Crap.spats said:
Crap.spats said:
Green Scar said:Your posts are bad and you should feel bad
HyperMusic said:Well that's me told, how will I survive on GAF after being the subject of such wit!
Mako_Drug said:So I'm gonna try and not gointo tinfoil hate mode but wouldn't this be the perfect crime for anonymous?(Too Far)
- Anon DDOSs Sony's website but we all know that doesn't do shit to Sony's actual business
- They decide to do something to actually damage their business so they hack in and steal everyone's details
- Anon publicly denies involvement because the white knight Anon would never do anything to mess with the mass populace...............RIGHT?
- People blame Sony and turn away from their products. Sony am doom.
Call me crazy. =/
Mako_Drug said:So I'm gonna try and not gointo tinfoil hate mode but wouldn't this be the perfect crime for anonymous?(Too Far)
- Anon DDOSs Sony's website but we all know that doesn't do shit to Sony's actual business
- They decide to do something to actually damage their business so they hack in and steal everyone's details
- Anon publicly denies involvement because the white knight Anon would never do anything to mess with the mass populace...............RIGHT?
- People blame Sony and turn away from their products. Sony am doom.
Call me crazy. =/
Mako_Drug said:So I'm gonna try and not gointo tinfoil hate mode but wouldn't this be the perfect crime for anonymous?(Too Far)
- Anon DDOSs Sony's website but we all know that doesn't do shit to Sony's actual business
- They decide to do something to actually damage their business so they hack in and steal everyone's details
- Anon publicly denies involvement because the white knight Anon would never do anything to mess with the mass populace...............RIGHT?
- People blame Sony and turn away from their products. Sony am doom.
Call me crazy. =/
Adamm said:Or Anon didnt do this but alot of people are blaming them anyway?
Aselith said:The fuck are you talking about? You think that people think Sony hacked their own servers? Go to bed, buddy, you're tired.
People are blaming Sony for not securing their servers which they did and regardless of the motives or identities of the hackers that won't change.
Mako_Drug said:Or you are part of Anon and kill babies.
Seriously though, I didn't say they did it. I was just thinking about a potential motive and reasoning behind the possibility they are behind it.
duckroll said:Why don't you go into the potential motives for Sony doing this to themselves to get attention, or Microsoft hiring hackers to do this, or maybe Kevin Butler did it get the address of someone who dissed him on the PS Blog? OMG SO MANY POSSIBILITIES! AAAAAAAAAAAH!
Green Scar said:I am eager to see exactly how much shit Sony gets into for this. Not like 'oh no, people don't like you and said nasty things about you', I'm on about hard punishment. I can see them getting away with only a scratch...
Green Scar said:UK:R is something of an old hand on the Internet, they were diehard Sega fanboys but after the Dreamcast crashed they decided to go insane, and run with it. It's loved by a lot of people for basically being a semi-real parody of fanboy extremes.
So yeah, if you don't get it, then... you should do. It's not hard to get.
Easystride said:Sorry if this has been asked, but if you've deleted your cc on your account before the psn went down, are you safe?
Easystride said:Sorry if this has been asked, but if you've deleted your cc on your account before the psn went down, are you safe?
Easystride said:Sorry if this has been asked, but if you've deleted your cc on your account before the psn went down, are you safe?
Dreams-Visions said:people probably felt their password was very secure. didn't expect it to be stolen from the other side.
Hawkian said:I haven't looked through this thread yet so I have no idea how common this was, but my credit card info was absolutely stolen in this debacle and used to buy a bunch of crap which I'm luckily not liable for as it was obvious fraud. Had to cancel my main credit card and am waiting for my account to be reopened and get a new card.
gcubed said:Sony probably felt their security was pretty good, does this mean if you have reused your passwords everywhere that you are partly to blame as well?
If you read the PR CAREFULLY, you'll see the whole thing is a maybe situation. The only thing Sony has said with clarity is that someone entered the system and had access to our information. It doesn't mean it's out there, but "maybe" being out there is enough for some. However they have been really unclear on the credit card situation and one way or another need to say something definitive. Either the hackers had access to the card numbers or they didn't. This "we don't think so but anything is possible" is really what's pissing people off the most I think.Adamm said:So what are the odds of sony coming out at the end of the week and saying that CC details were not stolen?
At the moment they say there is no evidence to say they have, but will it be possible to find evidence that they haven't?
Or will it just always be a 'maybe' situation
We dont know, but probably not
ElFly said:Well, it's common practice to not reuse the same password everywhere.
ElFly said:Well, it's common practice to not reuse the same password everywhere.
gutterboy44 said:This feels so reminiscent of most of my companies clients refuse to invest in better backup solutions or failover internet setups and then they lose their damn mind and all of a sudden want to spend three times as much money to expedite the resolution after everything goes tits up. No one ever wants to spend the money ahead of time and be safe, they wait till the whole thing is on fire first.
If Sony now hired this expert security firm to see the flaws and infiltration level of PSN, why wasn't this done ages ago when PSN subscribers hit a certain point, or better yet, when you started taking money monthly for a service like PSN +.
shuri said:Identity Theft is a serious crime -- I can't believe that most of the thread is filled with idiots crying about not being able to play games, or begging for free stuff.
Nekofrog said:No it's not.
It's the right idea, but it's not at all common practice.
A.R.K said:Hackers hack PS3
Sony takes OtherOS out in fear of further damage
Hackers pissed...hack it further..blame Sony they took out otherOS
Hackers break PS3 key and distribute over internet
Sony sues the hacker
Other Hackers vow revenge
and finally we are here
Green Scar said:UK:R is something of an old hand on the Internet, they were diehard Sega fanboys but after the Dreamcast crashed they decided to go insane, and run with it. It's loved by a lot of people for basically being a semi-real parody of fanboy extremes.
So yeah, if you don't get it, then... you should do. It's not hard to get.
Well, I am sure the vast amount of accounts are simply user name and password, with no personal information. I am pretty sure accounts from Sony's Website back in the PS2 days got integrated into the system.BeeDog said:For the database administrators out there, roughly how big would the data of all 70+ million accounts be?
Drkirby said:Well, I am sure the vast amount of accounts are simply user name and password, with no personal information. I am pretty sure accounts from Sony's Website back in the PS2 days got integrated into the system.
Nekofrog said:No it's not.
It's the right idea, but it's not at all common practice.
Dear Anton,
Unfortunately, due to the outage on PlayStation® Network, Hulu Plus subscribers cannot currently access the application on the PS3. We understand this is frustrating, and we are looking forward to Sony restoring access to the application as soon as possible. In the meantime, wed like to offer you a 1-week credit toward your Hulu Plus subscription. In order to automatically redeem your credit, please click here at any time within the next two weeks.
You can still continue to watch your favorite shows on many other devices -- the full list of devices is available here. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We're happy to help however we can.
Many thanks,
The Hulu Team
BeeDog said:... so size-wise, how much could it be, if every table entry stores all the information that is potentially leaked? Gigabytes, terabytes?
Well, if each entry averaged 16KB (More then likely an over estimate), it would only end up being 1GB, something that should only take a fast connection a few minutes to download. Even a slower connection could likely download the whole thing in 30 minutes.BeeDog said:... so size-wise, how much could it be, if every table entry stores all the information that is potentially leaked? Gigabytes, terabytes?
BeeDog said:... so size-wise, how much could it be, if every table entry stores all the information that is potentially leaked? Gigabytes, terabytes?
Mako_Drug said:So I'm gonna try and not gointo tinfoil hate mode but wouldn't this be the perfect crime for anonymous?(Too Far)
- Anon DDOSs Sony's website but we all know that doesn't do shit to Sony's actual business
- They decide to do something to actually damage their business so they hack in and steal everyone's details
- Anon publicly denies involvement because the white knight Anon would never do anything to mess with the mass populace...............RIGHT?
- People blame Sony and turn away from their products. Sony am doom.
Call me crazy. =/
So far, all Sony has seen from us is poking and prodding. A simple salute to let them know, were coming. Make no mistake, what you saw today and thought to be frustration is merely preparation for whats to come.
We said, expect us. Counting us out, would be a mistake.![]()
For the sake of not shooting ourselves in the foot, I wont comment on specific operational tactics we may or may not employ here. I will however say, that if Sony thinks LOIC is the only trick in our hat theyre in for a hell of a wake up call. Were really going all out for this one.
There are many different faces to the operation. Something we encourage is creative thinking.
duckroll said:Why don't you go into the potential motives for Sony doing this to themselves to get attention, or Microsoft hiring hackers to do this, or maybe Kevin Butler did it get the address of someone who dissed him on the PS Blog? OMG SO MANY POSSIBILITIES! AAAAAAAAAAAH!