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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Jburton said:
Compensation for what?

This is all speculation, there has been no confirmation of CC info being stolen ...... just a maybe.

Perhaps not, but there's a list out there with everything someone might want to know to steal your identity - name, address, dob.
Companies spend millions on Data Protection in Europe to avoid situations like this.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
I don't know what that means.

Is it not a stereotype because you think it's true and explains this person's behavior, or what?

I think I know what you meant. You think people shouldn't sue over trivial shit (though it remains to be seen how trivial this is). For some reason you had to insult Americans as a group though it added nothing to your point. Like I said, I'm not a patriotic person, but for whatever reason, it really rubbed me the wrong way.
Don't let it bother you, he's just ignorant.


NeoUltima said:
What's the source of this 'plain text' stuff people keep saying?
A misread of a supposed IRC chat log.

The guy was giving an example of what could happen with Custom Firmware.


Jburton said:
Compensation for what?

This is all speculation, there has been no confirmation of CC info being stolen ...... just a maybe.

If Sony are found to have taken all necessary, legal measures required of them by law to secure data and the ones at fault are the hackers then how does that leave Sony in a litigious situation?

All the rumours of plain text this and non encrypted that is just that ..... rumour.

Sony is at fault just as much as the hackers.


shidoshi said:
Most recent I read (first comment).

Again, I'm smart enough to know not to believe anything until we have actual facts. Just like I say that for random postings around the internet, though, I say the same about what Sony is saying.

If it comes out that their security was crap, sock it to 'em. If it wasn't, and this was a legit case of good security getting broken (as it sometimes will), then it sucks, but we have to accept that it wasn't the fault of Sony.

Rational thought has very little place in this thread unfortunately. Hopefully that will change soon.
params7 said:
Bull. It is true that Geo's -ANTIPIRACY- CFW's were circumvented by OTHERS. How is this Geo's fault? Also he had nothing to do with what triggered piracy on PS3 on the ps3 in a big way. The USB dongle hacks let that happen, something Geo was nowhere involved with.

And here's one for you senior sony ponies, if Hotz supported piracy, why did he never release the NPDRM keys? With those we could potentially have iso's being signed to run on ps3's out of the box. Even after being sued he never revealed them anonymously because like he himself said, NPDRM keys will only be used for piracy. Why?
You really need to stop that shit before it's too late. And fyi, Geo is full of shit. He also made a statement saying you should be allowed to pirate games as a reward for hacking your own system.


benevolent sexism
A.R.K said:
thank god someone has a brain here

Isn't it funny how the people who agree with us completely are also the smartest? Go figure.

I'll say something dumb now.

It's true that sometimes suing has counterproductive results, but people who are harmed by this financially (and we don't know the extent of anything yet) have the right to at least try to be compensated. If it turns out Sony's security was laughably weak, AND consumers are financially hurt by this event, it's entirely reasonable for them to seek compensation.


JetBlackPanda said:
I am no longer buying anything for PS3 unless I am sure it is the best version (Portal 2) I have both PSN and LIVE and while LIVE has had its issues too nothing like this and I have lost all faith in SONY.

Fair or not that's how I feel, and I feel bad because I was really starting to get into my PS3 with Portal and I picked up Borderlands (a lot of good that game is without psn)

Would that be any different than how you approach multi-platform game purchases in the past?
A.R.K said:
thank god someone has a brain here

I just want to game online. Play some SOCOM 4, kick back and game. Blame can be thrown in a ton of directions, but I just want a resolution. We can spend months blaming people (which the media will do), be it the hackers, Sony, GeoHotz, Anon, or whoever. I'd rather that energy get directed into a solution and prevention of this happening again.


Jax said:
even the most basic website/etailer has encrypted CC data entry features - so I doubt the data isn't encrypted.
Yeah, if they stored such data in plain text Sony would/should be kept from using any databases or online networks ever again.


I'd like to know whether anyone of those, who had linked their PSN and Facebook accounts, have had any problems. I just changed all my passwords to be on the safe side.


Got the e-mail. I guess I'll change change my password, but I don't know what to. Been using the same one for years now, and am pretty sure to forget a new one.


Melchiah said:
I'd like to know whether anyone of those, who had linked their PSN and Facebook accounts, have had any problems. I just changed all my passwords to be on the safe side.

I'm linked.

I haven't changed any of my passwords to anything, nor any cc info.

I'm pretty confident we're all safe.
Had an unknown charge on my debit card. To those who think the hackers don't have your CC info, let me tell you they do. Had to order a new card. Thanks Sony!


Vamphuntr said:
Then you're not making sense. How does prosecuting Geohotz has lead to this? Karma?!?

The point was Sony basically sued Hotz to scare the community, not because they thought they had a case.

It backfired hard didn't it.

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
aktham said:
Should I be worried and replace my CC? I have hotel reservations that haven't been charged yet. I don't want to lose my reservations :(

It's too late to worry about your credit card, it's gone.

Along with your identity and any pets you might own.

If I were you I would through away your cellphone now.

They're using it to track you.

So they can find you and finish the job.
lennylightspeed said:
Had an unknown charge on my debit card. To those who think the hackers don't have your CC info, let me tell you they do. Had to order a new card. Thanks Sony!

I also had an unknown charge... until I figured out it was iTunes.


Metalmurphy said:
You really need to stop that shit before it's too late. And fyi, Geo is full of shit. He also made a statement saying you should be allowed to pirate games as a reward for hacking your own system.

Fuck what he says and show what he did, kids like him shouldn't be taken seriously in what they say.

Before its too late, lol? Ok, I'll stop with the namecalling. Feel free to explain why he refused to release the NPDRM keys.


params7 said:
The point was Sony basically sued Hotz to scare the community, not because they thought they had a case.

It backfired hard didn't it.

Which boils down once again to my first point. Sony should bow down to hackers or else get punished. What kind of logic is that. Their failure was believing they had a secured system while this wasn't the case.


lennylightspeed said:
Had an unknown charge on my debit card. To those who think the hackers don't have your CC info, let me tell you they do. Had to order a new card. Thanks Sony!

It's a coincidence. They do not have your info. Stop being alarmist.


lennylightspeed said:
Had an unknown charge on my debit card. To those who think the hackers don't have your CC info, let me tell you they do. Had to order a new card. Thanks Sony!

Sure thing XBL user = Sir Thespis

I had an unknown charge too
no I didn't
I know for fact that they have my info
no I don't


My wife works for a bank, and they got word of the PSN hack. Demanded issuing new card numbers for anyone with a PSN purchase on file.


params7 said:
The point was Sony basically sued Hotz to scare the community, not because they thought they had a case.

It backfired hard didn't it.

Revelling at someone else's misfortune is a very poor trait to display.

Millions of legit PS3 / PSN users have been affected by this.

Fuck the lot of those hackers, I want to play Socom 4.

Their little idealogical battles with "Great Satan" large companies etc should not impede upon those who have no interest in it.

If someone says casualty of war I might have to choke some fucker.

jax (old)

lennylightspeed said:
Had an unknown charge on my debit card. To those who think the hackers don't have your CC info, let me tell you they do. Had to order a new card. Thanks Sony!

unknown charge? You can't even tell us how much money its for?

I call BS.


Kraftwerk said:

Court decisions aren't retroactive. This wouldn't change my existing contractual relationship with Sony for the PS3 I already own.




Kraftwerk said:
ah that title is not accurate
But in Wednesday's decision, the high court said that under the Federal Arbitration Act companies can force these disgruntled customers to arbitrate their complaints individually, not as part of a group. Consumer-rights advocates said this rule would spell the end for small claims involving products or services.
Triz said:
My wife works for a bank, and they got word of the PSN hack. Demanded issuing new card numbers for anyone with a PSN purchase on file.

That's pretty cool. Hope your Wife gets recognition for her thinking. As long as a decent well worded cover letter is provided as to why a new card has been issued.

Wonder how much it'll cost the banks to reissue new cards?


sajj316 said:
Sure thing XBL user = Sir Thespis

I had an unknown charge too
no I didn't
I know for fact that they have my info
no I don't
I dont understand where all this sarcasm is coming from about charges in this thread. Multiple people are reporting charges on their cards. I said in the last thread, I had a charge on mine and cancelled it the night before the blog about all the details being stolen went up. Whilst peoples card details get compromised all the time, I think its pretty fishy that so many people who use the PSN are finding charges all around the same time.


Triz said:
My wife works for a bank, and they got word of the PSN hack. Demanded issuing new card numbers for anyone with a PSN purchase on file.

Even though there has been "no evidence" of CC info being stolen? Lol.


bish gets all the credit :)
Kraftwerk said:

such bs

MoneyLaunderer said:
I hope that's true. Almost all class action lawsuits nowadays are a huge waste of time for the courts system, which could be doing something more important than hearing how some fat guy is obese because of a Big Mac or how someone burnt themselves with hot coffee.

So you're saying you have zero idea what a class action lawsuit is. Great.
Even though there has been "no evidence" of CC info being stolen? Lol.

Rather be proactive and stop any possible problem, then spend 100s of man hours filing, finding, tracing fraudulent use on an account -which can take up to and beyond month to fully process.


micster said:
I dont understand where all this sarcasm is coming from about charges in this thread. Multiple people are reporting charges on their cards. I said in the last thread, I had a charge on mine and cancelled it the night before the blog about all the details being stolen went up. Whilst peoples card details get compromised all the time, I think its pretty fishy that so many people who use the PSN are finding charges all around the same time.

Maybe because 77 million people use PSN? People get unauthorized charges in vast quantities every single day. It's purely coincidental.

If you're a thief...the stupidest thing to do would be to start spending your haul while the heat is still blazing. You wait until things calm down.


Alright Sony, ha ha we get it. We can't live without PSN for a week. Good one, threating us with lost personal information. Now please turn on your network.

Next thing you guys will delay the release of Gran Turismo for weeks without a release date after you announce it at E3. You crazy Sony.

Sure, even crazier would be to keep me from turning on my PS3 for days due to a possibility of my PS3 breaking. We can call if APOCALIPS3.... My idea.

You can go ahead now and just ruin MGS for me too, huh.

*wakes up*
What are you doing here Leo?
lennylightspeed said:
Yeah I also have a 360, big deal. I'm not trying to start any flame war. Just stating what's going on. There was a charge for over $200 bucks to a Walgreen's in California and I live in Missouri. Could it have been stolen from somewhere else? I guess, but I've had my info stored on stuff like PSN, Steam, Xbox, and Amazon for years now and it's been safe. All I'm saying is what happened to me today and I'm getting it changed. Not a huge deal, but not what I would like to happen. If you're concerned, then order a new card and there's nothing to worry about. I'm not going class-action-lawsuit-batshit-crazy, but some of the people here are blindly protecting Sony when there are some genuine concerns to be had.

Not a huge deal? That is a huge deal.

if true.


Vamphuntr said:
Which boils down once again to my first point. Sony should bow down to hackers or else get punished. What kind of logic is that. Their failure was believing they had a secured system while this wasn't the case.

Ah I see where you're coming from. But maybe "not bowing down to hackers" doesn't always mean trolling them with useless lawsuits but just working on making your system stronger. Or even if they want to sue, at least sue someone who clearly only hacked for piracy not the iphone hero.

Case in point, SCEA tried to hire Koushik Dutta (android OS developer) and he refused. Its these kind of people that Sony needs to work with not SUE. Microsoft is a good example here. Dutta is an ex-MS employee. Hotz was approached by Windows Mobile 7 devision AFTER Sony sued him.


micster said:
I dont understand where all this sarcasm is coming from about charges in this thread. Multiple people are reporting charges on their cards. I said in the last thread, I had a charge on mine and cancelled it the night before the blog about all the details being stolen went up. Whilst peoples card details get compromised all the time, I think its pretty fishy that so many people who use the PSN are finding charges all around the same time.

I believe and I know are two different things. Do you know something I don't along with a good bit of posters on this thread. Again, if there is undeniable proof .. I will concur.


My bank hasn't issued me a new card, and I have a PSN purchase on file.

I don't know if I can believe you guys and your anecdotal shit.


benevolent sexism
Maybe because 77 million people use PSN? People get unauthorized charges in vast quantities every single day. It's purely coincidental.

If you're a thief...the stupidest thing to do would be to start spending your haul while the heat is still blazing. You wait until things calm down.

Or you buy as much as you can as fast as you can before people change their accounts. There are perfectly good reasons for thieves to either act quickly or wait, so we can all stop pretending we know when fraud attempts are going to occur.

I do agree that given the sheer number of CCs potentially stolen, there are bound to be coincidental events reported in this thread. (Not that we can know which ones are, so we should probably stop speculating about that too.)


Saw this quote in a CNN article:

Pietig, a 25-year-old in New York, said he already cancelled the credit card he linked with Sony's network because he was concerned about the security of his financial information.

"If you think for a second that someone may have seen your credit card and you don't get a new one, you're an idiot," he said.

I wonder if this guy goes to bars and restaurants and hands over his card to the waiter/server.
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