chubigans said:Hmm, just read about SOE reimbursing DC Universe players. Mercury Fred will be happy.![]()
chubigans said:Hmm, just read about SOE reimbursing DC Universe players. Mercury Fred will be happy.![]()
Kermit The Dog said:How do we know if Live is hack-proof until someone tries? Obviously, Sony encountered some brilliant hackers with this PSN fiasco, but who's to say Live would withstand attack if a group of hackers really wanted in?
shagg_187 said:Love this quote.
I don't know if you're being serious or not...PokéKong said:Best case scenario:
-They give us PS2 support
-Free PSOne Classic title or two.
Average case scenario:
-Free top PSN game, BC:R2 or something in that league.
-PSN+ subscription for everyone for a year.
Worst case:
-Free Minis
-A premium theme
Actual Sony case scenario:
-Limited time discounted Home furniture and clothes.
Same hereshagg_187 said:I hope by "partly up", Sony means that you can access your account on PC within a few days. Keep PSN down but atleast control the paranoia and let people access PSN on PC to remove info for future sake.
This, nothing is truly hack proof. With enough time and resources anything can be hacked. It couldn't surprise me at all if someone took out a contract on PSN. It could be anyone, private party, business, crime organization or competitor. This shit happens all the time, plus we have no idea how much data was compromised. At least Sony was smart and brave enough to shut the system down.Jburton said:The truth.
Christ, if hackers can breach Government / military systems ..... then anything can be hacked!
Including Microsoft's 'military' grade protection, lol.
I'm telling you guys right now: Super Rub-a-dub for free!!Nakiro said:I don't know if you're being serious or not...
Har Har, How Original, Jar Jar. With a first post like that, you'll go Far Far.aaTey said:PS3: It only does giving away EVERYTHING
FALSE! It doesn't give away SSN!aaTey said:PS3: It only does giving away EVERYTHING
Kandrick said:Wipeout HD would be a good candidate for Sony to give out.
Kermit The Dog said:How do we know if Live is hack-proof until someone tries? Obviously, Sony encountered some brilliant hackers with this PSN fiasco, but who's to say Live would withstand attack if a group of hackers really wanted in?
Exactly, a internal leak opened the door for the hackers. Without that, hackers were having the hardest time I've ever seen, as far as hacking a physical product. Name one product hackers would be interested in that took over 4 years to hack. But I forgot, Sony doesn't know anything about security.Massa said:As a pretty valid parallel, the PS3 had the best security of any console for nearly 4 years until fail0verflow found it had the weakest security of any console. And even before that happened, an inside leak from Sony of the SDK and USB service key is what actually allowed those hacks to be discovered in the first place.
You can have the "best" security in the world and all it takes is one weak link to bring it all down.
Grecco said:Xbox Live has been up as a service, for almost 9 years. Im pretty sure in those 9 years hackers that "Really wanted to get in" have tried.
Won't do that. Exploitable with multiple accounts. It'll be a free game and a free movie.gofreak said:They should just put an amount of money in everyone's wallets and let them spend it as they wish. This would have the side effect of acquainting or reacquainting people with shopping on the store.
Or send voucher codes to everyone's email, redeemable on the store, with a note that such vouchers are also available in local retail stores - a (timely) reminder you can buy things on the store without a CC.
shagg_187 said:Won't do that. Exploitable with multiple accounts. It'll be a free game and a free movie.
DenogginizerOS said:Any guesses to how Sony is going to instruct people to login and reset their passwords when PSN is rebooted? Seems to me that the moment the system starts up again, it will be in it's most vulnerable state if account passwords are the same as they were before the shutdown.
Actually... it seems like anywhere Sony is directly involved the security is suspect.cjtiger300 said:But I forgot, Sony doesn't know anything about security.
Mr Solo Dolo said:Well the good news is no money has come out of my account, even better news it's payday today so i better spend those pennies before those dirty hacker scum spend it for me![]()
Trust me, with enough time and resources it could be hacked.Jburton said:Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups!
aaTey said:PS3: It only does giving away EVERYTHING
Yeah, that'll be the day I get pissed off at this shit. Not that my email address and all the info was already compromised with Best Buy hack, Gawker hack and more; but this is going to be the last straw as there is a lot more info to be dealt with here.gofreak said:Hmm. True.
I dunno though, there needs to be major suck-uppage after all this. Particularly, depending, on what happens next. For example, if everyones' data really did show up in a RAR file on a torrent site or something, I'd be an awful lot more pissed off than I am now.
This will probably be very time-intensive, but I hope THEY reset the passwords and email you your new one before PSN is turned on.
Reimbursing should be a given, not a nice offer. You're service may end up being down for 2 weeks, PR has been a nightmare, and they still don't know how much info was stolen. For as much ridicule as posters in the last thread like to throw around to those seen trading in their system to Gamestop or switching over to XBL. The bottom line is Sony lost a customer. I do believe a nice package would make it easier to shallow and jump back in, but most of the damage is already done. It's going take time, advertising, and some generosity on their part to repair most of this.chubigans said:They can seriously turn most of this around if they offer a nice package like
-1-2 months free PSN Plus
-1-2 months free Qriocity
-Free game
-$10 worth of PSN bucks
It would encourage people to use the PS Store again, reimburse Qriocity/Plus users and be a nice message of goodwill.
I still don't think they're going to do much of anything though.
durr herp derp herp, indeed.LordPhoque said:I was thinking of picking up MK9 on PS3 because of free online.
Yeaa right. XBL subscription renewed.
Rebel Leader said:Sony's stock went down early today... but slowly rising
LordPhoque said:I was thinking of picking up MK9 on PS3 because of free online.
Yeaa right. XBL subscription renewed.
When I think of security I think of Microsoft.LordPhoque said:I was thinking of picking up MK9 on PS3 because of free online.
Yeaa right. XBL subscription renewed.
Jburton said:They can't steal the Blu ray out of your machine!!
The downtime is a bitch, but I would not run out and spend more money because of it.
Seriously? A service dongle being stolen is what opened the door to hackers who tried for 4 years to hack the PS3 and your going to give IBM the credit?Psychotext said:Actually... it seems like anywhere Sony is directly involved the security is suspect.
PS3 was secure thanks to IBM, PS3 was broken wide open thanks to Sony's faulty key encryption methodology.
Hell, within this thread there's proof that Sony are still at it with the dodgy security (the logs on one of their servers were open for all the world to see).
cjtiger300 said:Trust me, with enough time and resources it could be hacked.
US military servers got breached and you think skilled hackers couldn't get into Live? Think again.
It's still easier to cancel a credit card (or to get a new one) than it is to remove it from Xbox Live.LordPhoque said:I was thinking of picking up MK9 on PS3 because of free online.
Yeaa right. XBL subscription renewed.
Projectjustice said:I got MK9 on Xbox and its great.
Yeah, I assumed sony could protect my personal information :/Jburton said:Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups!
Jburton said:Who said it wasn't?
Are people hearing things or seeing things that ain't there?
What the fuck? You would rather have cc details with MS than with no one? You do know you don't need to use a cc at all on PSN if you don't want? I get being angry and outraged, but shit like this makes no sense.LordPhoque said:I was thinking of picking up MK9 on PS3 because of free online.
Yeaa right. XBL subscription renewed.
People really think Sony will not recover. Smh.....npm0925 said:Sony dodged a bullet by not making the NGP download only a la the PSP-GO... that is if they can recover from this fiasco. Whoever is running their PR department needs to be fired immediately -- 1 week to get this message out is unacceptable. From now on I will be making all of my PSN purchases through Amazon download codes.
Good one! You should work for Sony's advertising team.aaTey said:PS3: It only does giving away EVERYTHING
Yeah my reply should have been to the other poster, my bad.Jburton said:I agree with you.
The other guy's assumption that Live is hack proof is what my quoted post relates to.
cjtiger300 said:People really think Sony will not recover. Smh.....