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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Put me down for never. 5 min before SOE flips the PSN switch, every Sony building in the world is engulfed in fire, swallowed by a sinkhole, and then that sinkhole is engulfed in a larger fire.


RuGalz said:
Not the other links people have been posting.

Most links people are posting have been posted twenty pages back at least and most are complete rubbish and fud.
If it is substantiated it will be in the OP fairly quickly.
Fud and garbage will not.


Death Prophet
I didn't see this explicitly talked about the FAQ.

If I signed up for PSN was I required to supply credit card information? Was it only if you bought something? What if you downloaded a demo?

I don't think I've ever bought anything on PSN and I don't remember supplying my credit card information to Sony. I've searched my records online, and I don't see any mention of Sony.

Just wondering if it's possible to supply your CC information without buying something. I don't think I did this, but if it's still possible I would like to know.


Fantastical said:
I didn't see this explicitly talked about the FAQ.

If I signed up for PSN was I required to supply credit card information? Was it only if you bought something? What if you downloaded a demo?

I don't think I've ever bought anything on PSN and I don't remember supplying my credit card information to Sony. I've searched my records online, and I don't see any mention of Sony.

Just wondering if it's possible to supply your CC information without buying something. I don't think I did this, but if it's still possible I would like to know.

It's possible to enter one just in case, but you were never forced to enter one.


Fantastical said:
I didn't see this explicitly talked about the FAQ.

If I signed up for PSN was I required to supply credit card information? Was it only if you bought something? What if you downloaded a demo?

I don't think I've ever bought anything on PSN and I don't remember supplying my credit card information to Sony. I've searched my records online, and I don't see any mention of Sony.

Just wondering if it's possible to supply your CC information without buying something. I don't think I did this, but if it's still possible I would like to know.

When signing up for the PSN you either had the option to supply a credit card or not to.
You never need to put one in for demos or anything else, only buying something.
You should have no worries.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
RuGalz said:
Not the other links people have been posting.
no REAL links have been posted for days now. Unless you are dying for such wonderful FUD as:


or other bullshit. if it's a link posted in this or any other thread and not added to the OP, it deserves to get buried in the betting posts.
Fantastical said:
I didn't see this explicitly talked about the FAQ.

If I signed up for PSN was I required to supply credit card information? Was it only if you bought something? What if you downloaded a demo?

I don't think I've ever bought anything on PSN and I don't remember supplying my credit card information to Sony. I've searched my records online, and I don't see any mention of Sony.

Just wondering if it's possible to supply your CC information without buying something. I don't think I did this, but if it's still possible I would like to know.
I don't recall an option during signup about CC information. I should know, I made like 5 PSN accounts. :p

I believe it only asks for such info when you're either trying to buy something or adding funds to your wallet.
borghe said:
no REAL links have been posted for days now. Unless you are dying for such wonderful FUD as:


or other bullshit. if it's a link posted in this or any other thread and not added to the OP, it deserves to get buried in the betting posts.

Yeah, that password being '4' was actually a joke taken from XKCD:


It was originally posted in return to the fact that PS3's master password is not randomly generated and instead is a particular encryption key i.e. 46 DC EA D3 17 FE 45 D8 09 23 EB 97 E4 95 64 10 D4 CD B2 C2. People took this a bit too seriously, not knowing how old this comic is.

No one here knows how PS3's security works and are making bullshit up as they read. Go read if you want to know how this works cause it ain't that simple.

Angry Fork

FLEABttn said:
Put me down for never. 5 min before SOE flips the PSN switch, every Sony building in the world is engulfed in fire, swallowed by a sinkhole, and then that sinkhole is engulfed in a larger fire.


Hex said:
Most links people are posting have been posted twenty pages back at least and most are complete rubbish and fud.
If it is substantiated it will be in the OP fairly quickly.
Fud and garbage will not.

Gamasutra link isn't completely garbage even if I don't agree with a lot of what it said. Meh whatever.


PSN hysteria "a lot of wind and p**s" says Just Add Water boss Stewart Gilray
Just Add Water boss Stewart Gilray has described the hysteria surrounding the PlayStation Network hack as "a lot of wind and p**s".

The Gravity Crash developer slammed the press reaction to the security breach, which has seen some 77 million PSN accounts compromised.

"I have to say, the press yesterday ripped Sony a new one wider than the Channel Tunnel," Gilray told Eurogamer at the GameCityNights event in Nottingham last night.

"Yes, it's up to 77 million PSN IDs, or 35 million master accounts – the rest are sub accounts. It's bad. But to look at it laterally, you're now one of 35 million people who could get their details leaked out and used by somebody else.

"But when you look at things like Play.com for example, which had 1.4 million details ripped last year, you're one in 1.4 million. There's a much higher chance of your stuff being used from Play than there is of your stuff being used from the PlayStation hack.

"I'm not saying it's good. It's bad. But I don't think half the criticism they've got has been deserved. They have gone about it the right way."

Some developers have expressed concern that the hack, which has hit headlines across the globe this week, will have a damning effect on PSN game sales.

But Gilray, who is currently working on PSN games Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD and Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, said developers have little to worry about.

"To use a phrase my dad used to say, it's a lot of wind and p**s," he said.

"Dylan Cuthbert from Q-Games has said it will affect their business slightly, but their games launched a while ago. With anything digital, your biggest sales come from your first two weeks of publishing. After that it drops through the floor. Yeah, you'll get a steady flow, but it won't be as high as that first week.

"If this happened in the first week of a game coming out, then yeah, sure, fine, you're going to hurt pretty bad, especially when you're reliant on that first payment check after the first month. But after that it drops off pretty much.

"Right now we're not worried about it. I don't think there are many games released recently. I know the Telltale guys are meant to be doing Episode 2 of Back to the Future."

The PSN leak has seen the theft of personal data, including home addresses and passwords, on a massive scale.

Sony says it has found no evidence to suggest credit card data, which it insists was encrypted, has also been stolen, but it can't rule the possibility out.

A security expert this morning claimed that "low-level cyber criminals" are currently shopping around lists containing the credit card details of 2.2 million PSN members.

The claim is at this stage unsubstantiated, and conflicts with Sony's reassurance that credit card security codes were not held by PSN.

True or not, it is the threat of identity theft that has left some analysts predicting Sony could be in for a huge financial hit following the furore – and, potentially, a mass exodus from the service.

Gilray, however, is doubtful that PSN will suffer irrevocable damage.

"I can't see 35 million people unsubscribing from PSN. And games don't sell 35 million copies. They maybe sell between 15,000 and 100,000 copies depending on the size of it in the first six to 12 months. When a game does come out, people will still buy it.

"35 million accounts, or 77 million global accounts, you're not going to get all those not buying any more. You only sell to less than one per cent of the entire user base anyway. Unless, suddenly, 60 million people unsubscribe, which I really can't see, we should be fine.

"Yes, the confidence thing will hit a few people. But now Sony has said credit card information wasn't breached, and the security number wasn't breached at all, the worst that will happen is you'll get a few people who will unsubscribe and sell their consoles. Next you'll get people switching to PSN cards."


The credit card rumor (that has largely been debunked), is in full rotation on U.S. cable stations now. Saw it within the last hour on both MSNBC and Foxnews, and they're reporting that hackers are bragging they have the numbers and shopping them. Not being reported as a rumor or possibility.


RuGalz said:
So we should have one thread per article now huh?
I honestly have no idea why there is another thread myself, was just making sure that you knew in case you wanted to take part.
An opinion piece that throws in so much slanted bullshit in between trying to stay on track is now news I guess.


Xyrmellon said:
The credit card rumor (that has largely been debunked), is in full rotation on U.S. cable stations now. Saw it within the last hour on both MSNBC and Foxnews, and they're reporting that hackers are bragging they have the numbers and shopping them. Not being reported as a rumor or possibility.

That is the purpose of it getting spread around, and it is succeeding in fantastic degrees.


Sonic handles my blue balls
What kind of alternate reality do we live where this seems plausible: "hackers are bragging about having CC numbers and selling them off at websites we can not list here...we are clearly powerless!"


TheOddOne said:
PSN hysteria "a lot of wind and p**s" says Just Add Water boss Stewart Gilray

"But when you look at things like Play.com for example, which had 1.4 million details ripped last year, you're one in 1.4 million. There's a much higher chance of your stuff being used from Play than there is of your stuff being used from the PlayStation hack.

So by this logic the more accounts that are stolen the better off it is for everyone. So if a hacker only gets a subset of someone's data, a company should just give them all of it to dilute how much it affects each user. lol.
Wario64 said:

May 3rd

It won't happen on or before the weekend obviously. So they'll take Monday as final prep and launch early Tuesday morning.

Won't surprise me at all if Sony fucks that up though.

Rebel Leader

Man, so many morons are running with the stupid story that "underground" forums have people selling the CC data from PSN... Laff.
I thought we were the UG? I was lied too?

jax (old)

RuGalz said:
So we should have one thread per article now huh?

some mod somewhere mentioned that "pertinent info" of some sort should go into its own thread. That's a pretty good read anyhow, and would have been missed in this as the betting frenzy grows.


Sblargh said:
But is it their *fault*? Someone hacks in their system and we blame them without even knowing what they or the hackers did or did not? If their security is somehow sub-standard, if the reports that there were ignored warnings are true, if they could, withing a reasonable context, done something that they did not, only then we can start poiting fingers at a negligence, but even negligence isn't the same as blame.

If their security wasn't poor and was state of the art, this wouldn't have happened. I've seen IRC logs of anon taking apart PSN's gaping holes like it was a school project. Why didn't the XBL get hacked like this despite having a larger online and piracy/hacker base?

It isn't Sony's fault entirely. But they had a liability to protect other people's information, at which they failed so they have to accept at least some responsibility. "Sorry and we improved our systems and will always keep them up-to-date" would do.

Funny thing about Microsoft and XBL being stronger security wise.while Sony was out suing the like the GeoHotz MS was out hearing him to work with Win Mob 7 devision. Also SCEA tried to hire Koushik Dutta, a renowned android hacker but got told. He ALSO happens to be an ex-MS employee.


Man, so many morons are running with the stupid story that "underground" forums have people selling the CC data from PSN... Laff.
Well that's what happens when you don't get ahead of the story.

Sony could have done with Malcolm Tucker.


larvi said:
So by this logic the more accounts that are stolen the better off it is for everyone. So if a hacker only gets a subset of someone's data, a company should just give them all of it to dilute how much it affects each user. lol.
Yeah, by that reasoning if they'd only stolen one person's account data it would really be so much worse than this situation. 35,000,000-77,000,000 accounts? That's nothing.


Bonus points to Sony for even telling us about it in the first place.
Bonus points for telling us our credit card data may have been compromised? You don't get points for shit YOU HAVE TO DO, especially when you do it late.
Forgot to mention my experience. It is not "my identity had been haxxorz by PSN" or anything like that.

I bought $30 off PSN last tuesday.
These charges showed up on my account as pending charges immediately after.
Sometime during this period, they simply dissapeared, not pending, not charged.
I had downloaded the games and I am patiently waiting in my ps3 for PSN to work (I want them in PSPGo)

I wonder what is going on and if Sony will have to resubmit these payments once PSN is up??

Not freaked out at all just wanted to add data to our understanding of events.
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