be $579 CAD/$449 USD bought in-country or thereabouts?
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Very interesting.

I don't think Sony will sell them at those prices.

I expect it to be about $599 CAD, $499 USD. Possibly digital version $50-$100 cheaper.

Yep. I'm expecting $499.99 USD for the disc version and $449.99 for the digital. Maybe they'll go cheaper if the Series X undercuts them as Sony's probably willing to take some losses to dominate the console sales race again, but I have a hard time seeing the Series X below $499 given it's specs. Sony may feel some pressure later on if MS does put out the weaker, cheaper $300 model that's been rumored though, but maybe not if they're selling like crazy at those prices.


Im guessing the all digital version is the same price but has bigger hard drive. Unless they really just wanted a 50 dollar cheaper price point to get closer to xbox so they can say “starting at x price”


Can’t Git Gud
A bummer about all digital even existing as main sku. The disc drive looks like afterthought and that means bc it's bound to the more expensive console


I am expecting 699 CAD and 599 USD since it seems more realistic to me. 499 would be great but I think Sony would lose to much money on that.

I think it will be $499. Even if they lose money, their games sell at crazy high attach rates, as do PS+ subs. They'll want to build a big PS5 base as quickly as possible to keep taking advantage of that. And they definitely don't want to get undercut too much by MS on price as they know that can swing momentum as the PS4 being $100 less than Xbox One was a huge boost to it's launch. They go $600 and MS comes in at $500 or $450 and even people like me that love Sony games will hesitate. I switched mains from PS1 and PS2 to 360 largely due to the PS3 launch price. I don't know that I could do it this time as I'm into way more Sony IP and fewer MS IP these days, but I'd be much more likely to wait for a price drop if it's $600.


°Temp. member
Hmm, if the ps5 quantities will be limited and the system will be hard to get, wondering if it would be worth it to preorder one of these...


Do these guys actually have any info from Sony? Because it sounds like they're just charging whatever the hell they want.
Im guessing the all digital version is the same price but has bigger hard drive. Unless they really just wanted a 50 dollar cheaper price point to get closer to xbox so they can say “starting at x price”
Jim Ryan already stated the only difference between regular and all digital is the disc drive and form factor every thing else is identical.
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Texas Pride

A 500 price tag will NOT encourage mass early adoption either during or proceeding the pandemic. Given the high probability of a second Covid-19 wave in the fall and another dip in the economy anything over 399 will be a hard sell. Add to it the games shown yesterday were for casuals who sure as hell wont pay 500 that early anyway. Which made the absence of any hardcore players games that much stranger.
A 500 price tag will NOT encourage mass early adoption either during or proceeding the pandemic. Given the high probability of a second Covid-19 wave in the fall and another dip in the economy anything over 399 will be a hard sell. Add to it the games shown yesterday were for casuals who sure as hell wont pay 500 that early anyway. Which made the absence of any hardcore players games that much stranger.
$500 today is about $300 in 1996 the cost of a ps1.


Writes a lot, says very little
Very interesting.

I don't think Sony will sell them at those prices.

I expect it to be about $599 CAD, $499 USD. Possibly digital version $50-$100 cheaper.

True. If thats the case, easy, easy day 1 for me


Means jack shit. It’s been up for pre-order on multiple retailers in Sweden for weeks, if not months, at no less than $999, and the XSX at $1049.

Until Sony announce the price, no one has a fucking clue. They probably don’t know themselves.
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People living paycheck to paycheck aren't buying next gen consoles. Add onto that most people spent that 1200 in less than a month.
People living paycheck to paycheck aren't buying a $300 console let alone a $500 one so whats your point? My point was $500 today isn't that big of deal and will strike people the same way as it did when the ps1 cost $300 in 1996. Once you get into that $600 dollar territory IMO it stops becoming a toy and better do more than keep your kids busy on the weekend.


Writes a lot, says very little
People living paycheck to paycheck aren't buying next gen consoles. Add onto that most people spent that 1200 in less than a month.

This. I think the stimulus was 100% needed, but most have already spent it on bills like credit cards, rent etc. semi OT but we'll likely see another stimulus lol

A day 1 for me regardless. I'm looking to STIMULATE my economy by giving them that money for a PS5 lol
People living paycheck to paycheck aren't buying next gen consoles. Add onto that most people spent that 1200 in less than a month.
I have a friend that immediately spent that money on a Mac Mini. I thought that was a little reckless considering we don't know how secure our jobs are or how long this pandemic is going to last. But people are allowed to spend their money however they like so what do I care.

My check went directly into savings.


While it is probably a placeholder price, it's worth noting that it's very close to what Play-Asia charge for the PS4 Pro.

Texas Pride

People living paycheck to paycheck aren't buying a $300 console let alone a $500 one so whats your point? My point was $500 today isn't that big of deal and will strike people the same way as it did when the ps1 cost $300 in 1996. Once you get into that $600 dollar territory IMO it stops becoming a toy and better do more than keep your kids busy on the weekend.

We can agree to disagree because atm it's a moot point. We don't know the real price or the shape the economy will be in when it goes on sale. I think 500 is too much imo. After games and a spare controller plus tax you're into 600+ and well good luck with that.


People living paycheck to paycheck aren't buying next gen consoles. Add onto that most people spent that 1200 in less than a month.

People that live paycheck to paycheck are the early adopter market anyway. Those are people who wait for price drops later in the generation to buy, other than the shit for brains who rack up high interest credit card debt for things like consoles.

The PS4 and Xbox 1 were both hard to find for a few months around launch, especially the PS4, and they had terrible launch lineups. It will be no different this time, the hardcore gamers and fanboys with money will buy up all the launch window stock. No need to have too many games then, better to have things like Horizon 2 in spring or summer 2020 when that part of the market is starting to saturate and you need heavier hitting exclusives to get people off the fence and keep sales momentum going.

Texas Pride

People that live paycheck to paycheck are the early adopter market anyway. Those are people who wait for price drops later in the generation to buy, other than the shit for brains who rack up high interest credit card debt for things like consoles.

The PS4 and Xbox 1 were both hard to find for a few months around launch, especially the PS4, and they had terrible launch lineups. It will be no different this time, the hardcore gamers and fanboys with money will buy up all the launch window stock. No need to have too many games then, better to have things like Horizon 2 in spring or summer 2020 when that part of the market is starting to saturate and you need heavier hitting exclusives to get people off the fence and keep sales momentum going.

My point. Is we're in the middle of a pandemic. Many unemployed. And that people are overestimating the amount of disposable income people will have for what's shaping up to be a very expensive toy. And that's assuming shit doesn't get worse than it is now in the fall. This isn't the PS4/X1 launch.


My point. Is we're in the middle of a pandemic. Many unemployed. And that people are overestimating the amount of disposable income people will have for what's shaping up to be a very expensive toy. And that's assuming shit doesn't get worse than it is now in the fall. This isn't the PS4/X1 launch.

You're right in your general premise. You're just missing that launch window stock is usually limited to a few million consoles and that the bulk of early adopters are upper middle class and above types with disposable income to pay top dollar for new gadgets--and most of those folks are like me and been working from home on full salary--or diehard gamers and fanboys who'll buy day one even if it means credit card debt as they have to have the shiny new toy and post about it online.

Any impact would be more next spring and summer when the usually launch window early adopter market is saturated. If the economy is still down then sales could suffer. However, at least in the US it seems like we're taking a "fuck it the economy is more important" approach so I think unemployment will be way lower by the time the early adopter market has stopped buying up all the consoles anyway. The things where unemployment will likely still be high are things like service industry jobs and waiters etc. don't really make enough to buy consoles at $300-500 anyway (again unless they're hardcore gamers or fanboys and will do credit card debt to buy early).

To be even more blunt, I don't think the console companies give much of a fuck about poor and working class gamers. That's a chunk of the market that, outside of the hardcore among them, usually buys consoles later on after price drops, buys older games cheap or used etc. They want the middle class and above with disposable income that buy consoles at full price, buy lots of games day one at $60, spend money on DLC, MTs and their subscription services. And that's even more true early on around launch when the hardware costs the most it ever will and all the games are full price for a couple months (and longer for the bit titles) as the new owners are thirsty for next gen content.

If they actually cared about the lower income segment of the market during the launch window they would delay and not launch during a pandemic and economic drop that's mostly only hurting the lower income service industry segment of the market as other things didn't shut down and remained open or working remotely. They don't care and know that their launch window stock will fly off shelves as the launch base is a combo of people still making money and diehards/fanboys that will take credit card debt to buy their consoles. They know the lower income folk will mostly buy later in the generation when prices have dropped and the economy is stronger.
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I don't see PS5 or XboxSeriesX being more than 499 ....
I agree. After the PS3, Sony won't go near $600. At least that's what I would like to believe.

I definitely think MS is going to undercut them. There's no way they're going to have anything similar to an Xbox One like launch. Even by familiarity.

I did have a friend at work tell me he believes the PS5 was going to release at $1000. And I told him that's impossible. The console would be dead in the water at that price. I wonder where he got that figure from?

Texas Pride

You're right in your general premise. You're just missing that launch window stock is usually limited to a few million consoles and that the bulk of early adopters are upper middle class and above types with disposable income to pay top dollar for new gadgets--and most of those folks are like me and been working from home on full salary--or diehard gamers and fanboys who'll buy day one even if it means credit card debt as they have to have the shiny new toy and post about it online.

Any impact would be more next spring and summer when the usually launch window early adopter market is saturated. If the economy is still down then sales could suffer. However, at least in the US it seems like we're taking a "fuck it the economy is more important" approach so I think unemployment will be way lower by the time the early adopter market has stopped buying up all the consoles anyway. The things were unemployment will likely still be high are things like service industry jobs and waiters etc. don't really make enough to buy consoles at $300-500 anyway (again unless they're hardcore gamers or fanboys and will do credit card debt to buy early).

To be even more blunt, I don't think the console companies give much of a fuck about poor and working class gamers. That's a chunk of the market that, outside of the hardcore among them, usually buys consoles later on after price drops, buys older games cheap or used etc. They want the middle class and above with disposable income that buy consoles at full price, buy lots of games day one at $60, spend money on DLC, MTs and their subscription services. And that's even more true early on around launch when the hardware costs the most it ever will and all the games are full price for a couple months (and longer for the bit titles) as the new owners are thirsty for next gen content.

If they actually cared about the lower income segment of the market during the launch window they would delay and not launch during a pandemic and economic drop that's mostly only hurting the lower income service industry segment of the market as other things didn't shut down and remained open or working remotely. They don't care and know that their launch window stock will fly off shelves as the launch base is a combo of people still making money and diehards/fanboys that will take credit card debt to buy their consoles.

We'll see how big Sony's balls are soon.
Bought Pro used for $470 year it came out. Looks like it's still going for that price. $600 bucks is too much for weak launch line up. Guess 4 more years of PS4 it is.

My point. Is we're in the middle of a pandemic. Many unemployed. And that people are overestimating the amount of disposable income people will have for what's shaping up to be a very expensive toy. And that's assuming shit doesn't get worse than it is now in the fall. This isn't the PS4/X1 launch.
Absolutely, also a recession has hit and will only get worse. Terrible time for a pricier than usual console launch. Post 2008 market crash console gen all over again. Expect long gen, low risk games, and low LTD #s over all.


We'll see how big Sony's balls are soon.

MS as well as there’s no way they come in more than $50 lower than whatever Sony’s price Is with their specs and not being flush in cash with Xbox One hardware and exclusive sales being lower than they wanted and taking a loss leader approach with Gamepass with all the $1 deals etc. I more expect them to be priced the same.

I’d bet big money they’ll both be fine through the first six months given the the reasons I posted. If the economy is still in the shitter late spring and beyond they may face some challenges and pressure to drop price. I think things will be better though given the pace at which things are reopening. The service and tourism industry will still be hurting as many are reluctant to eat out or travel before a vaccine. But other things will be mostly back to normal worn masks, distancing and taking steps to keep isolating the elderly an at risk. And as I said, the service industry folk aren’t but early adopters of tech due time being more paycheck to paycheck Even in good times.

Things are way better than in 2008 as that crash hit all income brackets to some extent. This one is mostly slamming lower class and lower middle class folks who aren’t a core console launch demographic anyway. 2008 hurt me, this one if anything helped as rates have dropped a ton and we’re getting a great deal on refinancing our mortgage while our incomes are unaffected. Hardly anyone benefited in 2008-09.


I don't know guys. We really expecting MS to take a huge loss on hardware? If I'm an investor that's a hard pass.

Especially given that there always seem to be reports that many investors hate the Xbox division as it doesn’t generate the huge profits of their Windows/office/cloud services divisions.

They’ll match PS5 price or undercut it by $50 at most if it’s not too big a loss IMO.
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