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Re-posting the .gifs from last night because of the annoyance of having to call my bank to get a new bank card. Bite me Sony.

LordPhoque said:Yeah PSN hasn't been down for a week right ?
... Yes? They DO have all info. Credit card block/renewal is the first thing you should do, followed by password change.eravulgaris said:So is anyone as paranoid as a friend of mine to block his credit card? He read an article about the stolen info.
"Fuck. They have our personal info. I'm blocking my credit card."
eravulgaris said:So is anyone as paranoid as a friend of mine to block his credit card? He read an article about the stolen info.
"Fuck. They have our personal info. I'm blocking my credit card."
eravulgaris said:So is anyone as paranoid as a friend of mine to block his credit card? He read an article about the stolen info.
"Fuck. They have our personal info. I'm blocking my credit card."
The online / multiplayer portion is certainly going to take a hit. Seeing how Sony handled this mess does not inspire confidence in me to tie a new credit card to my PSN account when it comes back online.cjtiger300 said:People really think Sony will not recover. Smh.....
This.cjtiger300 said:People really think Sony will not recover. Smh.....
Yeah, evidently may have = does have to games.:/eravulgaris said:So is anyone as paranoid as a friend of mine to block his credit card? He read an article about the stolen info.
"Fuck. They have our personal info. I'm blocking my credit card."
Enco said:This.
Yes this is a huge mess but they won't be going out of business any time soon. Things will go back to normal in a few weeks when everyone has forgotten.
cjtiger300 said:This, nothing is truly hack proof. With enough time and resources anything can be hacked. It couldn't surprise me at all if someone took out a contract on PSN. It could be anyone, private party, business, crime organization or competitor. This shit happens all the time, plus we have no idea how much data was compromised. At least Sony was smart and brave enough to shut the system down.
Do you have any idea what happened with Sony's encryption key system? They made a mistake so basic (not using random numbers) that I would have been surprised to have seen a first year computer security student make it, let alone an expert.cjtiger300 said:So let me get this straight, IBM is responsible for the ps3 being secure, and now its Sony's fault for it nor being secure? You can't have it both ways, so in the end I guess IBM is the one with shitty security.
Well played, sir.RanoNL said:
gofreak said:This will probably be very time-intensive, but I hope THEY reset the passwords and email you your new one before PSN is turned on.
npm0925 said:The online / multiplayer portion is certainly going to take a hit. Seeing how Sony handled this mess does not inspire confidence in me to tie a new credit card to my PSN account when it comes back online.
If there was even a remote possibility, then they should have said so as fast as possible. As it is, they have an additional PR nightmare to deal with.MoneyLaunderer said:I keep seeing people talk about how they're pissed Sony didn't come out day one and say info was stolen. Did these people read where Sony learned there was a breach, shut the servers down when they learned of the breach, _investigated_ the breach with an outside agency to determine what happened, then released what they learned when they learned it? I'm not mad at Sony for taking 7 days to say what happened because they wanted to be sure of what happened and not jump to conclusions. Why would they come out and say people's info got stolen if they weren't sure? That would piss people off just as much by having them unnecessarily change account info/CC info. IMO, Sony took the right steps in determining what happened and then releasing that info to their customers. If they jumped the gun it could have been worse.
don't know which is more fun... removing a cc from xbl, or un-nuking your account after XBL fails to renew your Gold membership when you want to drop down to Silver......snap0212 said:It's still easier to cancel a credit card (or to get a new one) than it is to remove it from Xbox Live.
every single PR firm in the world will tell you the EXACT opposite of what you just said, and frankly as it's their jobs, they're right and you are wrong.Havok said:If there was even a remote possibility, then they should have said so as fast as possible. As it is, they have an additional PR nightmare to deal with.
Crackers said:Sending passwords over email wouldn't be sensible. Hopefully they can force users to change their password on log in though.
Yup im sure that Nintendo and Microsoft will check all their security systems now.chubigans said:I'm not sure why Xbox Live security is being called into question at this point. If anything this incident may have inspired them to beef up background security a bit.
neorej said:I think it was Houdini who said "a lock made by men, can be defeated by men."
Nothing is 100% safe. If hackers want in, they will get in.
Jburton said:No need for a credit card for online/multiplayer.
The same people who played online using PSN last week, will nearly all be back playing next week.
A lot of people in this thread need to take a step back, calm down, forget about the trendy hate and if they are unsure of security in relation to PSN to just use PSN cards.
Leads? Yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts! :loljmdajr said:Any leads on who is behind this?
The majority of people will just be happy psn is back up and it will be business as usual. That's just the truth. The second a map pack for COD comes out, millions of people will put in the cc info and not even think about this. Memories are short these days you know.npm0925 said:The online / multiplayer portion is certainly going to take a hit. Seeing how Sony handled this mess does not inspire confidence in me to tie a new credit card to my PSN account when it comes back online.
Thought it was the brother?Jburton said:Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups!
LordPhoque said:I was thinking of picking up MK9 on PS3 because of free online.
Yeaa right. XBL subscription renewed.
eravulgaris said:So is anyone as paranoid as a friend of mine to block his credit card? He read an article about the stolen info.
"Fuck. They have our personal info. I'm blocking my credit card."
shagg_187 said:Leads? Yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts! :lol
Leads! :lol
TTP said:They can't send passwords over email because many PSN users simply put fake email addresses in there.
cjtiger300 said:Yeah, evidently may have = does have to games.:/
darkwing said:who would want to buy from a company that was hacked?
darkwing said:who would want to buy from a company that was hacked?
Dead Man said:What the fuck? You would rather have cc details with MS than with no one? You do know you don't need to use a cc at all on PSN if you don't want? I get being angry and outraged, but shit like this makes no sense.
*an certain amount of time after*djtiesto said:Holy shit, this sucks... time to cancel my debit/ATM card. Will never complain about paying for XBL again...
Fucking A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9CynvMlFyojmdajr said:Thanks Funny man.
dude said:Yes, people are upset at Sony and has every bit of reason to be. If your bank was robbed tomorrow, wouldn't you be mad until every ounce of doubt about their security became clear to you?
shagg_187 said:Leads? Yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts! :lol
Leads! :lol
Do I really need to put up a list of Huge companies that have had data leaks and are still around and just as strong as before? I would be willing to bet you still do business with some of them.darkwing said:who would want to buy from a company that was hacked?
Projectjustice said:Ive had CC details with MS for 8 years and never had a problem.
DrForester said:
Jburton said:Good! ........ tell me this, have you ever had a CC linked to PSN?
Cheech said:Yeah, that $350 PSP2 lost a lot of lustre this week. Sony can keep it.