Indiana Jones and the Great Circle for PS5 launches April 17 (Standard, Premium, and Collector's editions available for pre-order)

I mean ...


Glad to see you finally call out Microsoft on their bullshit.

Disgusting business practise.
Gonna miss out on one of the best current gen only games cause of a tiny thing like that.

A lot of people suffer from motion sickness with first person games (and VR).

I’ve had it for years and I’m not sure whether it was caused by getting a larger TV or getting older.

I pretty much just rule out first person games now. If this had a third person option I’d buy it.


Performance is still lousy on Series X.
Probably shouldn't be in a rush to get ahold of a Playstation version.
Given the RTGI side of things, if MS put the effort in the Pro should shine. I'm not seeing too many signs of going the extra mile so far though, so I'm thinking you won't see much more than the raw GPU uplift. Then again I didn't expect them to lean into the Playstation release like they just did with the bespoke trailer. So maybe we are heading towards full fat support and maybe even day and date. Six months sure isn't optimising for dollars.
I would love to play this because Im a indy fan .. but first person + stealth is so fcking lame
It's The Chronicles of Indiana Jones: Escape From the Raided Tomb basically

As someone who genuinely loved the Riddick game, I'm kind of torn between my love for that game and the fact that it just doesn't make any sense for an Indiana Jones game

I wonder how this game runs on PC anyways, it's already going on sale regularly there


It's The Chronicles of Indiana Jones: Escape From the Raided Tomb basically

As someone who genuinely loved the Riddick game, I'm kind of torn between my love for that game and the fact that it just doesn't make any sense for an Indiana Jones game

I wonder how this game runs on PC anyways, it's already going on sale regularly there
Never played the riddick games .. but I hate first person anything that is not FPS... thief for example.. god awful

Its just pesonal taste.. nothing wrong with the games

I loved Alien Isolation though.
First person view, no thank you.
As someone who didn't like the game( you can read my post history), you should not let the first person view stop you from enjoying the game.

It might sound weird due to the type of game it is, but it's pretty easy to adjust to. It also doesn't feel anywhere near as jarring as the videos make it out to be.


As excited and hyped as I am, I'm not paying for 2 days 'early' access for a game that's been out for ages. I played enough of it to know I'll enjoy and soak it all in on PS5 PRO.


Moderated wildly
And….Pre-Order Confirmed

Just for you DenchDeckard DenchDeckard

I really hope you enjoy it, dude. The combat is far too easy so turn the difficulty up. I feel like it's almost purposefully done. But, for me the adventuring around and collecting stuff and just feeling like Indy was unmatched.

It will look amazing on Pro too. It looked crazy on series x. Pro will take it to a whole other level.
I was really interested in it but the seemingly sub-Dishonored levels of braindead AI turned me off hard in the review footages I saw.

Did they ever patch that or anything? Their awareness and general behavior seemed PS2 levels of idiotic.


Indiana mid April,
Forza end of April,
Doom mid may.

By this logic can we expect age of empires 2 end of may?

I wouldn't expect any more MS games on PS5 announced until at least a few of these have released.
Hope your not afraid of sneks. Lots of sneks in this game.

And not a peep from the games media about it. Yet IGN & Kotaku were trying to shame everyone for appreciating Eve's buns in Stellar Blade.

Stuff like that is why I continue to wage war with Western games "journalists". Almost all of them are hypocritical garbage.

Seems you have forgot about the far superior PC platform...

Yeah the kids with their $400 Acer laptops stuffed with that powerful quad-core i3, mid-tier Intel integrated graphics, shared 8 GB DDR4 speed memory and 512 GB sub-1 GB/s SSD are running circles around the PS5 Pro.

Correct, same here. Game looks good and I'm interested but they aren't getting $90 CAD from me for a late port of a 15 hours linear game. I can wait another 6 months to get it half price in the fall.

You can also just rent it from GameFly ;)


Can you switch to 3rd person in this?
nope. it automatically switches while climbing etc. and in those instances (also in cinematics) the animation is extremely wooden and stiff.
first person wasn't a "design choice" for this game. its that way because the studio cant do third person for shit. they have zero experience.
it would have been demolished, on a side-by-side to almost a decade old uncharted4.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
"I'm super excited for ps5 owners...."

*Moments later*


I'll always dislike this pretentious, goblin looking guy for giving Alien Isolation a 5/10.

These people should be kept as far away from gaming as possible, instead, they should just keep writing ingenuous, agenda driven hit-pieces as to justify their -"journalist" status.

Fuck IGN


Bummer on this disc thing. But i guess i'm fundamentally happy there is a disc, despite caveats. Atleast the game is owned, can be passed along to kids, sold etc.
I dont typically preorder- but im a Indy glazer and wanted the Premium.
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