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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Kafel said:
Just received an e-mail from Verified by Visa that my account was blocked after fraudulent activity.

there's a link in the mail to order another card

I have a MasterCard

Where is that lol emote when we need it.


bish gets all the credit :)
kodt said:
I haven't read the entire thread, but do we know if there was any truth to the claim that PS3's that were hacked to enable dev mode could use fake credit card information to buy anything on PSN effectively for free?

Yes. there's been tutorial vids on youtube for almost a month.


is now taking requests
BeeDog said:
True enough, phew. But in general, how easy is it to find people's SSN's online (through shit like Ratsit and so on)? I'm clueless, really.

It's fairly easy since it's public data. But i don't think they are very common, i've only heard of criminals using someone elses id when identifying themselves after being arrested. Sucks for your police record but you wont lose money :p


Ok got my email from SCE, the good news is that my passwords used for my accounts are only for said accounts, I don't use them anywhere else. And aside from my CA account, all my other accounts have bogus info. But yeah, I'll change those passwords anyway when I have the chance.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Kafel said:
Just received an e-mail from Verified by Visa that my account was blocked after fraudulent activity.

there's a link in the mail to order another card

I have a MasterCard

Do you even have a PS3? I was under the impression you didn't.


jorma said:
It's fairly easy since it's public data. But i don't think they are very common, i've only heard of criminals using someone elses id when identifying themselves after being arrested. Sucks for your police record but you wont lose money :p

In my previous job, (Which was with the goverment), someone applied to work with a stolen ID, they were able to even get a US Passport, with this stolen ID using the SSN, because the victim had not applied for a Passport.


AgentChris said:
Sony shouldn't have gone after those low life hackers.

Sony will most likely use a closed platform going forward.

lmao. First off, Sony will use a closed platform? Isn't PS3 already closed?

Graff Chokolo and GeoHotz only worked on linux and homebrew while making their releases antipiracy.

Sony sued the WRONG people. Instead of using free information from releases of Chokolo and Hotz to make the PS3 stronger (which they tried to when they unsuccessfuly tried to hire Koushik Dutta) and suing real pirate hackers like inventors of USB dongle hackers.

What is happening to Sony right now..is nothing but pure karma. Hotz may be not be a hero to the gaming populations here, but he is to the Android and iphone savvy communities for what he and EFF managed to do when they got jailbreaking legalized.


Jax said:
fucking disgusting litigious americans. I bet he thinks its easy money

Hopefully sony wins and the clown has to pay for their court costs (i think the law might favour the fool though)
Huh? Why is he... He's suing a company who lost his personal info.

I also like how you threw Americans in there, nice.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
params7 said:
lmao. First off, Sony will use a closed platform? Isn't PS3 already closed?

Graff Chokolo and GeoHotz only worked on linux and homebrew while making their releases antipiracy.

Sony sued the WRONG people. Instead of using free information from releases of Chokolo and Hotz to make the PS3 stronger (which they tried to when they unsuccessfuly tried to hire Koushik Dutta) and suing real pirate hackers like inventors of USB dongle hackers.

What is happening to Sony right now..is nothing but pure karma. Hotz may be not be a hero to the gaming populations here, but he is to the Android and iphone savvy communities for what he and EFF managed to do when they got jailbreaking legalized.

Why is it always the Juniors?

not enough lols in the world.

dude said:
Huh? Why is he... He's suing a company who lost his personal info.

I also like how you threw Americans in there, nice.
Company didn't lose it. It was taken. But who else is he going to sue?


params7 said:
lmao. First off, Sony will use a closed platform? Isn't PS3 already closed?

Graff Chokolo and GeoHotz only worked on linux and homebrew while making their releases antipiracy.

Sony sued the WRONG people. Instead of using free information from releases of Chokolo and Hotz to make the PS3 stronger (which they tried to when they unsuccessfuly tried to hire Koushik Dutta) and suing real pirate hackers like inventors of USB dongle hackers.

What is happening to Sony right now..is nothing but pure karma. Hotz may be not be a hero to the gaming populations here, but he is to the Android and iphone savvy communities for what he and EFF managed to do when they got jailbreaking legalized.

Oh man. Best post so far. I'm dying.


benevolent sexism
Jax said:
fucking disgusting litigious americans. I bet he thinks its easy money

Hopefully sony wins and the clown has to pay for their court costs (i think the law might favour the fool though)

Kind of a strong reaction to the victim seeking recompense. Isn't this exactly the kind of thing that class-action suits are for?

Also, is there a need to insult Americans as a group? If you responded to a story about a Black person committing a crime with "Fucking disgusting criminal Blacks" you'd be banned, right? I'm not even a particularly patriotic, proud-to-be type, but it makes you look like an asshole.

Seraphis Cain said:
Why is it always the Juniors?

Because confirmation bias. Don't say stupid shit about entire groups of people.


Sony should be sued, and people who can prove financial damages directly linked to the breach should get compensation.

That lawsuit is a little premature though.
As a person who mods his Android phone pretty much daily, I owe a lot to people like GeoHotz, Koush, and Cyanogen. They've made it possible. Granted, I don't believe in hacking for purposes of piracy (or for cheating on trophies. I worked to damn hard for my Demon's Souls platinum to let someone else claim a false one), but there is nothing wrong with modding and homebrewing. Unfortunately, once you have those, the pirates find a way to make theirs work, too. I think that's how Sony viewed it. They tried to get rid of the root problem, and they got the backlash for it.

Do I condone what the hacker did? Fuck no. I want to play my Portal 2 online, god damnit! But Sony did prove one thing. They proved that a big company who uses a large storage cloud should think twice before angering these type of people.

jax (old)

dude said:
Huh? Why is he... He's suing a company who lost his personal info.

I also like how you threw Americans in there, nice.

The perception is that the US is bloody litigious. That's from someone not from the US. The OT has a thread about a lawsuit brought before a jury for a $0.99 hotdog. So yeah, I think my impression is about right.

and then theres the 30 million lawsuit against a korean laundromat because of a pair of missing pants...

The American legal systems makes it too easy to sue for everything and while I'm all for the legal system being in place to protect I do think that a lot of people in the US milk every oppourtuity to sue. Hot coffee? Sue. Dude chases starbucks tips thief, gets pushed by thief onto curb on the street.. family sues starbucks... etc...



According to the complaint entitled JOHNS v SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT AMERICA LLC, and SONY NETWORK ENTERTAINMENT INTERNATIONAL LLC filed on April 27th, 2011 in Federal Court in the Northern District of California, Sony acknowledged that the personal information of its PlayStation Network customers has been compromised.

According to the complaint, it is alleged that Sony failed to take reasonable care to protect, encrypt, and secure the private and sensitive data of its users which led to the intrusion that caused over 70 million customers the loss of their personal and private information, including customer names, addresses, e-mail addresses, birthdays, PlayStation Network and Qriocity passwords, and user names, as well as online user handles, and possibly credit card related data.

The lawsuit seeks monetary compensation for the data loss and loss of use of the Sony PlayStation® Network, credit monitoring, and other relief according to proof.

"We bought this lawsuit on behalf of consumers to learn the full extent of Sony PlayStation® Network data security practices and the data loss and to seek a remedy for consumers. We are hopeful that Sony will take this opportunity to learn from the network vulnerabilities, provide a remedy to consumers who entrusted their sensitive data to Sony, and lead the way in data security best practices going forward" says Ira P. Rothken an attorney who filed the class action complaint.

“Sony’s breach of its customers’ trust is staggering. Sony promised its customers that their information would be kept private. One would think that a large multinational corporation like Sony has strong protective measures in place to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of personal information, including credit card information. Apparently, Sony doesn’t" according to J.R. Parker co-counsel in the case.

This case has been jointly filed by the Ira P. Rothken of the Rothken Law Firm and John R. Parker of Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff, LLP.

Rothken Law Firm and Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff represent consumers in class actions and individual cases around the country.

just because there's 70 million PSN ids, don't mean there's 70 million customers. I have 3 PSN accounts myself.. and they're attributing this to a global client base?

You guys should all contact them and get in on this lawsuit. I'm being serious here. FREE MONEY.


Jax said:
fucking disgusting litigious americans. I bet he thinks its easy money

Hopefully sony wins and the clown has to pay for their court costs (i think the law might favour the fool though)

Typically I hate the "let's sue as an answer" response, but if Sony's security was as utterly shit as a lot of people are saying, they kind of deserve it.


benevolent sexism
Zoe said:
Sony should be sued, and people who can prove financial damages directly linked to the breach should get compensation.

That lawsuit is a little premature though.

Agreed on both counts. I figure if the lawsuit isn't well-formed at this point, it won't make it very far. Maybe I have too much faith in the system, though.
shidoshi said:
Typically I hate the "let's sue as an answer" response, but if Sony's security was as utterly shit as a lot of people are saying, they kind of deserve it.
A lot of people have no idea what they're talking about though.


Solstice said:
As a person who mods his Android phone pretty much daily, I owe a lot to people like GeoHotz, Koush, and Cyanogen. They've made it possible. Granted, I don't believe in hacking for purposes of piracy (or for cheating on trophies. I worked to damn hard for my Demon's Souls platinum to let someone else claim a false one), but there is nothing wrong with modding and homebrewing. Unfortunately, once you have those, the pirates find a way to make theirs work, too.

Agree. Yeah pirates do find a way, they always will. That's no excuse to sue those who don't though..something Sony have probably learned now..I think.


The news keeps saying 77 million customers ugh wish Sony would just come out and say 77 million PSN ID's don't = 77 million customers, I have 3 PSN IDs myself.
params7 said:
Agree. Yeah pirates do find a way, they always will. That's no excuse to sue those who don't though..something Sony have probably learned now..I think.
You're right, I'm sure Sony is thinking "we better not mess with those Hackers ever again!"

Again --- seriously?


params7 said:
Agree. Yeah pirates do find a way, they always will. That's no excuse to sue those who don't though..something Sony have probably learned now..I think.

Learned what? That they need to bow down to anonymous' desires or else get hacked? The only thing that they learned is that their security was not good enough.
Jax said:
You guys should all contact them and get in on this lawsuit. I'm being serious here. FREE MONEY.

I was waiting for this happen. I don't care about the monetary compensation but the free credit monitoring/protection sounds reasonable.


Paznos said:
The news keeps saying 77 million customers ugh wish Sony would just come out and say 77 million PSN ID's don't = 77 million customers, I have 3 PSN IDs myself.

They will NEVER say that. That will go against everything they've said in the past regarding PSN user count.


benevolent sexism
Jax said:
The perception is that the US is bloody litigious. That's from someone not from the US. The OT has a thread about a lawsuit brought before a jury for a $0.99 hotdog. So yeah, I think my impression is about right.

You're right that Americans may as a group be likely to sue over stupid shit because of the way our legal system is set up and aspects of our culture. One anecdote about a hotdog isn't evidence for that belief however, which is a broad statistical claim. So yeah, your impression is based on your own poor reasoning.

Furthermore, there's no way to confidently attribute this guy's actions to a shitty American litigious culture rather than a reasonable sense of having been wronged. If racial stereotyping and sexual orientation stereotyping are outlawed here, why isn't national stereotyping?


Vamphuntr said:
Learned what? That they need to bow down to anonymous' desires or else get hacked? The only thing that they learned is that their security was not good enough.

Fuck anonymous. What they did was wrong and every one of them should be caught and prosecuted.

I'm talking about Hotz and Chokolo, not anon.


All i can say about this is that i am quite peed off with Sony at the moment about two thing 1 was storing my password as a plain text on a server ( what was you thinking) and secondly not telling us sooner about how bad this secruity breach was. Now i may have to go to the bank in the morning and tell them to cancel my debit card just to be on the safe side.


Metalmurphy said:
A lot of people have no idea what they're talking about though.

That's why I said "if". When you start hearing so many different sources saying pretty close to the same thing, though, it isn't hard to believe (or at least consider). And IF the case was that Sony's security was total ass, they deserve to be on the end of a lawsuit. When you're collecting so much personal information about people, you either do your job and keep that shit as locked down as you can, or you should pay the price. (Or, you know, be smart enough to know you're too stupid to be the safe-keeper of such information in the first place.)


params7 said:

"Stop making more sense than me"

"All hackers are evil HURPY DURPTY"



Jax said:
just because there's 70 million PSN ids, don't mean there's 70 million customers. I have 3 PSN accounts myself.. and they're attributing this to a global client base?
70 million accounts were compromised, potentially, all of them could have been customers - It doesn't matter at all that they weren't.
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