dark10x said:
So are people really upset at Sony for this? It has always seemed to me that no matter how secure you think your system is there is always someone that can break that security.
I'm pissed at those responsible for this in the first place. I seriously hope some arrests are made at some point in the future.
Well, hackers are criminals, there will always be criminals and there's very little to gain by getting upset at them - "Ugh! Stop breaking the Law Or I'll... Oh, wait, you are already facing some serious charges". It doesn't quite have a sting to it when you're mad at people who are probably being pursued by the police and other agencies.
People trusted Sony with their info, they could've not given the info and used other methods to purchase stuff on PSN - but are we seriously going to blame people for this? Saving CC info is pretty common now, countless other companies hold CC info of their customers and seem to be able to protect it against these kind of attacks.
Maybe you're right, maybe these are svery good hackers, and Sony did in fact use every bit of reasonable tool they had to protect this info - But no one should have a single reason to give Sony the benefit of the doubt, other than crazy brand loyalty. I'll wait for whoever is going to investigate Sony on this to decide, but until then I'll chose the more reasonable "incompetence" option.
Yes, people are upset at Sony and has every bit of reason to be. If your bank was robbed tomorrow, wouldn't you be mad until every ounce of doubt about their security became clear to you?
Also, I expect Sony to offer a lot once PSN is back up, free everything they can. But that's hardly going to wipe this stain from consumers memory, this will haunt them for a while.
Kermit The Dog said:
How do we know if Live is hack-proof until someone tries? Obviously, Sony encountered some brilliant hackers with this PSN fiasco, but who's to say Live would withstand attack if a group of hackers really wanted in?
Nothing is hacker-proof, but it can be hard enough to not make it worthwhile - I have no doubt people try to hack XBL, iTunes, Amazon, banks etc. everyday. So far, Sony is the only one to fall in this magnitude - Maybe other will soon follow, maybe not.